I Somehow Find, You And I Collide (Orion)

Desperate times call for desperate measures, even to the point of asking for help from one you had planned on never seeing again

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I Somehow Find, You And I Collide (Orion)

Postby Basha'ir on September 9th, 2012, 3:50 pm

Fall 15, 512 A.V.

The note was in a neat, curving hand and the words were succinct.

Orion, please come as soon as you can. I have dire need of your medical skills.

And it was signed in a slightly larger, rounder script: Basha’ir

The young urchin who had handed the doctor the note looked at him expectantly. He had already given his rehearsed speech upon arrival at the Spa, whilst handing over the scrap of paper:

“This note is from a friend. She said to give it to you and I was to wait for a reply. If you will come, I’ll show you the way.”

Now the brown haired, freckled faced boy shifted his weight from one foot to the other, and scratched his ear.

Though unscripted, the boy improvised his own appeal, in case the man before him was unmoved by the words that the child himself could not read, being illiterate. But he knew the gist of the note. “She’s real sick, sir. Please, if you can, come straightway. She’s burning up with a fever.”

The high pitched voice held the plaintiff note of the young who are faced with the uncertainty of illness. His eyes were beseeching. Clearly, the sick one meant something to him, and he was fearful. That much was abundantly clear.
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I Somehow Find, You And I Collide (Orion)

Postby Orion Michaels on September 9th, 2012, 6:01 pm

Orion, Day of Fall 15, 512 AV

The Soothing Waters Bath hadn't had too busy of a day for the doctor. An occasional bump, a small cut, but nothing he'd needed to be concerned about. All he could dream of was his day finishing up and heading out for another night on the town. The alcohol called to him, as did sweaty sheets, but the appearance of a small boy in his office changed it all.

Well, there went the dull bit. A tiny tot had made his way into the Soothing Waters to find him, a note in hand. Wondering what it could be, Orion grabbed the note and read it over, a frown quickly spreading across his face. "Hmm..." Basha'ir. A name he'd hoped to forget. A few drinks and some loose women ought to have done the trick, but here Orion found himself in a predicament he'd wished to avoid. That woman had a way of reappearing in his life, and this time he was less than happy.

Sighing, the doctor looked down to the little courier. "Calm down, kid. I'm coming." If Basha'ir were sick, then no wonder she would come to him. She probably wouldn't know any other doctors at this point, so why not ask the man who was ready to give you the romping of your life a few short weeks ago. Orion shook his head. Fevers could make people do stupid things.

He grabbed up his healer's kit and a pulled on his coat. A fever, huh? If that was it, it should be simple enough to treat. "Lead on, little one. We'll take care of her, alright? No worries." Orion gave a half smile, wishing he could just change his mind and leave her be. At least no worries for you, kid. But that just wasn't an option.

Last edited by Orion Michaels on September 10th, 2012, 3:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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I Somehow Find, You And I Collide (Orion)

Postby Basha'ir on September 10th, 2012, 2:35 pm

If she had not been tied to the narrow bed with worry, Basha’ir would have been pacing the floor of the tiny room with a nervous excess of anxiety. As it was, her hand held a wet cloth to the little girls’ forehead, and she bent over the child, hovering, watching her every labored breath. It had started as a simple cold, or so Basha’ir had thought. But what had been a stuffed up nose and a troublesome cough two days ago had transmogrified into some virulent, malicious illness that had laid ahold of Nondi and now had her burning with a fever and limp with the fatigue of the very, very sick. The girl’s breath came rapidly and shallow, her little chest fluttering up and down. Her cheeks were flushed a dull red, her body hot and dry. She was so ill that she did not even toss and turn, did not whimper, did not complain as she had the day before of a sharp pain in her throat when she tried to swallow. She would not, or could not, eat or even sip on the water Basha’ir tried to coax into her. Besides the cloth on the child’s head, the young woman had taken to dipping another one in cool water and rubbing it up and down the little girl’s arms, her neck, her chest. She was desperate to cool the fire that raged in the tiny body, and with every footfall outside her door, she started, looking over her shoulder, hoping that it was him.

