„It’s what she wants“, came a gentle voice from Nyela’s side. If she turned around, she would see Veldrys standing there. She hadn’t found him, but he had more or less found her, without knowing that she had been looking for him. He had just been on his way to his next patient and noticed the way she had been looking at the pregnant woman.
His hair wasn’t black as she had thought, but pure silver and fell to his shoulders. He was probably quite a bit taller than she remembered, and he was rather slender, almost thin. He was young as well, only nineteen, just a year or two older than her, but he carried himself like a man twice his age, as if he had already been working at the Purging for years.
“She’s an Esterian. She thinks giving her life for that of her child will be worth it. As far as she is concerned, her sacrifice will help ensure that our race lives on and remains strong. She thinks letting humans and Kelvic bear our children weakens us. If you want to pity somebody, pity those that didn’t have a choice and spend their last remaining months in a world that is foreign to them, surrounded by people whose language they don’t understand.”
He looked at her from out of amethyst eyes. “You are Nyela, aren’t you, the new midwife? I’m Veldrys. I think we briefly met when Hellebore hired you. I hope he hasn’t been too hard on you. Don’t tell him that I said that, but he can be rather difficult sometimes. I still remember when I began working at the Purging.”
He shuddered briefly.