by Sahashkalila on December 13th, 2012, 5:09 pm
Kalila paused in the act of setting out another bottle, finally putting it down slowly on the desk at his inquiry. She remembered the day on the clearing as if it were yesterday, her anger towards it had lessened over time, however the memory still remained. She supposed it wouldn't hurt to tell him what had happened, seeing as the mage wasn't around now. " into a sslight dissagreement back in Ssunberth, before we left to come here. I wasss forced to fight, and in the end we were both lucky to walk away with our livess. He hass been the only man that I have ever wanted to kill in cold blood, ssomething that I am not proud of.....but I wanted to devour him,"she said, staring at the bottle before turning to look at him. "But that wass a long time ago and you came here for a lessson, not sstoriess."
She then cleared her throat and stood up, suddenly reminded that the lesson she was about to give him was what she had given Stigandr some time ago. "What I have here are materialss that all healerss have on hand if available, ass thiss iss more for thosse who aren't working in the field. I have bandagess, a jar of honey, and a jar of ssugar. Thesse thingss may not sseem like they are a part of healing." She then paused for a moment and picked up her scalpel, setting it to the side before continuing and bringing the bottle of sugar forward. "Ssugar iss ussed to help sstop blood flow, as it helpss clot the blood and reducess bloodlosss during any ssorry of procedure. It doessn't hurt the patient and it will eventually disssolve and reduce pain. Which iss why you ssimply ssprinkle a little over the wound firsst." She then pushed the bottle aside and pulled the honey forward. "Honey, while deliciouss, iss alsso important to healing. Thiss preventss dirt and grime from getting into the wound ass well ass infection, if you sspread a thin layer over the wound after you ssprinkle the sugar. Then of coursse you wound bandage it up. Bandagess are your mosst important material, alwayss be frugal with it. You only usse ass much ass you abssolutely have to and no more."
She assumed that he had been following along fairly well, and intended to test to make sure he had been listening. "Alwayss remember the order, and alwayss remember to clean the wound firsst. If there iss dirt insside it, the wound will fesster and cause infection, which iss ssomething you don't want. Now,"she said, pulling out a rag and setting it next to the supplies and picking up the scalpel. She turned her hand over and looked at her palm, numerous scars there from the lessons she had given. She liked being a practical teacher, and so she quickly slid the scalpel across her palm, blood quickly beginning to well in her hand. "Letss ssee what you remember. There is warm water in the kettle over the fire and a ssmall bowl here for you."