OOCThis is not really related to the previous linked story, but the items experimented on were gained from it linked from Here
Summer 46, 512
After finishing his confirmation assignment for the boatmen, Inoadar returned to his room at Tarsin's. Getting no indication of any messages or visitors, he slipped up to his room and opened up the strange wet bag he had stolen from the little boat at the pier. He had done his best to keep it wet, since he suspected it contained fish of some kind. many forms of sea life had poisoncrafter applications and when he saw that the bag contained eels, he proceeded to set up his portable lab.
Not all the eels looked the same. he was primarily interested in those that were considered "Ravokian" eels. They were a species found ONLY in Ravok's lake. There were clearly three different types in the bag. He didn't know if the "Ravokian" type were likely to be the more, or less, numerous. Simply being unique and indigenous did not imply dominance of their domain.
The inside of the bag was slimy and he did his best to scrape the slime off and divide it into three small portions, one each into a vial or lab dish. This would be the first task, to test the overall collection of slime for ANY effect. It would be a diluted effect, no doubt, since at best, only a third of it would contain matter that had any application, if at all.
He added water to one and set it to boil until it was dry. There was a powdery stain, which he scraped up and set aside. To the next, he added a dyed enzyme to and set it in his hand cranked centrifuge. He spun the thing to near exhaustion, but, when he stopped, there was no separation beyond the slime and the dye, there had been no reaction. he poured out the dye, as best he could, wasting only a small portion of the slime in an effort to be sure all the enzyme was removed. He repeated this action a few times with various acids and proteins until there was nothing left to work with, all with no effect.
Frustrated, he turned to his last sample. He decided to do something with it before testing the effects of the powder from the first working. Through taste, ingestion or injection, he might discover something, but by then, his last sample might have gone bad. This he simply heated to dry and then scraped the small rubbery mass onto a small screen and set in directly on the burner flame.
A little at a time, he allowed it to burn, and inhaled the vapors. There was no effect at first. Then, slowly, as the last bit was reduced to ash he began to perceive his wits sharpening. They grew more intuitive and snippets of the texts he had read came rushing back to him. How it was the mucus, not the external slime that held the properties he sought. How crafters used tobacco leaves to soak up the mucus from the eels mouth, how it not only triggered the release of the mucus, but, when dried, it was then already in a medium conducive to inhaling. Of course! It made such obvious sense! He needed to get some tobacco, right now!