7 Fall, 512 Winding down, and down, and down, into the very heart – or some would say the bowels – of Wind Reach, Hess thought how odd life could be. One week you were stuck in a blizzard so high atop a mountain you could breath in the very clouds themselves. The next, you were back safe in the city, buried inside a mountain, heading out for a night of relaxation, recreation and celebration. What were they celebrating? The very same concept – of how life could literally turn upside down and it would seem the end had come, as it had two seasons ago, Spring 1. And yet here they were, most of them anyway. The city rebuilt. The Summer drawn to a close and food being laid in for the Winter ahead. That was reason enough to celebrate, wasn’t it? Life going on, no matter what the gods did, or nature, or other men. Hess was not of a philosophical turn of mind. Put a bow in his hand and he’d do his best to bring down some game and that was usually satisfaction enough for him. But tonight, tonight he felt that really, he did have quite a bit to celebrate – getting off that petching mountain alive, a certain redheaded young lady that might very well be at the Inclement Weather for this same celebration – just being walking and breathing, after falling off a petching eagle. Yeah, all good. The cavernous night spot was already quite crowded with Inarta of a similar mindset as himself. He hardly went ten feet at a time without bumping into someone he knew, but his target was the bar, and he didn’t slow down to say more than a friendly hello. He was looking for an empty seat and ready for a beer, and finally he spotted a section with a few seats that were yet unoccupied. As he drew close enough to put his hand on the back of one, he recognized the guy sitting two spots down. Sliding onto the stool and looking down the bar for Tom, or Tessa, he nodded amiably and said, “Niro, right? I’m Hess, in case you don’t remember.” The Avora hunters pretty much knew each other, by sight if not by being best buddies. Often there were planned hunts that gathered many of them together and they were sent off with partners or sometimes in small groups. They would come together to train the Yasi, or sometimes be paired up to take second seat with a wind eagle and their rider. That’s how Hess ended up getting dumped onto the side of that mountain two weeks back. Waiting patiently for service, Hess commented, “Petching packed in here tonight. I think I’ll order them two at a time.” Lifting his gaze again, Hess saw another bar fly, just on past Niro, but this one seemed a bit quiet and Hess didn’t recognize him at all*. Still, he threw up his scarred right hand and nodded affably all the same, giving him a friendly, “Hey.” *Shadow |