North Suvan Sea, Spring, 508 AV Everything was nearly picturesque out on the Suvan Sea: the sun was shining high in the sky, casting rays of light that glistened with the soft bobbing of the water; the salty wind was blowing gently yet firmly over the waves; the sea was calm and peaceful, sitting peaceful with only the slightest stirring. It was what many would consider a perfect day. It was an especially perfect day for a particular Svefra pod, for they had just spotted a rogue saique and brigantine to plunder. The casinors of the pod were breezing ahead, racing towards the ships, and Kirvan was leading the charge, as always. The young man stood at the stern of his small boat, reveling in the smell of the saltwater in his nostrils, the feeling of the wind filtering through his hair and filling the sail, pushing the casinor along the current and towards the pirates that had only just now noticed the Svefra headed its way and whose mostly human crew was frantically shouting and running around the deck like headless chickens as the Svefra ships came at their port side. This current was one that the pod used often when raiding to spring upon hapless traders and pirates seemingly out of nowhere. They'd completely mapped out the currents in the Suvan Sea in their travels, and Kirvan knew these aquatic highways as well as anyone else. Such as it was when they decided to raid it was usually Kirvan's casinor that was the first out on the current and racing towards the prey. The favorable wind was purely coincidental, though may have been Zulrav feeling particularly generous as it upgraded their speed from incredibly fast to ludicrously fast, allowing the Svefra to glide over the surface of the ocean. On top of that, the sea was fairly calm, reducing the bobbing of the boats and also making the target vessel easy pickings for the hull-mounted heavy harpoons several of the casinors were equipped with. It was almost as if the gods themselves had willed this attack to go perfectly. Kirvan looked over his fellow podmates that crouched in his vessel sharing eager grins with each other. They were young Svefrans of the pod (well, younger, Kirvan himself was only nineteen) who had yet to receive vessels of their own, having to ride along in someone else's until they did, and Kirvan's boat was always first pick among the more daring and adventurous boys and girls by virtue of his being the first out there and on the target. Blue eyes exchanged wild looks, mad toothy grins abundant. Kirvan's own heart rate was quickening to breakneck speed, his pulse hammering in his wrists even as he tried to keep a firm hand on the tiller. There hadn't been a disturbance like this for months, and since this was their first chance for a violent outlet in a while all the pent up boredom was being poured and released into this single pulse-pounding moment. This always happened during an attack; in the planning stage (when there was one) Kirvan was always carefree and laissez-faires about the whole thing, and during the actual fighting he was dead focused on the enemy and their movements. It was always the anticipation building up to the fight that was so exciting, and there was nothing quite like the building of a frenzy to get the blood running. |