24th of Fall, 512 AV Caddy stepped into The Silver Sliver. Her breathe was immediately consumed with the residue of tobacco pipes. The first thing Caddy did, was assess what there was. It was a small tavern, and at this late at night, it was busy. The tables in the main floor were filled, and so was the bar. Barmaid's wove between the drunken men and women who cheerily talked nonsense to each other. Caddy in a tavern was a rare sight so the first thing Caddy did was assess the fortunes, out of habit. Mostly working class men, and a few woman occupied the room, noone had anything worth stealing. Caddy slipped past a Barmnaid. She lifted an unnoticed empty mug form the table beside her. As soon as the Barmaid passed, holding the tray a little higher than her head, but just below Caddy's, Caddy slipped the mug onto the tray and pulled a full one from the it. Caddy eyed the barmaid breifly, making sure she didn't notice the stealthy exchange. Caddy glanced in the mug breifly, smiling at the very alcoholic Silver Sliver sloshing in the cup. She then turned walked towards the bar. A drunk man slumped in the very corner, swirling his fingers in the silver liquid that he had spilled on the counter. He held his head low, and his shoulders slumped in an obviously depressed way. Caddy could see his mouth moving as he kept mumbling 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry''. Walking up to him, Caddy swiped her foot under the chair, making it wobble. The man looked at her. "Your wife wants you home, she says she knows you didn't mean to." Caddy said, holding her eyes level with his. The man's eyes widened, taking in her multicolored iris's. "How do'ya knnoooow 'bout m'wife?" The man slurred not taking his eyes off of hers. "I know things." Caddy said, inwardly patting herself on the back. She was glad her little stunt worked. "A-are'ya a . . . wisshh . . .?" The man slurred, already preparing to stand up, as he placed some coins on the table. "Sure, you could say that." Caddy muttered, watching his stumble away in fear. Sitting down at his now warm stool, caddy started to sip her Silver Sliver, closing her eyes at the alcoholic bevrage went down. She hated the mockery, fear and stares she got form her eyes. Opening them, she caught the eyes of a bartender who had been watching her. Perfect. She thought, downing another drink. Apparently her mood was letting observations slip her mind. |