Greetings Sahovans!
Alright there are some significant changes going in this season. Before I get into those I would like to
link you all to the new WIzard's Compendium for Sahova. This thread consolidates the Atlas, Link map, and read me all into one thread. All of the changes I am about to discuss are fully outlined within the compendium, so I will only go over them briefly. The two biggest changes are grants and living expenses.
Mirage and I worked together to create a new wage system within Sahova, so grants are out. Instead each wizard will receive a wage just as the price list would demand. Apprentices, Wizards, and Masters now will all receive wages. If you are any of these three ranks please post in the Grade/Mod Request thread with your rank and field of magic you were judged based on.
Of course, now that PCs are making money they must now pay seasonal expenses. No one Sahova lives at less that common (135 gm/season) except for slaves who may live at 45gm/season at minimum. Let's be clear a mage's wages are enormous, there is absolutely no excuse for not paying this paltry sum to survive. Having said that Pulsers still received limited food, consider that the food is much more in demand and therefore rarer than in a city of living people where common living would mean well fed.
Now there are a number of restrictions around living expenses on Sahova. Mirage and I have decided that due to the thread work required to become a wizard the space will be lent from Sahova free of charge. There is a stupilation here, lab spaces are offered in three basic sizes. The small lab requires that you pay common living expenses and it may not house any apprentices. The Medium lab may fit 3 or fewer apprentices and the presiding mage. The medium lab requires that the mage live at a good standard of living. The large lab is big enough to hold any number of apprentices (within reason), but requires the mage to pay exquisite standard of living.
So while the spaces are free, nothing within the rooms are free. When a wizard first receives their lab they are allowed to take out a loan to furnish their lab. This loan can only be negotiated once, so plan well. No further loans will be granted until the initial loan is paid off.
There are upsides to this change though beyond the wages. The Syncrograph office will once again be open to all peoples on Sahova. The stipulation here is that there will be a tax each time money passes through the office. For residents of Sahova this tax is 3% of the total transaction, for visitors it is 5%.
If examples would be helpful I can construct a few so clarify. I believe this sort overview covers the changes, but I am open to any and all questions. So please ask away.