--12th of Fall, Nearing Dusk--
As the well dressed gentleman made his way through the dirty streets of Sunberth it had become icreasingly aparant that he was completely out of his element. Due to the area's shady reputation, young Vanderfall had concluded that it would be the perfect place to seek out his first spirit, and with every step he took, it began to dawn on him exactly how bad an idea this was. He puffed up the hem of his gold doublet, as he cleared his throat, his pace increasing with each step. He definitely felt an eery presence surrounding him, but whether it was a supernatural one, he could not be certain. His hand gripped tight to the knob of his cane, as he passed the entrance of a tavern by the name of Pig's Foot. He considered entering the establishment, but decided against it.
"Oh what a fool is me! Does my pompous self assurance know no bounds?" he began to speak to himself, which had become something of a habbit as of late, due to his time in seclusion. "Do I march into my own coffin with such bold and relentless pride, that my ambitions play second favor to my own need for self gratification in my curiosities of all things beyond my current reality? Am I but a jester in diplomat's clothing, posing as an enchanter of goals never to be achieved" his tone now raising well into his suroundings, as he gripped his can, swinging it in multiple directions, back and forth in an expression nature, his eyes glinting with a wild fury, sparked by his own regret and fear, as he continued on his rant...
Suddenly a thought came to Vanderfall, that perhaps he was over reacting, and that he was acting far too much like his father, judging this place and it's people by it's appearance. "No, I am better than that... Far better than that. In a world of heratics and vandals, I must stand above and tall, and strong, and see every living creature for it's true and absolute core, rather than basing my judgements of their outer appearance. I must be a great boulder in this world of grass and leaves." Suddenly a woman's screach came out from the distance, causing the young man to squeal at an even greater pitch, before running into the alley with his hands and feet flailing every which way, gripping ever tightly to his cane.