If she could have, she would have trundled Nondi off to the Spa and sought out Orion’s help there. But she was fearful of people seeing her carrying an obviously very sick child and possibly diverting her somewhere else. Illness in a tightly packed city like Syliras could so quickly get out of control. In Ravok, Basha’ir knew that a child of the streets such as Nondi would have been summarily dispatched if the Ebonstryfe believed that she posed a public health hazard. The knights here professed to be more noble than that, but Basha’ir wondered. Men were man and if they thought this child was a danger, well…many would have no compunction with doing the same sort of dispatching here just as they would in Ravok. Or at least that was her fear. When it seemed clear that the child would need a doctor, there had been only one person that had leapt to Basha'ir's mind, of course. There was no hesitation, no consideration of the awkward and acrimonious nature of their last face to face. Any reluctance that she might feel over seeing Orion again gave way completely in the face of Nondi's more pressing need.

So she had sent the neighbor’s son, the youngest child of the woman whom Basha’ir was now paying to watch the little girl when she was at work. Carefully she had instructed him where to go, who to ask for, as she handed him the note she had hastily written. Her first master had taken pains to see that she was taught to read and write, in furtherance of her role as spy to his rivals. Keeping the note brief, she had signed her name wondering if he would come in response to her summons. Some men might be too spiteful, but she thought Orion was not that type. She hoped that he was not.

And so she waited, and finally heard more footsteps which stopped, and then the latch of the unlocked door lifting. She was already rising, stepping the few paces to the door her hands outstretched in supplication.

“Orion, thank the gods you are here!” she exclaimed softly, looking at him with grateful relief etched in her expression, whatever lay as a barrier between them forgotten, for the moment.
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I Somehow Find, You And I Collide (Orion)

Postby Orion Michaels on September 10th, 2012, 4:11 pm

Orion, Day of Fall 15, 512 AV

The boy had moved with haste, leading him quickly from the Soothing Waters and off deep into the long rows of apartments. The child was insistent that he hurry, going on and on about how sick she was. Orion was unsure of what to say. If she was sick, he would need to treat her. Hopefully it wouldn't take much and they could just deal with the fever and he could be on his way. He had figured it wouldn't be too likely that was the case. For her to send him a note like that, chances are things were much worse than he'd imagined. Sighing, he prepared himself mentally for what was likely to be a trying period of time. He could feel his throat tightening as he approached the door, his pulse quickening, and his mouth drying out. Basha....

His hand trembled as he swallowed deeply and painfully, the young man grabbing the handle and opening the door with the young boy nearly pushing him through the door. After but a few moments he found himself surprisingly face to face with Basha'ir. His words failed him as his brilliant blue eyes locked once again on her dark green ones. He'd thought she was sick, but she looked, well, as beautiful as she had each time he'd been with her. He could feel the frustration of their last encounters welling up, but they were quite numb compared to the anger he felt at the time. With a couple dozen days passing between their previous meeting and now, time had done some of its work.

"Orion, thank the gods you are here!"

Not the welcome he'd expected, and he stood there for a moment just watching her. She was genuinely happy to see him. He very nearly reached out and touched her cheek there, but his eyes caught sight of the real purpose of his summons. Without saying a word to the dark haired wonder, he pushed past her, kneeling down beside the young girl. Bags set beside him, he put his hand to her forehead. She's burning up. There's only so much I can do. Recalling his training, fevers weren't actually something that people 'got' so to speak. Someone wasn't sick because they had a fever. The fever was actually quiet important because it was both a sign of an actual illness and the body's way of fighting off whatever the real culprit was. By raising the body temp, bacteria or viruses which needed certain environments to live in would be killed off. But the body can only take so much. We've gotta cool her down.

