Vesper had never been able to tell anyone about Skarn. She wasn't much for gossiping, for laying out one's life story in order to get closer, that feel good stuff was what teachers spouted about the aerial corp, and what the members of the corp showed her none of. She returned none, of course, but that was besides the point. I was nine when I fell in love.. She squinted...sounded weird to say it that way, and she looked up at him to meet his gaze when she explained Sorry, that didn't come out...the way I wanted it to, but it's really the best way to 'explain it. You can bond at any age with an eagle, you don't choose them, they choose you, you know? And I was nine when Skarn chose me. That's pretty early for Inartan standards. He was my love, the most beautiful thing in the whole damn world. Black with golden flecks, grew into a huge brute too... She smiles wistfully and looks away now, unable to meet Zane's gaze as the next part of her story came. I was never good with people. Good with birds...not people. I'd sit in the aviary for days hidin' from em, only Skarn gave me any reason to be around em too...bloody menace could tell it wasn't healthy for me. But I was good on an eagle, better than a lot of people my age, and some even older. So I was drafted into the military we got up there...cept I don't take well to orders. They...well, got a dishonorable discharge or summit, didn't much care, cause I didn't much want to be there in the first place...but...they figured I needed something more then that. She shuts her eyes tight Banished me pretty much, told me I couldn't come back till I learned about meself, some sort of bull like that... Her voice shudders And Skarn couldn't leave High Peak... |