Fade stopped laughing though a grin still stayed on her face, she looked at him and answered
“No, not all the words are mine but I changed them to fit this moment.” She ran a hand through her hair and continued talking “I usually change and extend verses I heard somewhere or other, bits of songs, speeches, jokes and…feelings I guess.”
Her gift gave her an insight to what he was thinking and suddenly her temper flared. They were wasting time like this, she wanted it to be clear, she wanted him to understand more about her gift how all his doubts had no roots. But he would wallow in his doubts she knew that now. She was waisting his time and her time.
She looked at him and said "Its late maybe we shall meet again sometime, farewell!" Then she walked away silently, hot with an unknown rage. Sad and angry at herself mostly but she was tired and it was late and she grew grouchy when she was unrested.