13th of Fall, 511AV Four bells after midnight The gates surrounding the Nitrozian estate swung open with a loud clang. The sound of incoherent mumbling, and a good bit of drunken stumbling echoed throughout the empty courtyard. Volinir was late. Extremely late. Hilariously late. Almost six bells late, to be precise. He had originally planned to go to sleep at the bar and just get picked up, but eventually some semblance of reason told him that it would probably be better to go home himself, even if it was long after he should have. The Symenestra looked like a mess. Blood, both dried and not, coated his hair, front, and fingers. Just about every inch of him was soaked in beer and silver liquor, and a few blue bruises littered his body. His teeth were stained crimson, bits of gore were still stuck under his nails, and he still felt a faint burn in his ribs; registering pain wasn't an intoxicated person's strongest suit, and Volinir was no exception. As if showing up 'home' dead drunk in the middle of the night wasn't enough bad decision making for Volinir, he was still feeling rather rowdy from the brawl. Blood stained knuckles knocked loudly on the estate door, and the drunken slave barreled in without waiting for an answer, leaving a trail of red and silver on the carpet. "I'm back, meat!" he called unevenly in Symenos, "Now where's the nice man with the whip? I've got something to give him..." An already bad night was almost certainly about to get much, much worse. |