[The Sanctuary] The Twentieth Bell Feast (Open)

Dinner is always served at the same time every day at The Sanctuary. Sometimes its fairly rushed, and sometimes its a slow leisurly affair.

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

[The Sanctuary] The Twentieth Bell Feast (Open)

Postby Rhy on October 20th, 2012, 11:28 pm

Seated with her bonded, happy with the company, and plate filled with delicious food, Rhy digs in. He table manner are not bad, but still leave much to be desired. Her canine nature and short history gives her a strange complex about food. She uses a knife and fork, and drinks with her lips apposed to her tongue, but she also scarfs it down like she's afraid someone will take it away. She supposes old habits die hard, and makes an effort to slow down her food inhalation.

Normally she wouldn't bother. These people have seen worse from her. But the reclusive Vanator has joined them, and gods forbid he deems her an undomesticated savage at his first meal with them. He sits down and her eyes rake him over boldly, noting his deflated appearance, like he used to be larger but had his body sucked dry. She was unaware of the strange circumstances that brought him to the Sanctuary, to her he just appeared one day. But strange people showing up from nowhere is not us usual for this place. And he's nice enough. Good with the dogs and charitable with his hand-held affection.

"Glad you came, its not like the Drykras to be hermits." She states this matter-of-factly, unaware she might be causing him pain. "If you'd stayed away any longer I'm afraid the stone walls would have drove you mad."

Just then Serrif shuffles in. Despite the cheery demeanour he looks bone-tired. His perspiration smells different too. He takes (what she considers to be) copious amounts of drugs, and it reacts with his body chemistry and changes his scent. So she can always tell when he has been experimenting, and can usually tell if his symptoms are his own doing. He really does treat his body horribly when he wants to. She raises a brow and tosses him a bun.

"Eat. Maybe it'll get out of your system faster."

She listens to Kavala's announcement with a thoughtful look on her brow. Armsmaster? Not only that, but second in command? He must be good. She's never seen Kavala delegate so much to anyone. Her trust in him is absolute, that much is obvious.

"Here here, good on you Vanator." She offers the Drykas a smile behind a forkful of meat. She holds no loyalty to him just yet, but she trusts Kavala. Besides, the man has the tough, weathered look of a seasoned fighter. Much more then the Konti, for all her physical prowess. Something the Kelvic respects in an alpha.

"I don't think anyone here is as tough as we need to be. You're going to have a tough time cutting us all into shape." She pinches Gianne's soft side cheekily for emphasis and catches her eye. With their contact she sends her a single intent and image, a private joke of sorts, of herself sporting the hilariously emphasized muscles you would find on an Akalak on her fridged, narrow body. "Except me, of course", she continues, turning back to him. "I've a good three decades of youth on you, old man, and you'll be hard pressed to beat my prowess on the battle field." She smiles impishly, tongue to her cheek as she aims to rile him. Its all lies of course, she knows he's got her whipped in every way. But she oh so loves a good challenge.
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[The Sanctuary] The Twentieth Bell Feast (Open)

Postby Gianne Basete on October 23rd, 2012, 12:42 am

Her eyes were alight with curiosity as Kavala officially introduced Vanator. He was an impressive sight, attractive and strong looking. And it was a sure fact that he would be a professional with anything horse related. That always gave someone points in her book. She nodded and smiled a greeting to him. "You must be a resourceful man. It'll be my pleasure to work alongside you. Give me a shout if you need an extra hand with anything." She gave Rhy a look for her bluntness but didn't comment. There was no stopping her bondmate's mouth. It ran away a lot of the time. But everyone else knew that too, so it wasn't a big deal. If they were around strangers it would be another matter.

So while Rhy was bantering on Gianne turned to Serrif sitting across from her. She smiled contently at him, though it became a little less bright once she noticed he only had a cup of water and a roll that Rhy had given to him. Her eyes asked him a question. If it were up to her she'd tie him to the chair and force feed him until he had a gut; he was still too skinny for his own good. And he was always saying how Kavala stretched herself too thin. He had no room to talk.

But she didn't have any more time to dwell on the thought. Suddenly a lock of her hair was yanked down and her head went with it, right to the source of the attack. Tasival. He smiled and peered through the veil of her hair draped over his eye, and she couldn't help but smile back. Gianne loved kids and he was just too blasted cute to be annoyed at. "Hair!" he stated as if she had no idea what he was pulling. "You're very right," she agreed, nodding as she gently took the hair from his grip. Thankfully he let it slide from his tiny fingers. "And thank you for pulling some of it out, little one."

