[Jo's Scrapbook] Do I Dare Disturb The Universe?

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[Jo's Scrapbook] Do I Dare Disturb The Universe?

Postby Johanne on September 7th, 2012, 10:37 am

(I think I made you up inside my head.)
Sylvia Plath


I'm very new to the site, but I adore the world and community already. In this scrapbook, there will be thoughts on Mizahar, on characters, on writing, on living and just silly little things that make me smile. Feel free to stop by and get to know me more.

About Me
  • I'm twenty years old.
  • I was born on the fifth of January.
  • I live in Sydney, Australia.
  • I'm a literature major at university.
  • I write poetry and short stories on a writing blog, and have had pieces published in various journals.
  • I enjoy lying in bed, reading novels and watching terrible reality TV shows.
  • I adore hugs from my cat, and warm cups of tea.
  • My boyfriend is Argentinian and looks like Che Guevara.
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[Jo's Scrapbook] Do I Dare Disturb The Universe?

Postby Liminal on September 7th, 2012, 6:11 pm

Anyone starting out with a Prufrock quote gets an automatic big smile from me. ^______^ Welcome!
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[Jo's Scrapbook] Do I Dare Disturb The Universe?

Postby Gossamer on September 7th, 2012, 7:39 pm

You've been here like 5 minutes, and everyone already loves you already! :) Welcome to Scrapbooking. May yours be filled with wonderful things.
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[Jo's Scrapbook] Do I Dare Disturb The Universe?

Postby Johanne on September 8th, 2012, 2:40 am

Liminal, Prufrock was the first poem I read and adored. It changed the way I view poetry, really. I adore Eliot. And thank you, both of you, for the very kind welcome.

On Humanity in a Fantasy Realm, and the Beauty in Inhumanity

I read a lot of the lore before I joined Mizahar. I looked at the forums, read threads in certain cities (most cities, actually), and read every single one of the race articles and city articles before I finally typed in a username and signed up for good. Even when I joined, I had no clear character concept, no race in mind, no city that I wanted to start in. I was simply enamoured of the expanse and thought that had gone into the concept of Mizahar, the intricacies and little details that make it such a solid world to play in. Those who were in Chat know that I changed my name ... about four times (from Meyasi, to Himneska, to Vona and finally to Johanne) before I settled on a final concept. I started off as a Chaktawe, but wasn't at all settled on that concept, before I turned Jo into one of the most popular races not only here, but in fantasy literature as a whole - a human.

Don't get me wrong, I know I'm only new here, but I am very very excited to play Jo's humanity to her fullest extent. I think for someone starting out in such an alien world as Mizahar, something so original and different, human is the very easy choice to make. We know how they think, feel, move. We know how their bones click together, what their thought processes are. As a writer of novellas and short stories, I always write within a modern day context, never veering off into fantasy. Humanity is what we know best, it is what we are surrounded with every day of our lives. We know them. They're easy to grasp but so unpredictable. They're fun to play with their ambitions and drive. That's why I think human is often the obvious choice to make.

I think in a fantasy world, even being a human is unprecedented and exciting. Whilst their physical and psychological make up may be known to us, we're thrusting these human characters into a world we know nothing about, haven't experienced in any way save through words on a screen (and it's a testament to the Lore, that these words are so immersive). That's what is exciting about being a human in a fantasy world. We don't know how they'll interact with a world so different, so infused with magic and strange places. We're questioning our humanity by contrasting them with everything inhuman.

But in reading the Lore, it was not the human race that stood out to me the most. There were three races that made my heart skip a beat, with their strangeness and beauty and pure fantastical nature. They were the Akvatari, the Ethaefal and the Symenestra. And from what I gather, they're a little bit rare, both IC and OOC, and a little bit special. The Ethaefal are these ethereal beings, with an identity in flux and separated from everything dear to them. The Symenestra wrestle every day with their own fragility and yet fierce drive to survive, to continue their race. And the Akvatari... I can't really describe how much I love the Akvatari. They are so very strange, with their wings and fur seal tails, and with their melancholia and need to create to bring meaning to their sudden existence. They have no connection to the cataclysm that has shaped meaning for the rest of the world, and so are set adrift in a world which is struggling to survive in the aftermath of an event the Akvatari have no first hand understanding of. They're strange, beautiful and I gather there's not a single active player of the Akvatari race.

Maybe if I stick around long enough, and progress Jo from an archetype to a living breathing being, I'll move onto the Akvatari. Try to breathe some life into them. (Because I think they're too wonderful to go unplayed.)

