With Xiani settling down again, assured that there was no need for animosity between them in the slightest, the three Svefra men looked to each other, wondering how to start. It was a broad question, and one they didn't have to answer too often. Most people they came across were sailors and merchants, both of whom were very familiar with the Svefra. Explaining their people to someone who had no prior experience was difficult to say the least. "Well," Kirvan said aloud, looking to Durk as if to prompt him, "I suppose we should start at the beginning." Nodding, the big guy picked up the idea and took it for a bit. "We Svefra are the children of Laviku, the Sea Father," he explained. "Like all of his children, we travel in pods, large families of sorts, alongside our more aquatic cousins like the whales and dolphins. These pods vary in number and habits, but every pod is led by a Lia, the eldest and most experienced female of the family. Anything that the pod has is everyone's to use, and children born are raised by everybody. We don't have mothers and fathers in the sense that most families do; Laviku is our father and each Lia a mother to her own pod." It always filled the big fella with satisfaction to explain the workings of the Svefra to strangers, though he'd never done it on such a basic level. Finishing his train of thought, Durk looked to Kirvan to pick it up again. "The Deepseeker pod in particular has been around for a while," Kirvan continued. "We haven't been around since the older pods, nowhere near, but we've been growing in number for a few decades. The first Lia Deepseeker originally founded the pod to create a more extroverted group of Svefra, more keen on participating and communicating with outsiders than most, travelling between ports and shores and trading with whoever they came across." Lia Deepseeker always told stories about this, about the pod's origins, how her mother made the pod but then gave it a new purpose. "However, soon after its founding, the Deepseeker pod was asked by an Otani - the servants of the Sea Father - to take care of some nearby non-Svefra pirates, and that they did. The pod completely wiped them out, taking their ships as their own. From then on, the Deepseekers have been hunting any blasphemous poachers who infringe on the Svefra's birthright and the domain of Laviku. Hence why we're here today." As he wrapped up, Kirvan thought back to all the times they've come across pirates these days. Since they were actively hunted, the Deepseeker pod probably found more action than most, but it was still slow going. Few were foolish enough to attempt to infringe on the Sea Father's domain, too few for Kirvan's liking, though on the bright side it meant people were smart enough not to anger Laviku. "Stories say we've been around since before the Valterrian," Hamlac said, finally drawing attention to him. "When Ivak tore the center of Mizahar apart, it is said that the Sea Father guided his children into the Suvan, and hence sea creatures moved into the ocean and the Svefra became the human masters of the sea." There was a certain self-importance with the way the youth said it, though if you spend all your life hunting treacherous vagiks it is easy to confuse insulting with inferior. "That's it, mostly," Kirvan said, turning to Xiani. This was the first time since Leisa that he really went into the root of the Svefra, and it brought back pleasant memories of the fiery Inarta. Over by the fire, the Svefra who had been on the palivars finally all joined the celebrating, and the tunes sped up as the energy coursed around the family, the pod. The Lia was undoubtedly there herself, though probably not dancing, and Kirvan had a few questions for her when he had the chance. For now though, Xiani was the main center of his focus. |