Gratefully she sat straight again, taking another bite of her wrap. She turned in mid chew as Rhy pinched her side, eyebrows raised. When their eyes met, the image she got through their contact sent her into hysterics. Or at least started to. Gianne sucked in a lungful of air but then suddenly choked on the food in her mouth as it went down with the oxygen. She broke down into a violent coughing fit, gagging and patting her chest with one hand while covering her mouth with the other. With their eye contact broken the picture of a grossly muscular Rhy disappeared, leaving her a floundering mess. It took a moment but she finally swallowed her food and caught her breath, eyes watering from the strain.

Meekly she smiled behind her hand, giving Rhy a good dig in the ribs from her elbow. "Sorry about that everyone. All good now," she mumbled hoarsely through her fingers. Eventually her breathing returned to normal and she uncovered her mouth, discreetly taking a long draft from her cup of water before turning baleful eyes on her bondmate. It was ruined though by the smile hidden behind the glare.
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[The Sanctuary] The Twentieth Bell Feast (Open)

Postby Elem Bree on October 23rd, 2012, 6:05 am


The food was helping, certainly delicious and filling enough to distract Elem from his own distraction. Each breath cooled bite went quicker than the last. Kavala was playing with her son, an Akalak, though he seemed to be underweight. Of course, Elem had no frame of reference for that thought. He just assumed that all Akalaks came out of their mothers looking like they could take on an army single handed. The little fantasy brought a slight grin back to Elem's face. More water, cold and crisp, washed down his gullet as he watched the antics around the table.

Rhy and Gianne seemed to be very close. Closer even than he remembered. He saw them often and while he couldn't put his finger on it, something indeed felt off to him. Or rather very on. Kelvics would more than likely always be a point of study for the former Zeltivan. The floor seemed to naturally go to Kavala as she spoke of her brother and his new position in the Sanctuary. Elem's attention was complete and he even felt enthusiastic about constant physical training. He had found it to be cleansing for both his mind and body and Vanator surely seemed to be the picture of health.

"I have been working out with Serrif often, but I am glad that we will have a resource for this kind of activity. I am finding it to be very enjoyable to become stronger and more fit. Rak'keli will be pleased at our efforts, no doubt." Looking directly at Vanator, he smiled and added,"I could surely use some help with a weapon if I ever hope to achieve Kuvan status. Thank you for your assistance, Sir." Elem continued to smile and stood from the table, returning to the kitchen area. It seemed that the wraps were cooling now to a safe and pleasant temperature, so he brought a few back with him, replacing those that had been eaten, as well as placing a plate with one near Tasival."They seem to have cooled a good deal, Kavala." Mother's permission was needed, of course.

Elem then took turns refreshing glasses with water, ending at his own once he was all finished. He began to work on the second wrap as more well wishes and discussion continued. His time would come, but this business with Vanator took precedence as it was actual business of the Sanctuary.

Last edited by Elem Bree on November 14th, 2012, 4:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[The Sanctuary] The Twentieth Bell Feast (Open)

Postby Serrif Von Chatlyn on October 23rd, 2012, 1:11 pm


Vanator, he tucked the man away for a rainy day. It seemed that Kavala trusted him without a doubt in her mind. He wished the same could be applied to him. But blood was thicker than anything, trumping any mental bonds that were between he and Kavala. It was now that he noticed that he would need to take a position here. But he hardly had the strength to do anything worthwhile now. But it did appear that he could indeed learn a few things from this man; but Serrif could learn something from everyone around this table. This was the Sanctuary; his family. And it looked like Vanator would be Kavala’s right hand; again blood was thicker than water.

Rhy…sharing her food? That wasn’t like her. But he took the dinner roll and would pick at it seeing if it would help his current situation. Rhy did always seem to know when he was off; he wondered how she did such a thing. But as he watched Rhy and Gianne interact he knew something was indeed different. They had become inseparable since that night with the fire. Something…was stronger between them. Bound them in a way to each other; he knew not the name for it but he was glad they had found each other. He laughed at her comment about being able to hold her own against Vanator. He didn’t doubt it however the man looked a little more seasoned in the fight than Rhy.

Gianne being yanked by the hair brought a small smile when he saw how she dealt with it. She was kind, understanding and it appeared pretty good with children. She would make a good mother. He thought to himself only the words that absent mindedly came out of his mouth were “You would make a good mother.” Petch! That was rather embarrassing that it slipped from his mouth. It seemed in his current state that the distance between his thoughts and his mouth was decreased.