Orion turned to Basha'ir and spoke. "Basha'ir. Do you have anything large enough to act as a bath for her? We need to soak her in cold water. You...you had the right idea, but this fever is too high. And we need to get fluids in her. Come over here and help me hold her up." He tried to smile at her, but his mouth just wouldn't move. "Let's..get this over with."

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I Somehow Find, You And I Collide (Orion)

Postby Basha'ir on September 12th, 2012, 1:50 pm

There was no greeting in reply to hers, but Basha’ir was only happy and relieved to see Orion taking a quick assessment of what lay behind her, and moving past her and into action. Regardless of her efforts to be independent and self-sufficient, the young woman wasn’t silly enough to think that she could do it all, on her own. Nondi needed professional treatment, and she was so very grateful to have Orion here, taking charge, and acting as if he knew what he was doing. Unaware of whatever inner doubts assailed the young doctor, Basha’ir followed in his wake, to the bed, and looked over his shoulder as he made his rapid examination. His questions and then commands were clipped and underscored with urgency. Basha’ir’s stomach quivered. Having her fears confirmed was no real blessing. But she didn’t hesitate or question him, relying on his expertise to know what needed to be done.

Quickly, she slipped beside him to sit by the child’s head, sliding her arm under Nondi’s thin shoulders and raising the all-too-frail body up into a sitting position. She let the child’s torso rest against her own, using her hands to steady the lolling head. With a nod she indicated the almost full mug of water on the floor.

“I’ve tried to get her to drink, but…she’s just too sick, too weak. She complained of a very painful sore throat yesterday and last night. I…I don’t know if she can swallow.” Basha’ir spoke quietly, trying to keep the tremble of anxiety from her voice. Falling apart wouldn’t help a bit, she knew that.

With her hand on Nondi’s burning forehead, she pulled the little girl’s head back slightly, gently, and her other hand held the tiny lower jaw so the mouth was open a bit, to facilitate trying to get her to take some of the water.

“I don’t have a bath big enough for all of her. Just a basin for washing us up. That…that’s why I was at the spa, that day… to bathe.” It wasn’t the time to go into any of that, and she didn’t want to distract him with unpleasant memories. “Perhaps my neighbor has one.” She thought in a brief flash of the man who lived next door, and shuddered. He wasn’t the neighbor that she meant. “The woman who takes care of Nondi. I mean.” Here, she pressed a gentle kiss to the child’s hair. “It was her son that took the message to you, and brought you here.” Her eyes went to the doctor, a deep gratitude shining therein.

“Thank you for coming, Orion. Truly. I don’t know what I would have done otherwise.” She paused and then added. “I had thought to bring her to the spa, to you, but…I was scared. I thought if anyone saw us, they might…they might…take her. She’s so ill. What if someone finds out? Will…will the soldiers come and…you know….” Her voice had dropped so low it was little more than a whisper. “They wouldn’t dispose of her, Orion, would they? They would, if this was Ravok.”
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I Somehow Find, You And I Collide (Orion)

Postby Orion Michaels on September 15th, 2012, 12:00 am

Orion, Day of Fall 15, 512 AV

So she doesn't have anything. The doctor fought off a sigh, as he felt the young girl's head again. Still burning up. We'll need to get her out of her and to a cold bath. There isn't much more to do. Orion turned to look at Basha'ir as she began her words of gratitude. How could she go on like nothing had happened, the doctor had wondered. Maybe he wasn't anything more than a doctor to her now. He wasn't sure if he liked that thought or not, but maybe more importantly, who was this girl?

"Basha'ir," he began, a fake smile adorning his lips. "This isn't Ravok. I don't even know what goes on there, and it sounds awful. Yet, you need to remember that you're in Syliras." The young doctor shook his head before continuing. "The Knights are the protectors of this city, and it seems like they believe everyone has a use. They are exactly who you could go to in a situation like this."

