by Sahassvanikol on October 19th, 2012, 10:25 pm
The Lonely Swamp
North of the dhani nest of Zinrah by only a few miles is a small, tepid swamp. Once the place was crystal clear lagoon, but over the years the water began to stagnate and slowly became a breeding ground for insects and disease. Filled mostly by rainwater and runoff from rivers and streams, once the water arrives at the swamp, it mixes with the still water and there it remains. Most of the wildlife in the area knows to avoid drinking water from the swamp, though there are a few bottom-feeding fish and reptiles that call the place home. Mosquitoes and other insects constantly buzz over the still waters, and visiting the swamp is sure to get a traveler swarmed.
The swamp is surrounded by dense jungle, making it nearly impossible to reach for one not versed in jungle travel. The swamp is also the lair of the dhani, Sahassvanikol, who was tasked by Caiyha to care for it. |
Last edited by
Sahassvanikol on May 23rd, 2013, 3:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.