Quickly change the topic, maybe she didn’t hear you! “Yeah Elem but I have a feeling Vanator here will run you a little harder than I do.” He said smiling to Elem trying his hardest not to look to Gianne, that was a rather…unfortunate statement. He hoped she would take it the right way.

“You are welcome to join us Vanator if you want.” He offered with a nod. “It has become a tradition of mine really. Morning runs clear the mind.” And with that he noted that his stomach was settling a little better. He stood and served himself a plate of food and then sat back down. All the while mentally punting himself for that statement that slipped his tongue regarding Gianne.

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or he turns his back on it and starts to wither away.
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[The Sanctuary] The Twentieth Bell Feast (Open)

Postby Vanator on October 23rd, 2012, 1:47 pm


The Drykas smiled politely at the others as Kavala announced his new position. The smile faded and his eyes darted to his sister as she made her second pronouncement. They had not discuss any responsibilities beyond Armsmaster, certainly not of the scope she described. Vanator's eyes narrowed and a crooked grin crossed his face. Apparently she had decided his time of mourning and recovery was complete, and that it was time for him to accept this group as his family. Kavala was right, of course, she knew her brother well. Luckily, his Akontak nephew softened the moment with a tug on the ranger's hair, bringing a more personal tone to the table. The youngest among them responded first.

"Except me, of course... I've a good three decades of youth on you, old man, and you'll be hard pressed to beat my prowess on the battle field."

Vanator chuckled, appreciating the kelvic's cheeky reply and her boldness. Dhanya... well...Pygmy, had that same spirit. "And with two more legs than me, I am sure you will run circles around me." He grinned at Rhy. The Drykas nodded in gratitude to Gianne and Elam's welcoming words as well. Then his gaze fell to Serrif. He knew who he was, or who he and Kavala were in lives past. That kind of connection to his sister made him uneasy, because it fell outside anything he understood.

“You are welcome to join us Vanator if you want...It has become a tradition of mine really. Morning runs clear the mind.”

He nodded at Serrif with a smile. "Thanks, I think that is a great idea, its a great way to start the day."

Moreso than the words they spoke, their unspoken behavior was what Vanator found interesting, the dynamics among this close group. Gianne and Rhy... were they bonded, lovers or just close friends? Something was on Elam's mind, but the man was too polite to blurt it out. And Serrif. His remarks about Gianne being a good mother was more than a casual comment. Yes, there was a lot more than met the eye with these four.

He was doing it again...assessing and analyzing. It was what his father had taught him. Know your family. How can you serve them if you don't know their hearts?
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[The Sanctuary] The Twentieth Bell Feast (Open)

Postby Kavala on October 26th, 2012, 6:09 pm

Kavala thanked Elem and immediately began cutting up the wrap on the plate he'd provided for Tasival and switched to feeding him from that, blowing on the pieces before she handed them to her son. Today he had a hearty appetite and nibbled two handed, turning and reaching over to Gianne's plate and leaving a bite for her with a soft "Good!" Kavala smiled apologetically to the riding instructor, knowing it wasn't easy dealing with children and yet Gianne had the patience of a saint.

Tasival watched Rhy pinch Gianne and reached out to try it himself before his mother intercepted and placed a slice of pear in his hand instead. Dutifully distracted he nibbled on the fruit and looked around interested in everyone else. Taisval smiled at Elem and uttered his name with the confidence of a toddler. "Elembreeeeeee" He said, making the name one long word drawn out. Then he switched to Tukant which made Kavala frown and correct him in the same language. Tasi nodded, and went back to his slice of pear.

Kavala took a bite of the remains on her plate and then started eating finally, as if one bite was enough to make her a bit hungry. She watched the reactions all around the room and looked thoughtful. The Konti wanted everyone to be happy, but the Zith attack earlier in the season had taught them all a valuable lesson. They had to be ready for everything, both mentally and physically.

More stragglers entered, the twins Cadra and Larik settled at the end of the table, in their human skins and looking more comfortable with their surroundings than usual. Kavala glanced at Vanator, wondering if he realized how much of his family was actually around him and how important he could be to this group. It wasn't a revelation she could push on him though. It was one he'd have to figure out for himself. Hopefully the other healers would understand how damaged her brother was and how much they could help him just by needing his guidance and encouragement. Vanator was a born leader, and without a group to lead the tendency to feel useless was there, stronger than ever.

Kavala glanced at Serrif, caught him staring at Gianne, and smiled slightly. Rhy's attention to her bondmate made Kavala smile. Gianne was the sort that was easy to love, uncomplicated by anything other than the sweetness of her smile and the generosity of her heart. Kavala was a little jealous at that, truth be told, for she longed to be as easily accepted and understood as the phylonurist was.