Orion stood, looking at Basha'ir. "There might be slavers, rapists, murderers, and what not in Ravok. I don't even know. But at least here in Syliras, the worst thing you have to worry about is a lecherous doctor." His words held a bit of venom, but he left it at that. Leaning down, Orion wrapped the child in his arms and lifted her. "Basha. The spa is exactly where she needs to be." He motioned to his healer's kit. "Either grab the child or that, please. We've gotta get her there. An ice bath will help break this I'm sure."

The doctor began to walk towards the door before turning back and looking at his olive skinned companion. "Afterwards...let's.." Orion said, sighing. "Afterwards...let's talk?" It was all they could do. He didn't know what he wanted, but the way that day at the Weave went, he knew there was a serious need for some resolution. He hoped she wanted to figure things out, too.

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I Somehow Find, You And I Collide (Orion)

Postby Basha'ir on September 16th, 2012, 9:33 pm

She was far from convinced by Orion’s stout and unconditional endorsement of the Knights, but now was hardly the time for ideological discourse. Basha’ir kept any further reflections about the iron hand with which practically any city was ruled to herself, and even ignored his little cutting remark. She hadn’t meant to make his life difficult, and she still did not wish to. She just needed his help, and was grateful that he was willing to give it. So instead, she focused on his plan, and when he took Nondi into his arms, she released the child with a sense of relief. Orion seemed to be a competent doctor, and a caring person, from what little she knew of him. She could easily forgive his actions in the shop, for she understood his frustrations.

The young woman rose too, this time unencumbered with the swaddling cloth of veil and padmina. She reached for the bag he had brought, and nodded at him.

“Alright. I trust you Orion. I’m ready, right behind you.” She stepped towards the door, almost on his heels, but he paused and turned. His suggestion, about the two of them, was something she hadn’t expected. But she only nodded again.

“Yes, of course. As you wish. I…I think that’s a good idea.” Could he tell from her voice that she didn’t think that at all? How could they talk, when there were things about herself that she could not reveal, or that she did not wish to reveal? Well, first Nondi, and then, perhaps, she would think of something later. Her mind was too distracted, by the child’s illness, and by him.

She slipped by him and opened the door for him to pass through, and then followed him out of the little room. Hurrying, they passed through the streets in silence, a tiny moving island of quiet in a sea of milling humanity. As Orion had said, despite Basha’ir’s nervous glances, no knight moved to question them. Indeed, no-one bothered them at all, and soon they were at the spa. All she could do was follow him, to the place where he attended patients, and await his further orders.
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I Somehow Find, You And I Collide (Orion)

Postby Orion Michaels on September 17th, 2012, 1:07 am

Orion, Day of Fall 15, 512 AV

Arriving back at the Soothing Waters, Orion nodded for Basha to follow him into the back. There were a few empty tubs he could use to fill with cold water for the young girl. He would put her in it for ten to fifteen chimes at a time, then pull her out for five, repeating until the fever broke. Hopefully it breaks. "Here, you take her." Orion handed the young child over to Basha'ir so he could prepare the refreshing and hopefully healing bath.

"Just gotta get this filled up so we can put her in. There isn't much we can do besides try and keep her temperature down while her body fights off whatever illness she may be dealing with. The fever is the only symptom she is showing, so it's difficult for me to diagnose anything." The blue eyed man looked up at Basha'ir, then realizing truly her concern for this child. He took a deep breath and gave a half smile. "Try can calm down, Basha. She's gonna be okay. I....I'll do my best. Your trust isn't misplaced." Filling the tub with bucket after bucket of cool water, Orion again found himself in contemplation. What do I want to say to her? I suggested we talk. Do I apologize? Do I express again why I was so frustrated? I...I don't know what to do.

