1st Day of Autumn, 512 AV Last night, Tock and her friend Bones had gone out hunting. They had come back with a live wolf for Tock to study, along with two dead ones for her to dissect. For now, the live wolf was in a wooden cage she’d built, which was sitting in the new shed she’d constructed on the side of her house. The dead wolves were sitting on the floor of the shed, waiting to be sliced open. She opened the door to the new shed, and was greeted by the growling and snapping of the wolf. It didn’t seem to like the cramped cage. At only six feet wide, there was barely enough room for it to pace back and forth, glaring at her with its golden eyes. Surely it would attack her if she let it get free. “Aww, quit’cher whinin’,” she told it, stepping into the shed and kneeling down to examine the two fresh kills. They were stiff, their fur matted with dried blood from when Bones had struck them down. She needed to get to work on them right away, today, before too much decay started to set in. She heard the growling start up again, and glanced up at the wolf. “Ya ‘ungry?” she asked it. She returned to the house, and came back with some water and a few pieces of fish. She slipped the fish through the cage bars, snatching her fingers back before the wolf could try to bite them off. Then she poured some water into the dish she’d set inside the cage. With the wolf fed, she locked the shed back up and started making up a list of what she needed to get done today. She headed inside and looked around her cluttered home. She was completely out of space. There wasn’t enough room in here to set up a decent workbench for dissection. Not on top of the furniture, the stone statue, the Animation circles, and all of her babies. Sighing, she planted her fists on her hips, looked around, and declared to her children, “We needs a bigger place!” She headed outside and looked around. Her quaint little cottage was near the edge of the city, since a house on the outskirts was the only thing that had been available for her to buy when she got here. There was a fair amount of undeveloped land not far from her home. She looked it over, plotting out designs in her head, then gave a firm nod. She felt something nudge her ankle, and looked down to see Naily had followed her outside. She smiled at him and gestured to the location of her future labs and workshop. “Whaddya think, baby?” she asked him. “Mommy’s done gonna make us somethin’ bigger...” Naily leaned back to peer up at her with his little glass eyes, then spun his wheel, the motion the closest mimickry he could perform of a puppy scratching behind his ear. Tock grinned, taking the motion as an affirmative one. She made her baby go back inside, and headed back down to Stampy Guy’s office. She couldn’t remember his name, but he had handled her paperwork the last time she had needed something done. She walked right up to the desk, planted her hands on her hips, and declared quite loudly, “I wanna buys me some land!” *** A short time later, Tock left the Lord of Council's Office, less a couple hundred mizas from her purse, but holding a freshly written and officially stamped deed. She made another stop on the way home, swinging by the general store for some much needed supplies. She got a nice new sharp knife for dissecting the wolves, a case of embalming materials, and a notebook to record all of her upcoming studies in. Then she swung by the Zeltivan Glassworks for a case of glass jars. She also told the kid on duty, she thought his name was Fogle, “Make sure ya done tell the Glassman, what as ‘is sis went an’ gots herself some proper land, aye? If’n ‘e wants a place ta stay an’ git outta ‘at shyte’ole apartment, I’s make ‘im a room...” She was sure she’d see Monty soon enough, but she hoped the kid would remember to relay the message. She also stopped by the library, picking up a few books on wolves, anatomy, dissection, embalming, and organ preservation. Everything she thought she might need to supplement her lack of knowledge. Then with her land and supplies purchased, she headed home to get started. Deed in hand, she looked the area over, carefully reading the specifics that denoted exactly where her new property extended to. She sucked on her teeth as she crouched at the edge, thinking things over. A little over a hundred feet down one cobblestone road, the length of which marked the front edge of the property. A little over a hundred feet back from the road, marking out a square plot one-quarter acre in size. Enough room for dozens of houses... or one really amazing and awesome magic workshop. She grinned wide. This was going to be a fun season. Ledger Receipts :
1/4 Acre of land (10,890 Square feet) -250 GM
Blank Book -3 GM 20 Glass Jars (1 GM each) -20GM Knife (For dissection) -5 SM Embalming Preservation Salts -10 GM Total -283 GM 5 SM |