Elem was a more complicated puzzle. He was still trying to fit in, so deliberate in his medicine and so cautious of things in life. She wouldn't be surprised if he'd bond to one of the kelvics, whether he wanted too or not. He seemed the type to fight connections, but to Kavala those types were the ones that had the most opportunity to connect.

Kavala wondered where Iris was. The Konti surely would have come down for food. She glanced at the kelvics at the end of the table, making sure the underfed teens were eating well, and then asked quietly. "Where's Iris? Anyone seen her today? She spends too much time alone." Kavala said quietly.
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Please Note:
  • This pc is maxed out in Animal Husbandry, Medicine, Observation, Rhetoric, and Socialization.
  • Kavala a Master Teacher. Students she is teaching in thread can earn more than the maxium 5 XP per thread.
  • This pc has a Konti Gift of Animal Empathy. She has a superpower from a Riverfall city event that allows animals of all sorts and Kelvics (in kelvic form) to speak clear understandable Common around her.
  • Kavala is a Konti but was raised in the Drykas culture so her accent is entirely Pavi though she can speak Common, Pavi, and Tukant well. She's only conversational in Kontinese.
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[The Sanctuary] The Twentieth Bell Feast (Open)

Postby Rhy on October 28th, 2012, 5:04 am

Rhy shrugs at Kavala's question as she works on her third bun. "I'm not sure. I haven't seen her around at all today. She doesn't visit the dogs much." And its true. She spends frightfully little time with the new Konti. That must be rectified immediately. Mind you, the woman seems frightfully shy and soft spoken. Maybe there is something she can do to pull Iris out in the open a bit more. Hmmm.

The groom and both new Kelvics make their arrival as well. Its good to see a few more of her own kind on the pay roll. And they are good people. Her mother was a falcon like Larik. And although the young man is the kind of calculating predator that she has a hard time understanding, she recognizes many similarities she can identify with. And Cadara is a bit of a character in herself. Much more open minded then any cat she's met and a bit of a rascal. She nods to both of them and Awston in friendly greeting.

Serrifs comment on motherhood has her smiling at him around her bun. Why yes, she would make an excellent mother, or so Rhy thinks. And she sees it as very sweet that her lover would notice such a thing. She studies him from across the table, and if she were wearing her clipped ears they would be twitching in his direction. She has a deep fondness for him, he is a great healer and a good man, but she has yet to decide what his motives are with Gianne. Its a strange thing, human courtship.

As the table goes silent she decides its her turn to take dinner-table stage. Screw elegance. She doesn't need a lead in or a long story of flowery words to share her tidings. Its not like bonds are that uncommon, anyways. This place is crawling with Kelvics! She swallows the last of her bun in her suddenly dry mouth. She hates speaking of things like this. She never feels that she ever really gets her point across.

She clears her throat with a small coughing sound, "I, ah... A while ago-"

She struggles to articulate what she's trying to say, with little success.

"You see, there was... Ah."

Screw elegance, she tells herself, coughing louder this time. Staring at a point right in the middle of Elems forehead she recites what she needs to say like an automaton. Her cheeks pinched in frustration over such childish stumbling.

"I've bonded with Gianne."

The Kelvic has a sudden all-consuming fascination with her water, drinking it like her mouth is on fire and keeping her gaze fixed solidly over everyones head. But she does catch the eyes of the other two young Kelvics at the end of the table and can't help but give a small smile.
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[The Sanctuary] The Twentieth Bell Feast (Open)

Postby Gianne Basete on October 30th, 2012, 2:49 am

She smiled down at Tasival, taking the piece of wrap up from her plate with a fork and making a show of eating it, exaggerating her look of pleasure for his sake. "It's delicious! Thank you so much, little gentleman." Then Kavala was flashed a smile of understanding, letting her know she enjoyed the attention from her little nugget of a son. Thanks to their little exchange Gianne in fact didn't hear Serrif's comment, else she would have been turned into a blubbering puddle. Her mind would have wandered from babies to how babies were made, then making babies with Serrif. Luckily Tasival had saved the day, or at the very least dinner.

"Haven't seen Iris," she chimed in after Rhy. In fact, Gianne had never even had a conversation with the new Konti. I should probably change that... It won't due to have a practical stranger amongst the staff. As she mulled those thoughts of the table lapsed into a silence. Everyone seemed to have dug in or started drinking something all in sync. Eventually though, Rhy was the one to break that silence. Gianne could tell from the very firt sound her bondmate made what she was going to announce. So you feel ready to tell everyone? she thought to herself, noticing that her heart had started beating faster.