After the bath was filled Orion again nodded to Basha'ir, motioning to the tub. "We'll set her in there for a quarter a bell, and then remove her to ensure she doesn't catch cold." Aiding her in setting the girl down, Orion found his eyes once again fully appreciating the beauty he'd spent much time with only a handful of days ago. The fight seemed so stupid now that he thought about it. He'd just wanted to tease her a bit, get her worked up, and have a little fun when she got off work. Things hadn't gone that way at all. Had she shown her true self when she fired her barbs? Had I shown mine?

Once the child was resting in the cool waters, Orion focused his attention on his dark haired companion. His eyes darted all around her, too nervous for to allow them to settle. Am I ashamed? He wondered this every time memories of their time together stirred. "Basha...what happened?" He took a step closer to her, frowning. "Everything seemed like it was going perfect and..." The young doctor shook his head. "I crossed the line with my actions at your work, I know. But I...I didn't have a clue what you wanted, and it just got under my skin." Orion turned away from the beauty before him, clinching his fists into balls. It was difficult for him to express his thoughts, but he needed to, so at least he could have a clear mind and move on with his life. "Do you hate me for it?" he asked suddenly, surprising even himself. Do I really care what she thinks?

"Petch this, Basha. You really mess me up, you know that?" He let out a quiet chuckle, looking up at her for a moment before letting his gaze escape once again. "Yet here we are again, you listening patiently as I ramble along. I haven't been this confused by a woman in years."

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I Somehow Find, You And I Collide (Orion)

Postby Basha'ir on September 17th, 2012, 6:00 pm

She took the child back into her arms and waited as Orion filled the tub, her mind focused on Nondi, and her fears, and her hope that this would help reduce the fever. Once the bath was ready, she helped settle the limp little body into the cool water, propping the girl up against the end of the tub with her own arm acting as cushion for her shoulders and to keep her head out of the water. It was an awkward position, but the child was as limp as a noodle and seemed almost comatose. Basha’ir wouldn’t risk letting go of her and having her slip down. The water felt cold on her arm but she wouldn’t budge, not until Orion said that it was time to lift Nondi back out.

He stood beside the tub, on the far side, and silence hung between them for a few moments, as awkward as Basha’ir’s crooked position was hovering over the edge of the bath. Then he spoke, and it was, as she had known it would be, about them, if there even was a them. His eyes darted back and forth, stealing a look at her and then swiftly shifting away, underscoring the confusion she heard in his tone, and his words themselves. It made her heart ache, to know that she was the cause of his pain. It was the last thing she wanted. And she could cure it, she knew that she could, so easily. There was no impediment now, either. Theodoric was dead. It didn’t matter who she pleasured, did it? She could give Orion what he wanted, at least the part that involved simple physical lust, and then…what? Would that satisfy him? Would that put an end to his confusion, and his questions? Basha’ir knew that grappling with her in bed for a few hours wasn’t the extent of this man’s needs. Like most people, he was more layered than that. She couldn’t bring back his dead lover, or soothe that ache. She supposed she could divulge evety secret about herself that she had been trying to keep from him. But would that make him any happier? To know the life that she had led? To never know, if she lay tangled in his arms and legs, whether it was Orion that thrilled her and made her tremble and purr, or just her gnosis that was the source of her pleasure? Most men wouldn’t give a flying fig. But not Orion, right? He was different… she thought. But maybe she was wrong.

She did listen, in silence, as his words tumbled and fell and spun about them, and she waited until he seemed to pause for want of knowing what else he could say to her.

“No, I don’t hate you Orion,” she replied, her eyes fixed on the sick child. “You have done nothing worth my enmity.” Her free hand idly stroked a stray lock of wet hair from the little girl’s temple. “I’m sorry… about that day, in the shop. I…” What? Wanted to throw herself at him as much as he wanted to have her, right there, right then, twenty paces away from a customer and another clerk? She sighed, trying to find the right words to explain her inexplicable conflict.

“I was scared, Orion. I, I couldn’t just give myself to you.” As much as she had wanted to.

