Elvyne made a small, shocked noise at the sight of the Falcon.
These are getting awfully common, was her initial thought - only the other day, she had seen one flying of the Sea of Grass. She grimaced as she watched bird and man scrabble over the fish, and quickly stepped aside when the fish landed with a somewhat comical
slop into the mud.
She was even more shocked though, when a man purchased the soiled fish.
Times cannot be that tough, surely, she thought to herself, gripping hold of her own purchased fish, suddenly aware of thieving birds dropping from the sky. Both Elvyne and the fishmonger watched the man ride off, seemingly happy with the purchase - until he threw it onto the top of a nearby pavilion.
That makes more sense, she realised, a little relieved for the strange man - and his digestive system.
As she watched the charitable stranger ride off, her attention returned back to the gossiping women. Unfortunately, they had been even more disgusted by the falcon and fish scenario, and had moved elsewhere to continue their gossiping.
Damn, Elvyne thought, desperate to learn more about these missing hunters.