It seemed that Rhy was having a little trouble getting it out, so she smiled and put a reassuring hand on the girl's leg, giving it a loving pat. Go on. And then it was out on the table so to speak. Gianne smiled at her bondmate with obvious affection, squeezing her leg then turning her eyes on everyone else, much more timidly than she'd looked at Rhy. If anyone would have already guessed about the bonding it would be Kavala or the two new Kelvics. Everyone else though, it was very likely they had only noticed some differences in Gianne and Rhy's behavior toward each other. Rhy had become much more protective, though not in a smothering way. More in a I love you and want to keep you safe kind of way.

Gianne actually liked that too. It made her feel all warm and fuzzy knowing she had someone who would always be devoted and care about her unconditionally. Where other relationships might dwindle and falter, this one wouldn't.
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[The Sanctuary] The Twentieth Bell Feast (Open)

Postby Elem Bree on November 2nd, 2012, 6:25 am


Elem continued to chew quietly with his mouth closed as more news was delivered. This time it was Rhy and Gianne. They had bonded. He was vaguely familiar with the concept between a Kelvic and one whom they wished to serve. he was happy for them, while he also felt a twinge of jealousy try to creep up his throat, but it was washed down with another cool sip of water. Everything took him back to Ndale. Always thinking of her kooky pink eyes and her curiosity. He really hoped someone would come along and fill that void within him.

With his plate clean and the business mostly cleared up, there was but one item left to speak of. Clinking his mug with his fork, he cleared his throat. "I am glad to hear of this union between the two of you, Gianne and Rhy. I am sure we are all very pleased to hear this. I have some news I would like to share myself. Since it wasn't vital to the business of the Sanctuary and our growing family, I figured it could wait."

Elem chose to stand at that point, so he could command the attention of all present, regardless of their opinion or skill in the matter he would speak of. The Zeltivan found it to be an important matter and he was interested in hearing any and all opinions before sending a reply back to his friend.

"I recently received a letter from an old friend of mine, a Konti known as Nira'lia. She and I worked at the University together in Zeltiva. Her news troubled me and I wanted to share it with you, so that I could have some opinions as to how to reply to her. It seems that she is in a Syliran contingent which is heading to Sahova for some reason. Nevertheless, some kind of plague is affecting the knights, a plague which she believes may have started in Zeltiva. She also mentions that it is worsening with each passing day. I do not recall such a sickness, but it may have occurred after I left."

"Besides her schooling, she is also marked as a Rak'kelian as Kavala, Serrif and I are. I wondered if any of you may have any insight on what I could tell herin my reply. I am not even sure if it will be as vital once it returns, but I thought it best to bring it to the attention of all of you, rather than wish I had later."

Last edited by Elem Bree on November 14th, 2012, 4:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[The Sanctuary] The Twentieth Bell Feast (Open)

Postby Serrif Von Chatlyn on November 7th, 2012, 2:23 pm


Bonded that explained plenty between the two of them. This was a foreign concept to him and the emotions associated with it were…complex. He was happy for the two of them; because what little he understood he did know that Kelvics seemed to need this bond. It was complex; hard to explain and usually to the best of his knowledge the two once bound stayed so. The link between the two of them inseparable. He smiled wide and nodded, hiding the deeper feelings within him. ‘What does this mean for me?’ his mind echoed to him afraid that now…that now his relationship or a try at one with Gianne would falter…

But the devastation of this though t couldn’t hit him very hard…No…Good thing Elem brought up other affairs. A sickness in the knights that none knew the cause of? This sounded interesting and would divert his attention from the thoughts of Gianne and instead place them on this interesting predicament that Elem’s friends found themselves in. For a brief second though a flash of defeat could be seen on his features. Although the cause for it would likely only be known to him.

“So it started in Zeltiva and is only affecting knights?” He started the line of questioning as his mind came back to him. The food was indeed helping…but seeing Gianne interact with Kavala’s child wasn’t helping him keep his mind from the fact that Gianne would make a wonderful mother. It seems she didn’t hear him though the first time. Which was a relief; in a way.

He wasn’t sure himself now if he could have any viable information to relay to Elem’s contact. He had never dealt with sickness himself. Not on a wide scale anyway. He didn’t even know if he could pin down what could be causing it. And if it was only infecting knights…well that would be odd indeed. Although it was possible that he had misunderstood Elem entirely and that the sickness was spreading through the knights and getting everyone…in which case the situation was much more dire than he first thought.

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or he turns his back on it and starts to wither away.
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