Her troubled gaze lifted to his handsome but puzzled features. “I’m sorry, if I hurt you. I know I angered you. I’m sorry. This is confusing for me too. I… I’ve never had choice in my life, Orion. Being a slave, you get used to just…doing. Whatever you are told, that’s what you do. I… I’ve never been allowed to like anyone, to choose who I want to be with, to say…no. And… yes, it’s complicated, as you say.”

Her voice trailed off and her eyes dropped again to the child’s flushed face. Her own face brightened with a pink suffusion of blood, and her voice was very low as she next spoke.

“I wasn’t allowed to choose, Orion. I was made to entertain whoever my master commanded me too. All my life, I have belonged to men, been commanded by men. I have only ever been valued for what I can provide, and the only thing I was ever trained to provide was…myself.”

She felt the tremble in her voice and the sting of salt in her eyes, and she breathed deeply, trying to collect herself. She would not wage war with tears! She didn’t want to be at odds with this attractive, kind, funny man. But she didn’t know how not to be. Unless she just caved. And that, in the end, would solve nothing.

“I don’t know what to do, Orion. I, I want you, in many of the same ways that you want me…I, I think.” She raised her eyes a bit, looking at him sorrowfully from under a thick fringe of lashes. “And that scares me. I don’t want to lose myself. I don’t want to lose this chance to find myself, me, Basha’ir. And I don’t want to be used any more. Not by any man. Not even you, Orion.”
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I Somehow Find, You And I Collide (Orion)

Postby Orion Michaels on September 18th, 2012, 1:05 am

Orion, Day of Fall 15, 512 AV

"I don't understand you, Basha," the doctor said sadly. "I just don't. You should hate me. You should at least be mad." It didn't make any sense to him. He could force himself on her at her place of work, and other than an off handed comment, nothing?" He crossed his arms, looking down at his woman of secrets. "I can't pretend to understand what you've gone though. I won't even try." The young doctor walked slowly around the tub as he spoke, each sentence slow to come, as though it was a must that he digest each fully before allowing them to fall on Basha'ir ears. "I didn't mean to scare you. I was just, I don't know....I was teasing. I was having fun," he admitted, a half sheepish grin coming over his face.

As he rounded the tub and was on the same side as her, the doctor took a knee beside her. "I've had all the choices in the world, Basha. I've made some wrong ones," he said, slowly nodding. "I think I got so upset because while what you said hurt, it wasn't exactly untrue." He tilted his head to the side slightly before continuing. "I...I just didn't really want to hear that from you. I didn't want you to find me disgusting." He let out a quiet chuckle, finally allowing his eyes to lock on hers. "But I really am just as awful as I said I was, are I not?" The doctor placed his hand on the girls forehead. Still hot, as expected. It wouldn't work this quickly, time was what it would take, and that held true for more than the fever.

"Basha'ir. Don't you remember what I said to you?" The young man bit his lower lip slightly, uncertainty shining through his eyes. "I...never stopped wanting to you know you, but..." he trailed off. He didn't want to finished the thought he was having. Just this short time back with her had stirred up those confusions and feelings he'd wanted to again hide away.

"I don't know. I'm me. I don't want to use you. I don't want to make you do anything. When I told you that I wanted to you know you, I told you if I said anything else, that was a lie. But if you don't know yourself. If you can't know yourself if I'm around, then I guess I'll just be your doctor who can come in when things are bad. Is that what you want?" The tone in his voice made it clear it wasn't his desire.

He allowed a small smile to spread across his lips. "All I remember is that I had a wonderful time with a beautiful, intelligent, witty, woman, and a intelligent, funny, handsome young doctor might have messed it up. But I guess that's who he is. He doesn't always think, and sometimes he acts on the first thing that comes to mind. Sometimes...no, always, really, he acts too fast. But that's who he is. And..." he paused, his voice barely audible as he spoke again. "he's sorry.."

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