Kavala acknowleged the young Akalak joining her with a nod. She was still scanning the area, her sharp azure gaze a deep blue of excitement and worry. The crossbow was loaded and leveled, pivoting with her body as she looked around. Her eyes fell on the pair walking down the street and she knew, just knew, they weren't Rivarians. They weren't native. They were invaders trying to be where they shouldn't be. Humans were clean. Not dry, not dirty, and certainly not walking along Riverfall when the city was under attack as if nothing was out of the normal. Everyone was getting ready for the battle in a hurried organized fashion.
Time stood still. Kavala held her breath.
Everyone knew there was danger. And yet these two were not 'concerned'? Kavala hissed between her teeth, softly, to alert the young Akalak at her side, and nodded the men's direction. Most of her, if not all of her, was an assassin named Crescent that had lived in prevalterrian times. Kavala knew Crescents life like the back of her hand having walked the Chavi and relived her life. She pulled from Crescents instincts and her knowledge, to use her observation to decide.
Then she took a deep breath forcing herself to breath normally.
Then she took aim and fired her bolt, not skilled enough for a head shot but looking for vital organs in the chest area. She didn't look to see if she hit or not, there would be time for that later. Instead she reached up and behind her, pulled another bolt from her quiver, and reloaded the crossbow.
Then she screamed a warning to everyone in the area, especially the healing station behind her. "Look out. Invaders!" And leveled the crossbow again, trying to get off a second shot. She aimed the trigger and squeezed, taking note of what damage the first shot did if any and where the pair were now. But she didn't look to see where the last bolt fell. She was already moving, getting out of the line of fire in case the men had ranged weapons as well.
Time stood still. Kavala held her breath.
Everyone knew there was danger. And yet these two were not 'concerned'? Kavala hissed between her teeth, softly, to alert the young Akalak at her side, and nodded the men's direction. Most of her, if not all of her, was an assassin named Crescent that had lived in prevalterrian times. Kavala knew Crescents life like the back of her hand having walked the Chavi and relived her life. She pulled from Crescents instincts and her knowledge, to use her observation to decide.
Then she took a deep breath forcing herself to breath normally.
Then she took aim and fired her bolt, not skilled enough for a head shot but looking for vital organs in the chest area. She didn't look to see if she hit or not, there would be time for that later. Instead she reached up and behind her, pulled another bolt from her quiver, and reloaded the crossbow.
Then she screamed a warning to everyone in the area, especially the healing station behind her. "Look out. Invaders!" And leveled the crossbow again, trying to get off a second shot. She aimed the trigger and squeezed, taking note of what damage the first shot did if any and where the pair were now. But she didn't look to see where the last bolt fell. She was already moving, getting out of the line of fire in case the men had ranged weapons as well.