He traveled deeper into the maze of hallways with the group, but was unsure why. He wasn’t a soldier; nor could he couldn’t talk his way out of a bad situation if it turned up. He watched all the others play there special roles. He couldn’t find any clues, track any trail, or protect the team form harm. This situation is way over his head and had no idea how he would be able to do to help. On the other side of the coin, he’d be a Dek if events in his life went slightly different; as well as understand their desire for equality. Despite this he still followed clinging only to an idealistic sense of justice. Well, on the up side; the men behind this didn't seem to be too bright.
He was ill at ease, to say the least, as he followed his way down to the depths of the ever darkening path. It was dreary and miserable place to be and he had no idea why anyone would willingly choose to stay here for any extended time. As they found their way down to the shanty town; a sense of terror filled his very being down to his very core. This had a probable chance for where he could very well have ended up. As the men approached he was still and quiet scared to make a sound that would compromise the mission; he just waited to see what the others would do.
To see the living conditions that couldn't even be called meager made the thought of equal rights be all the more necessary in Wind Reach. This however, did not excuse the assault or the escalated attacks that were pending.