AppearanceRace: Isur.
Gender: Male.
Age: 39 years old.
Birthday: 474AV winter 47.
Birthplace: Unknown by the character.
Appearance: Bjanu does not look like a common isur. The most obvious of the difference is his build - he is skinny not muscular like
the rest of his kind. Even though in general isur already have pale skin, Bjanu's is distinctively paler, which makes the silvery
veins look darker and more contrasting. Both these traists makes him seem sickly in
the eyes of the other isur and childish in the eyes of most other races.
His heigh is about 1.46 meter (something about 4.8 feet) and weight surprisingly
much for his build - about 111 kilos (~244 pounds). His left arm is almost fully formed and has the color of darker shade of
grey. His hair are brown in color with a hint of red, which are a bit longer then the common isur way. They are long enought
to fall on the bony ridge and cover a bit of his dark green eyes.
If anyone would see Bjanu without his shirt they could easily notice plenty of stripe form scars on his back and
tiny round ones all around his neck.
Character Conceptlong years of isolation left Bjanu with little to none social skills. This often leads acward situations in everyday life.
TO avoid this the young isur tends to stay alone most of the time, to which he got used to long time ago. Therefore he
is rarely the person who initates a conversation. However he is glad to join one expecialy as a listener to statisfy his
newly awakened curriosity and curve for learning.
These two traits are also the result of the lack of contact with the outside world -witout formal education and comunication with others -
many things that are common to most are brand new to him, however he is eager to learn everything about them.
He also inherited dreamy and thoughful character of his grandfather, which sustains him in his solitude. On the other hand it
has to be said that, the loneliness had some effect on Bjanu - sometimes you can notice him talking out loud all alone.
With other isur he shares the virtue of patience - this person will remain rather calm and cold minded in most dangerous
situations. He will take the time and wait for opportunity to arrive. Becouse of that he might seem slow witted or unconfident.
aditionally to that he is remarkably stubborn and amphasis free will. while it seems rather nice it has it's minuses: becouse of stubborness it takes him long time
to admint his mistakes and try new approches to a problem.
His stubbon character and ave of free will with the mixture of the guts, which Bjanu sometimes has too much often leads to trouble expecialy with people
who has more power or authority. Bjanu is not an agressive type of person, so most of the time this trouble starts with defiance, defiance so stubborn
that it provokes almost anyone.
To sum it up Bjanu is a stuborn introvert, who doesnt lack the courage to stand for what he believes.
Character HistoryWhen Bjanu was still a child in the standars of isur he was living with with his grandfather and and few others in a small village hidden safely undergound
in one of the caves on a side of the mountain. The grandfather was the one who raised him since the times he doesn not remmember. All he was told was that
his parents was lost in a military conflic soon after his birth when isur had to run for their lifes. Sometimes he asked his grandfather to tell more about those days
but the old isur always found another, better thing for them to do. Saying "one day kid". However this day never came. Soon after Bjanu's 26th birthday
this part of life was ower.
The winter was harsh and hit everything under a thick layer of snow. Every day the animals drifted further away from the mountains in order to find food. it
would have not been a problem if isur had plenty of food, however the food supply was low and in order not to starve more food was required. So the hunters of the
village had to fallow the prey deeper and deeper to unfamiliar teritory. Untill the day when only one of the hunters returned. He was seriously hurt, there was a
big wound across his back. He spoke of beeings we have never heard before, of a night attack, attack from the skies and his lucky escape in the darkness. However it was
no lucky escape. The cunning creatures intentionaly let the hunter escape so they could fallow him to where he lives. Though these isur have never before encountered these
creatures, the creatures sure knew of what are isur and of what they are capable of. The next night the village was raided. The creatures happened to be zith slavers,
and they wanted to posses the quality of isurian workmanship. They killed those who tried to ressit and enslaved the rest. Bjanu's grandfather among the death ones as he
tried to protect his home and his granson.
the enslaved ones were taken to the closest zith settlement, where they have been separated and distributed to other. This way started the slavery of Bjanu which lasted
for 11 year. During this time he was chained to the seiling of his smithery, where he was forced to craft all kinds of objects for the ziths. Luckyly for him his grandfather
was a great smith and tought the young one the basics of the craft. With natural talent of isur and these basics skills he was able to some of what was required from him
but whenever ziths were disapointed of his work there were painful consencuences and even more whenever his Bjanu's defiance manifested.
The blacksmithing was not the only skill his grandfather tought the kid. A strange form of morphing magic was common in this community of isur. Considering the isurian
arm to be the greatest tool of all they dedicated their time to improve it. Thus they started using magic to shape their hands into variate of inanimate forms, ecspecialy
those of tools. Which enabled them to acomplish tasks previously imposible with their bare hands. The elderly isur introduce Bjanu to the bacis consepts of meditation and
morphism magic.
In secreacy, while his masters were asleep he practiced his skills. The advencement came slowly as there was noone to help him, to guide. The
constant exoustion and hunger even further deleyed him. However as the time passed he learned to shape the hand into different forms and even started to replicate the
simplier tools in his workshop.
During his enslavement he never stoped dreaming of freedom. He tried to escape milions of times but it always ended the same moment as it started. there was a necklase
with blades around his neck that was chained to the cailings of the workshop. The chains it self was of such high quality there was no way he could damage them with neiger
his hands or his tools. However an idea came to him: He could escape with the chains. - With his morphed hand managed to crumble tge binding of the chain in the ceilings.
After escaping the zith territory which involved, him fighing off a guard sent after him. He stumbled upon hunstmen who led him to Endrykas from where he found a job on a caravan to
LanguageFluent Language: Common, little writing skills.
Basic Language: Isur.
Poor Language: Bits of hearable zith.
SkillsSkill | EXP | Total | Proficiency |
meditation | # SP | 5 | novice |
morphing | # SP | 15 | Novice |
armorer | # SP | 10 | Novice |
blacksmith | # RB, # SP | 30 | Competent |
HELPFUL HINT, Please Remove - Common Skills: Trade skills related to Teaching, Magics, Shipworking, Merchants, Scribes)
Loreslore:tale of goldmincer.
legend of isurdian ore.
Possessions1 Set of Clothing
-Simple Shirt
-Simple Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Cloak or Coat
-Simple Boots
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Wood)
-Brush (Wood)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week's worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
100 Gold Mizas
Heirloom:Crude silver ring given by his granfather.(not sure on price. To anyone else it shoud not be worth more then 1gm,
as it don't attract the eye as accesory. However i am thinking of develophing ring too as character progress)
[b]Location: Zeltivia.
House: Cottage, roughly 20x20, includes a hearth, bunk, chest, chair, and table.
LedgerPurchase | Cost | Total |
Starting | +100 GM | 100 GM |