I am not criticising those who choose human without a second thought. I chose human, too. I adore this race we love and despise in a self-loathing kind of way. But I think if we're roleplaying in a fantasy world, you can take a leap, discover something you never knew, mess up along the way as you completely massacre the original meaning and intent for the race, and then redeem yourself by playing with a human integrity a race that is not human in the least.

"Deep rivers run quiet."
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[Jo's Scrapbook] Do I Dare Disturb The Universe?

Postby Saphtir on September 8th, 2012, 3:00 am

There is actually at least one Akvatari player *raises hand*.

This character is fairly new though. I've only completed two threads with her so far (since my other character absorbs most of my time). But I am finding them to be a fascinating race to explore. The melancholy in her songs (I've written an original song for each of my two threads so far, and plan to continue), the physical differences, and the outlook are proving interesting to explore. There's a lot of things I want to explore that I simply haven't had time for yet. But so far, it's been really interesting dealing with the physical limitations of movement on land, and how the structures built by other races don't really accomodate Akvatari very well.

Hopefully when I get time for more threads with her, I'll be able to delve into some of the other concepts. And if you do decide to make an Akvatari as well, I'd be very interested in having them meet (though from what I understand, the Akvatari homeland of Abura is a closed zone, so I'm not sure if it's even allowed for flashbacks right now? I'd have to ask someone in charge).

And to continue your point about the "human perspective," another interesting point I find can be how a human's viewpoint can change based on things like magic. Adding powers like that to an otherwise ordinary human being makes them not so ordinary at all. I find that adds a lot of other depths that can be explored.

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[Jo's Scrapbook] Do I Dare Disturb The Universe?

Postby Trista on September 8th, 2012, 4:49 am

*also raises hand*

I think I'm the oldest active Akvatari player, though "active" lately has tended to mean about a thread per season. I love them too!
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[Jo's Scrapbook] Do I Dare Disturb The Universe?

Postby Johanne on September 11th, 2012, 1:53 am

Tabarnac just posted a link to a personality test in his Scrapbook. I enjoy taking these sorts of tests, I think they're very helpful in determining the depths and breadths of a character. I think in a place where we roleplay, it can be very helpful to contrast your character to yourself. No matter how much of ourselves we put into our characters, remember that we're still separate people, and will react differently - no matter how slightly.

  • 40% Compliance
  • 36% Steadiness
  • 16% Influence
  • 8% Dominance
"You are conscientiousness, diligent and pay attention to detail.
You constantly strive for accuracy and high standards.
You have an inner drive to be systematic and precise in all that you do.
You are a natural choice for work that requires attention to detail and accuracy."

Johanne tends to want peace and harmony. She prefers to let others initiate action and resolves problems, and she is quiet and indirect in her approach to most situations. She is generally well liked as a result of her mild and gentle nature, and can be seen as patient, calm, thoughtful and a good listener. She is socially passive, and tends to take little at face value. She has a high willingness to help others, particularly friends of hers. She is peaceful and adaptable, and has high acceptance of rules and regulations.

“I am a lover without a lover. I am lovely and lonely and I belong deeply to myself.”
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[Jo's Scrapbook] Do I Dare Disturb The Universe?

Postby Johanne on September 12th, 2012, 5:35 am

Poetry I Adore


your tongue in my ear
pink and mauve and the shape of
a silverfish - a pack of Camels (three
missing), eleven novels, a hazy white
light coming from the window, I turn
and whimper, four fingers playing Chopin
in the small of my back - a silky tongue and
wind coming from the open back-door and bees
coming from the open attic and I think you whisper
something but everything is falling asleep -

“For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.”
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[Jo's Scrapbook] Do I Dare Disturb The Universe?

Postby Naeya on September 13th, 2012, 5:45 am

From one Rumi lover to another:


By the way, I really admire your scrap. It's so beautiful, and everything you post makes me smile or think deeply (usually both).

I also love reading the quotes you post. I'm a big fan of Murakami in particular, so it was wonderful to see him pop up here.
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[Jo's Scrapbook] Do I Dare Disturb The Universe?

Postby Johanne on September 17th, 2012, 12:56 pm

I am in fact still alive and well. I am incredibly hectic in the real world right now; pulled left, right and centre to deliver certain deadlines and fulfil the expectations placed upon me. I just wanted to let you all know that I do still very much intend to develop Jo on Mizahar, once my world settles down a little. Everyone, be well, stay sane and write your hearts.

- Jo. x


"I'm trying."
"Trying what?"
"Trying to be."

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, Jonathan Safran Foer
“For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.”
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