Sahovan buddies and all those with work orders... If you'd like to plot and investigate this season Im going to try to open myself to more threads with PCs. Im forcing myself to have more time for Rayage this season, and so will be more active than I have ever been in a long time. Im starting new threads and going to try to blaze through old active ones (with players who are still present).
MY mission this season is to complete all of Sahovas seasonal challenges. Those who wish to help, or perhaps complete a challenge or two with me, PM me and we can discuss very cool plot alternatives.
Those who would be interested in 'group threads' (more than just Ray and one other person) I would be interested in coming up with some kind of adventure we all can enjoy. Its been a while since Ive had a good group thread, and am very interested in the dynamics of it all. Those interested, talk amongst yourselves, and send a PM to me and another interested person(s).
Sahova needs plots and activity beyond just our experimentation threads.
We can make that happen as PCs, and as PCs it is our job to build plot for our city. Lets help out the mods and create wonderful twist, filled plots filled with self-moderation! (Everything will be ran past an ST though if I deem it a bit 'out there') So... Let the PMs FLY for the new season.
All those with existing plots/threads with me Ill get to you as soon as I can. As Ive explained before, my schedule is a bit tight, but Im going to throw in at least a half an hour to an hour of just 'writing time' when I get home from work now. So instead of getting rather sporadic replies from me on my random days off, you will (hopefully) be getting some throughout the week as well.
Im excited for this new season and hope you all are too!