The market [Closed - Grandfathered]

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

The market [OPEN]

Postby Fade on May 15th, 2010, 3:21 pm

She replied “My name is Fade”
Then she asked using almost his exact words: “May I ask for your name sir?”
She found it strange to be addressed as a lady or even with respect. After years of harsh treatment and being treated like nothing but an object, it warmed her deeply to hear herself called with feeling, she smiled slightly.
As the rain came down heavier the man offered her his coat, she pushed away his offering hand lightly and said “I can’t get wetter than I already am, you on the other hand yes, though I thank you for the kind offer…”
She looked at the young man before her, noting that he didn’t look at her directly. Was he afraid?
She found him interesting, there was something deeply moving in his manner. Or maybe she wasn’t a good judge of people years of slavery pulled at her soul and mind, maybe she wasn’t used to be treated like a normal person...
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The market [OPEN]

Postby Elliot Skythorn on May 15th, 2010, 4:26 pm

"Hmm...Fade...i shall remember that" he felt a rush of extatic like happines to his mind, she was not afraid, she even was kind to him, he was no longer afraid to look at her as he brought his gaze up to face her eyes still trembling a bit in surprise. It took him a while to realize he was still holding his hand out as he swept the cloak around his back and rose up the hood slowly.
Another rush of surprise...wait...she actually asked another thing..his...his name, someone wanted to know his name...that made him rather happy as he silently spoke: "Elliot, my name is Elliot, and please don`t call me a makes me feel rather more awkward than before, if that is even possible that is" he smiled as he finnished the sentance looked at her rather curious.
"This is rather strange, maybe we should like go each our way or something? I mean, you are gonna catch cold and stuff if we keep standing here".
As he said those words, he did not really want to leave, but he still did not wish for her to get sick either,a second later he was turning around only to notice that everyone else was long gone in search for some cover, and that made him smile as wide as he could, not only there will not be any gazes pointed at his strange figure, but there will not be any with whom he will need to share her beautyfull appearacne with. He liked her, a lot, he was not sure of many things, but that was one of those rare ones he was sure of.
"So, this is like goodbye i guess" he said still not moving an inch as he could not find the strength to end this moment and so he awaited for her to move.
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The market [OPEN]

Postby Fade on May 16th, 2010, 1:45 pm

“Elliot…nice name” she said politely but she really thought it, names had their own weight and could tell you much of a person.
She arched a thin eyebrow under a blazing eye “Why should we say goodbye?” She didn’t want to leave, not now that things were getting interesting. She hung on this time, it took her mind off her uncertain future. What would she do when he left? Where would she go? She closed her eyes pushing the thoughts away.
A drop of water fell on her finger, she showed it to him “Can such a simple thing move you?”
She smiled “I’m used to rain, actually to every type of climate, I travelled all my life and rarely get sick”
The drop fell from her raised finger and she said simply “A giant falls”
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The market [OPEN]

Postby Elliot Skythorn on May 16th, 2010, 5:41 pm

"Thank you, i guess" he was trapped into a botomless pit for he did not know what to tell her, what to say and not make a fool out of himself, as running crossed his mind for a moment, he dropped that thought quickly remembering his promise to himself, and so he stood there in silence as the rain fell from heaven with the occasional sounds of crashing thunder. His lips finally unsealed he spoke in a calm tone: "Well as a follower of Zulrav i do believe in the power of the weather and storms, but right here, right now, i really don`t care much" as those simple words left his mind and broke the silence, he bowed his head down a bit thinking about the just comitted heresy, but as his gaze was locking back onto her again, he was now sure that even if it was wrong, it was worth it.
Her last few words echoed in his head in a familiar sound while he smiled faintly realizing that she, much like him, is an outcast, or at least she was, for a long long time. Elliot never understood that side of him, but whenever he saw someone who was through the lies, fears, inacceptance, and many other things of the common people, he felt connected to them.
His belief that different does not make it worse all the time is what got him through so many too long days and so many sleepless nights....suddenly he just stopped thinking that his mind is leading him nowhere near where he wanted to be. "So tell me something about yourself that i don`t know while we take a walk or something" not even he could believe that he actually said that, but now that he did, he felt great as he awaited for her to respond.
"there" most everything is nothin'
that it seems
"where" you see the things you only wanna see

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The market [OPEN]

Postby Fade on May 17th, 2010, 4:44 pm

So he was a follower of Zulrav what a fool she had been in saying that the rain had no power over her…
“Okay, but if I tell you, you tell me” She grinned.
“I used to perform as a contortionist in a circus, not by free will though…I was a slave owned and bound to its owner.” Her lips formed a hard, thin line eyes distant as she remembered the cold mornings in which she would watch violet bruises blossom on her white skin, the older ones fade away into yellowish ugly blotches. “Born to serve” she said simply remembering the pain, she closed her eyes.
As they walked her hand accidently brushed against his bare skin, Fade staggered as his desires flashed through her, she still hadn’t learned to control these moments. Now she understood his devotion to Zulrav, his quest for normality, desire for appreciation and an old desire of revenge.
She glanced downward just above her breast she could just make out the mark which resembled a wine stain that took the shape of a chain.
She avoided his eyes in silence, deeply embarrassed.
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The market [OPEN]

