Physical Description Name: Alistair Fordren Race: Human Gender: Male Age: 18 Birthday: 1st Summer, 494 AV Alistair stands 5'10" feet tall, with a slim build. His body appears to be weaker than that of most men his age, due to his constant illnesses as a child. He has brown eyes, and hair which is kept short and clean. His skin is paler than most, further giving away his sheltered early life. Character Concept Alistair is a young man trying to find his place in the world. His dream is to become a Syliran Knight just like his late father, but his weak body has made this impossible for him up until this point. Instead, he struggles each day to prove himself. His goals include finding a smith to repair his late father's sword to battle-ready condition, and join the Syliran Knights. While he has slightly awkward social skills due to his sheltering as a child, his honest and respectful demeanor are nothing less than what would be expected of one brought up by a knight. He tends to be a little too trusting of strangers at times, though, and this has led him to trouble more than once. He puts on a show of bravery and confidence, but in reality he questions himself at every turn. Character History During Alistair's birth, there were complications which led to his mother passing away shortly after. These same complications caused Alistair to lead a somewhat difficult childhood. Often he was ill and bed-ridden. His father and grandfather had both served as Syliran Knights, and it was always his dream to follow in their footsteps. His illness, however, made this impossible. He never had the chance to become a page, let alone a squire. Instead, he spent most of his time reading books and studying. On his better days, his Father would take him to watch the Knights' training exercises, and Alistair was even allowed to take a few practice swings with his father's longsword. The day would come where his father would be sent out of the gates of the city to eliminate a group of bandits that had been terrorizing the roads leading to the city. Unfortunately, his father never made it home. All that was recovered was his sword. A few years would pass, and Alistair's body would recover enough for him to actually live on his own. Although years of being bed-ridden have caused him to be physically weaker than most, especially other men. Instead, he relies on his wits to keep himself going. He inherited his father's possessions and money, but the past few years have been difficult and he is getting down to his last bit of coin. He needs to find a steady source of income soon, or be left broke and homeless. Possessions 1 Longsword 1 Set of Clothing -Simple Shirt -Simple Pants -Simple Undergarments -Simple Cloak/coat -Simple Boots 1 Waterskin 1 Backpack which contains: -Comb (Wood) -Brush (Wood) -Soap -Razor -Balanced Rations (1 Week's worth) -1 eating knife -Flint & Steel Heirloom: Worn Longsword of Cyril Fordren, kept within the chest of his room at all times. Housing: A small room within Stormhold Castle. He lived in a decent home with his father as a child, but after his father died he had no choice but to find somewhere cheaper. In addition to the layout above, the room has a poor condition bookshelf with two books (a book on first aid, and a cook book). The books are rather worn, and not very informative beyond very basic information, but readable. The room is also equipped with an iron cauldron for cooking along with a very basic set of utensils for a single person. Ledger
Skills, Lores, Magics, Gnosis, Languages
Fluent Language: Common Lores: Lore of Syliran Culture Lore of History of Syliran Knights Thread List Alistair's Past (Solo) The Paths We All Must Walk (Keshta)(In Progress) Food For Thought (Sybel) (In Progress) |