Age: 15 (20th of summer 497)
Caste: Chiet (commoner)
Wind Reach
Housing: Darniva Commonrooms (lives alone)
Ardal is short in stature. He has Dark red hair. He cuts it short. His eyes are a dull green.
Character Concept:
He tends to be a bit withdrawn around new people but becomes more outspoken and sarcastic once he gets comfortable. Being short for a male, Ardal has a chip on his shoulder and constantly tries to prove his masculinity (mostly to himself). He is easily distracted and tends to be indecisive. He is a skilled archer. Ardal is eager to help people from the higher castes that are friendly to him; he’ll still help the rude ones but hold resentment to them. His dream is to be able to get an eagle of his own; or at least be able to ride second seat; or perhaps even travel with an adventuring party, to meet new people and see new places.
Ardal was born to Chiet parents and has a twin sister and two brothers; he has not been in contact with them for some time now. As a youth he loved to climb the Edge of the World and the walls surrounding Wind Reach. He did not make too many friends so he tended to play alone. Ardal showed excellent skills and natural talent in archery, yet his hunting and survival skills left little to be desired. He has been working as a fletcher part time to get closer to the hunters and the Endal; hoping that some of their skill will rub off on him. Without a true apprenticeship he has become a Chiet after his 15th birthday.
Weapon (Short bow): 16+10(Racial) =26
Climbing: 12
Fletching/bowing: 12
Wilderness Survival: 5
Hunting: 5
socialization: 4
Weapon (snowball): 3
Seduction: 2
Rhetoric: 1
Architecture: 1
Set of Clothing
-Simple Bryda
-Simple Sontav
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Katinu
-Leather boots
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Balanced Rations (1 Week’s worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
-Heirloom: Quiver
It’s beat up, worn out and is plain looking but it’s sturdy. It was his first quiver.
-Toolkit, Bowyer/Fletcher’s 20
-Shortbow 30
-shortbow arrows(20) 1
-49 Pinions
Geography of Wind Reach
Importance of the Castes
Re-Meeting a Pretty Lady
Intimidated by a Beautiful Woman
Hiding Out Behind a Mound
Therapeutic Effects of a Snowball fight
Hurt by a Devious Woman
Asking a Girl on a Date
Trapped by Wind Reach Society
Determination to Advance