Postby Elliot Skythorn on May 17th, 2010, 5:08 pm

He smiled as good as he could still feeling kinda awkward after sensing her hand on his skin for a moment, but somehow she felt different after that one simple touch, he wanted to ask her all so many stuff, but he just jumped over all of that as he spoke: " do not really have any friends, never had them to be correct, im kinda wierd and pathetic and all that in one, and i am really glad you are not afraid of me...well...i don`t know what more to say in this moment" he shruged as he kept looking at her asking himself what did he do wrong when she is so embarassed. Stepping over his curiosity he slowly glanced her with a gaze as he spoke again: "I am sorry to hear of your sad past, but don`t worry, you can tell me anything, i am not the one to judge, and even if i was, i have no right to do so" he smiled as he tried to encourage her to smile or at least leave those hallways of the past wich she was walking through now, she did not have to say anything, he could see from the way she was acting, he was through all that over and over again. As they kept walking he slowly covered her with his cloak and put a hood up on her head not paying attention to her saying it is ok and all that. He never understood why, but her liked caring for people, tending to them, and maybe just maybe solving their issues, cause in that way he could run from his own, run and hide.
Still not getting any respons from her, he slowly bowed his head a bit so now he was looking into her eyes trying to figure out what to say, since his mind was famous for failing in important moments...all he could say that quickly was : "So how can a face with such beauty hold such a grim expression?" His face stretched into a playfull grin as he finished his statement awaiting for her to react he started to curse at himself for saying a bunch of dumb things like that in so little time.
"there" most everything is nothin'
that it seems
"where" you see the things you only wanna see

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The market [OPEN]

Postby Fade on May 18th, 2010, 2:31 pm

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder “Fade said then she continued in an ice cold voice “But my owner would have bedded even a cow” She didn’t realize what she had said, mind still in its own world, but when she did she blushed, ashamed.
A strand of fair hair fell on her face and she lifted a pale and slightly trembling hand to push it away. He looked in her eyes, she returned the gaze but her eyes were devoid of emotions, they had all retreated afraid of being seen.
She shook her head and whispered “sorry” She felt strangely better after uttering that word, and a smile started to play on her lips again.
Should she tell him what she had learnt from a simple touch? She opted not to, maybe later or maybe he would guess on his own.
She said “You still haven’t told me why I should be afraid of you! And it’s hard to believe you have no friends, and moreover you are neither weird nor pathetic"
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The market [OPEN]

Postby Elliot Skythorn on May 18th, 2010, 7:48 pm

He smiled as he litsened to her speak while taking in every word like a sponge, while takin up gaze to look around again, just to make sure they are still in Sylaris, cause, this was too incredible, even for a dream. While continuing to walk, he slowly watched her reactions and absorbed each and every one of them as he never let that wide grin leave his face, yes, he was having fun, and he hoped it could go on forever, but because of his mind being too filled with all the things that could happen, he did not have time to imagine how this story ends.
He spoke lightly: "Well....people tend to be afraid of that wich they can not understand, of that wich they can not relate to, and after all if it wasn`t freaks like me who got all the attention, they would only point their rage at eachother, rilly silly creatures they all are, but i guess i would not be much better if i was in their skin".
She apologized as if she did something wrong, Elliot never understood those words, but as he thought of it more clearly, he was sure she needed it to stay that way so he stopped poking his mind about it as he looked around for something to divert his thoughts. He found the rain, for it was stopping, for Zulrav was kind, and anyway, it was about time for them to get themselves dry.
Only thing that rain gave him was that cloaked feeling of protection from all those gazes that would then be pointed at a safe getaway from the weather, but now it was gone, and Elliot knew, a moment will soon come when he will face all that fear and hate they kept for him....all over again. Her comment regarding that slave driver owner she once had kept bugging him, but he decided that it was better to just leave it be, for she seemed to be quite sad she said it in the first place.....and after all, some memories will not make it all better for sure.
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The market [OPEN]

Postby Fade on May 19th, 2010, 2:49 pm

The rain stopped and people started to crowd the streets again, she noted her companions discomfort. She reflected on what he had said it was true but dramatized a bit.
“What you say is partly true, but it’s only normal to be afraid of what you don’t know” She said this looking straight into his eyes. “You are afraid of normal people” she said simply. “You are afraid of their judgment and just because you do they sense your weakness and hit it hard. You present yourself like a freak waiting to be taunted... Why?”
Why indeed she thought, his was a strange masochism, why was he so hated?
The compulsion to help him was still travelling through her, she had to stop herself from asking him everything about himself, he would tell her if he wanted to. And if he did she would tell him what she had learned from his desires.
The passers by shot them odd looks, she took down the hood of the cloak that he had kindly given her. She smiled at passers by, it was a false smile like the one she wore when contorting but it put people at ease.Her hair started to dry becoming curlier than usual she ran a hand through it slowly long fingers parting the knots that had formed.
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The market [OPEN]

Postby Elliot Skythorn on May 19th, 2010, 5:35 pm

Elliot grinned for a while as she spoke, she may have beem right, but, he was and to this day remains a freak, even if he could fit in physically, he could never fit in mentally, as it was already too late for that, years of being an outcast did that too him, he was not so much of on optimist as before, but not a lost cause either.
He looked around at the people trying to accept what she just said, but all his tries seemed to be in vain, for every look of people passing by ticked him off more than he would ever be ready to admit. Inhaling deeply he spoke shortly: "They want a freak, so i give them one" as those words broke that short silence he was holding onto he started looking around again, trying to find something to think about, something to occupy himself with. He knew she thought of him as a wierd man, but oh well, it was too late to change the first impression, not that he would be able to do anything better anyway. "I never thought of me being different as a weakness, but did make me lonely. So how did you get your freedom?" as those last words slipped his tongue, he was not sure was it a good idea to ask it so casually, but he was too curious to wait for his enchanted mind to think of some better idea while working in slow motion.
"there" most everything is nothin'
that it seems
"where" you see the things you only wanna see

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