14th of Fall, AV 512
Elem had hurried through his chores, anxious to get things done so he could get on with the real business of the day. he felt a slight pang of guilt for feeling that way. After all, Kavala was paying him well to work, feeding and boarding him. Still though, riverfall was full of adventure and learning, so sometimes he wanted to just get what he needed to do done and get on with it! The animals were ornery as it was. Aweston had said there was a fire in the grasslands and it made the horses especially jittery.
Elem moved through the barns, shoveling out old hay and their poop and replacing it with new hay. He would do his best to calm them by caressing their flanks and channelling Rak'keli's Gnosis to them. It seemed to work in most cases, though before long they were at it again. He suspected that their instincts and the smell of fire was more powerful than his simple mark, but he at least felt that he had tried. Maybe the horses appreciated it. He couldn't really tell. Once he was finished, he told the groom what he had done and hurried out, thinking to fill a bucket of water before leaving to head down the road to the City.
I'sona, his Charoda friend, had arranged with him earlier when they had met to meet a few days later at the waterpark, a place Elem had only heard of, though he passed it every day. It didn't look like much from the outside, but he had heard it was full of pools and slides inside. He hurried along the road toward Riverfall, the bucket sloshing at his side and occasionally spilling along the way. He had dressed light, just linen pants and a green linen shirt, though he had thought to wear a loincloth since he couldn't very well swim in his clothes. As he neared the city, the sky was a dingy grey, the crackle of flames an ambient sound out toward the grasslands. Plumes of smoke could already be seen. This is why he had brought the water, fearing the heat and dry air might have an adverse effect on I'sona.
The guards seemed to raise a blue eyebrow at Elem's bucket carrying, since it seemed to be in the wrong direction. As the young man was often coming and going though, they didn't mention it. Their attention was on the direction of the fire, no doubt. He was watching each step very closely as he navigated the long curving stairwells down to the lower tier where the Blue Gem resided, the bucket and its spitting no help at all. He was sweating from the walk, the smoke and the steps by the time he descended into the lower areas of the aquatic inn. He had just put the bucket down, now easily half full, when he saw her.
" I'sona!" Elem waved, leaning against the counter, happy to be somewhere cool and stationary for a moment.