Well... I'm Odessa... By co-incidence, It's also a name of a city near the black sea... Ukraine. Though I'm far away from that place, I'm an Asian. I hate labels and comparing each other races. I love ellipsis... I love the moon and the night sky. What else (roll eyes)... I sleep morning almost every night even though have classes the next morning because of investing in this game. I don't know any other people who plays Play by post games like this, except me. I'm a not-so sociable person... I'm also not good in English grammar... I play graphics online games before... I kept on editing a lot of posts... spamming the edit button :3 ![]() IRL, Im 18 yrs old. A very busy student...Im always trying to make myself busy... I have a habit of attending classes late... T__T No bad habits except that, doesn't smoke or anything else... Fickle minded... |