Summer 61st Thunder rolled overhead, but its attempt to terrify the plains was lost in the pouring rain. Sheets of black beat the ground endlessly, drenching anything and everything they toughed. Anything that breathed had taken shelter beneath whatever they could find to escape the sky’s assault, unwilling to take the violent pounding. The hunter woke as his shelter shifted. Tucked away in the corner of his cave, he was safe from the rain and thought of nothing but of how damp it would be in the morning. His makeshift home was shielded by a small bulge in the wall, so whatever stray mist was made by the fractured water had no hope of reaching him. The nest in which he was embedded was little more than a collection of cloth piled into a small mountain and burrowed into. Some was soft, some was tough but all was warm. Akaidras stood a few paces away, still and silent. He might have or might not have been sleeping, but the man gave little care. His horse could take care of himself. The man shuddered back into place, then closed his eyes to drift back to sleep. He was disturbed by a bright flash of white as lightning struck the outer rim of the crater, and a heartbeat later the air was shaken by a roll of thunder that sounded like a cliff shattering in two. Akaidras shied away with a startled neigh, but nothing else followed the sudden destruction of the peace. After a few moments, the horse pranced closer to his rider nervously, eyeing the entrance to the cave with distrust. After much circling and deliberation, the horse knelt, then lay his great body down to encircle the pile of cloth. Just as disconcerted as his horse, the man shifted closer to the horse’s stomach, watching the roaring rain with wide eyes. |