...Hello, Greetings players of Miza... I'm planning to make an organization... The group's principles/beliefs =to boost support and collect Symenestras (minorities) who were against the surrogate system... =solve murder cases, search for lost artifacts/missing individuals, and alike... =decrease crime rate =protect high class people who are under assassinations =helped each member =stop racism =against races or groups who were eating humanoids alike I haven't finalized anything. I have a fickle mind. I wasn't sure of this concept, though I can freely change anything... The name? Can be... like... the White Society... Illumita... Brave Souls of the____... Collage ... Sample Description: ________ is a reformist group of different races across Mizahar who's intention was to ________(the above beliefs)... If anyone was interested you can PM me. Motto: something like... Small things joint together can overcome Big ones... Sample Positions: Officers Founder- just the founder and such Midmans... Language: The ____ used secret language... Any individuals who are willing... We can gather as a group and decide after who will be the officers, (if you don't feel me being one, it's fine for me-though pls give me some credits for my ideas...) PS: Im currently doing a draft and was in the Help Desk already waiting for approval...but first I need some members... Im very active and has one Miza-character only ![]() Love lots, Odessa |