Fall 9th, 512AV 22:20 Inclement Weather Life is...good. Life is floating. Life is pleasure. And women. Life is flight. Life is happiness. I feel like dancing. And singing. Sooooo freeeeee. No Mia around. So perfect! I can do whatever I want! Niro was nearly skipping along the dance floor of the Inclement Weather, fresh under the effects of a couple of strong drinks and even more Poppers. He was feeling basically perfect, as he should with a night all to himself. The addition of a feel good drug and the buzz of alcohol didn't hurt things, either. The club was fairly busy, which was all the redheaded teen could want. Patrons of the establishment were into the music hot and heavy, their bodies twisting and flailing to the music, grinding against one another in passion and inebriated joy. Niro simply felt like he was spinning gracefully amongst them, the drugs running in his system altering his sense of what was really happening. In reality, the proud Avora was moving rigidly and awkwardly, mostly off time with the driving rhythm of the drums. No one seemed to care, however, as a large number of the dancers were either just as or more altered by substances running through their body. All that mattered was the raging drums and sweet guitar which the cave was famous for. Niro's strange movements could almost fit when hidden with the crowd as he turned, bumped, and ground with everyone who caught his eye, which in his current state was almost everyone. Body glistening from the sweat covering everyone who had been there for more than half a bell, Niro had lost himself in the music. Eyes slightly glazed over, he was simply moving from person to person, a feeling of merging and reemerging pushing him further and further into his desires. Akvin and Lebanon's powerful beats had everyone energized, excited, and ready to continue moving their bodies to music until the sun rose. Total perfection, if you asked Niro. Niro came here frequently, and it was never to remember it the next day. It was to explore everything about himself, about his culture, and preferably, about whoever he could grab a hold of. As the song ended, the Avora found himself drifting over to the bar to get another drink before the next song started. The effects of the Popper was still strong in his veins, but that didn't deter him from trying to locate someone who he felt wouldn't spurn his advances. Blurry vision made this difficult, so with a fresh drink in hand and another powerful song rocking the dance club, he stumbled back out on the dance floor, yelling and screaming wildly. "This...is..LIFE!" The eccentric teen didn't realize just who was in attendance that night. If he had, well, he'd still be acting like a petching retard, who are we kidding. "Party on!!" |