Flashback FlashBack solo: She'll drive you batty

Maeva has drunken encounter that leaves someone breathless. And bloodless.

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

FlashBack solo: She'll drive you batty

Postby Maeva on October 24th, 2012, 7:28 pm

Ooc| NOTE: I’m not sure what the rules are regarding rating a piece of work as ‘mature’… But I’m throwing the warning out here now just in case!
Also, I’m currently waiting to see if I can get special permission to have Maeva be a Black Widow spider Kelvic instead of a vampire bat. If this idea goes forward - I’ll obviously change the relevant sections to be spider-related and not bat. But the rest would stay the same.

8th day of Fall, 511.

”…And what do they call you?” The man could hardly sit straight, let alone see straight, ”Do you all have… different names?” He slurred, his eyes rolling left and right - apparently he was seeing double. Or triple. He swayed gently in his seat.

Maeva leaned over to him, giving the drunkard something to focus on - straight down her top. A crooked smile came over his face - he can see them good enough she thought, bemused. ”I’ll give you my name for a drink.”

”Lovely brea- I mean,” he hiccupped, “lovely brains… my girl.” His hands snaked around to Maeva’s behind, which he grabbed lustfully. She squirmed at his touch, but forced a smirk onto her red lips. ”Bar wench! I’ll have a beer, and a--”

“A glass of wine. Please.”
She flashed the drunken gent another smile. He sighed heavily and delved deep inside his pockets, searching for the little money he had left. He pulled out a gold and copper miza, and handed them to the barmaid. Their drinks came shortly after - but due to his current state, most of her company’s drink ended up down the front of himself. Maeva sipped at her wine slowly, trying to keep her mind straight. Yes, she enjoyed her wine, her men and her late nights. But she was nobody’s fool, and wanted it to stay that way.

“Whatsyournamethen?” He was swaying even more now, and had somehow rotated himself on his chair, so the back of it was now to his right, and he lent precariously backward. If he keeps swaying, he’ll fall off and break his neck.

Before answering, Maeva took the man’s hand, tugging at it gently so he stood up. When he did, he almost toppled over her. Spluttering, he stood up straight, using his chair for support, ”your name.”


”I’mm… Timos.”He burped not so subtly, and held his hand out. Elvyne accepted the offering, a little surprised by the politeness. A moment ago that hand was on my ass.

But it had been a trick - the moment her hand touched his, Maeva’s new friend had grabbed her hand, pulling her towards him so their bodies collided together. He stumbled backwards, supported only by the table behind him. His mouth landed on hers, and she suddenly tasted a mixture of beer and ale. It made her stomach churn, but she had no choice but to return his standoffish kiss. His hands were now busy elsewhere - up and down her back, grabbing at her desperately.
Last edited by Maeva on December 30th, 2012, 2:26 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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FlashBack solo: She'll drive you batty

Postby Maeva on October 24th, 2012, 7:29 pm

After a few moments, Maeva broke off, ”We should go. Yours.” It wasn’t a question; it was one of Maeva’s own rules to never bring a… companion back to her own home. Timos didn’t seem to her heard what she had said - he was too busy trying to get close to her lips again - but he followed obediently enough when Maeva walked towards the exit.

Outside, it was as pitch black as Syliras could be. A stray cat scampered past, meowling pathetically. ”Where do you live?” Maeva asked, hoping that her friend’s sense of direction had not been totally destroyed by his alcohol consumption. He didn’t say anything, but pointed straight ahead and went forth, pulling Maeva alongside. It took a short while for them to reach Timos’ room - the spitting image of Maeva’s own, except it smelt much worse. She followed him inside, breathing through her mouth.

Once the door was closed, he pounced on her like a wildcat. She staggered backwards, towards the door, and before she could get her bearings, he had pinned her there. Once you get over the combination of the room’s smell and his breath, this isn’t so bad she thought, surprised herself. I must have drunk more than I planned to.

He was getting breathless, and broke off their fevered kiss to pull his shirt off and struggle with his belt. He paused his undressing and glanced at Maeva, still fully clothed, ”Take them off.”

She smirked - oh, how she enjoyed such sweet words. She stepped out of her clothes, and laughed lightly when he moaned with lust -she loved getting such a positive reaction out of men. He had given up on his belt, it seemed; it hung there limp (unlike so many other things she could think of), so she gave him a helping hand. Once the two of them were naked, they were pulling and tugging at each other like two alley cats fighting. Hands wee everywhere; through hair, on legs, arms, backs, breasts (hers only, luckily - he was quite toned). Desperation and their lust created a hot, sticky atmosphere in the tiny room. A lonely candle (‘for atmosphere’ he said as he had lit it) was the only source of light for them. They tripped and stumbled over their discarded clothes, laughing at each other like best friends.

Their hot, sticky bodies were at the table - or in her case, on the table - when he started to get a bit too rough. His touches became pinches, and his mind clouded over in a sex and alcohol fuelled haze.
Last edited by Maeva on October 24th, 2012, 7:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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FlashBack solo: She'll drive you batty

Postby Maeva on October 24th, 2012, 7:29 pm

”Slow down, you’re hurting me.”

But he ignored her, and pulled at her hair to make her yelp. He pinched a nipple, grabbed a thigh. These will leave bruises, she thought as she pushed his hand away.

”No, stop for a moment.”

Again, he showed no response - only the rhythmic grunting and the odd curse word. His head was thrown back now in pleasure. He didn’t care who she was, or whether she could feel his harsh grasp on her waist.

”Stop grabbing at me.”

But he ignored her request once more, and continued in his passion with the stubborn determination that only comes from an extremely drunken man. He was getting frustrated now. His grunts were become ever more brutish, his touches all the more frantic.

Do something, you stupid bitch.” He dragged his fingers down the sides of her thighs, drawing faint red lines that would still be visible in the morning. Maeva yelped, instinctively pushing at his shoulders with all her strength. He staggered backwards, and Maeva saw - with the clarity that only a Kevlic night creature can - the furious look that crossed his face. He looked ridiculous, standing there stark naked, both horrendously angry and also incredibly frustrated.

She had to play her cards right to save herself further pain at his hands.

”Lie down. On the bed.” she said in a low voice, easing herself off the table, wincing with pain in the dark, ”I’ll take care of you.” He considered her offer for a moment, spat on the floor, and nodded. He turned, staggers towards his bunk, and clambered onto his bed, still clearly quite eager for further sexual contact.

Maeva took a moment, speaking in her purring voice to keep him happy and calm - whilst at the same time, heading towards the door and opening it the tiniest fraction. Then, she transformed into her bat form - a small swirl of dim lights surrounding her naked human self, only to disperse and leave a tiny creature in her place.
Last edited by Maeva on October 24th, 2012, 10:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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FlashBack solo: She'll drive you batty

Postby Maeva on October 24th, 2012, 7:30 pm

"What the f-“ He was on his feet now - confused about what just happened. He was still staggering on the spot, a look on his face that was certainly not attractive. In fact, it was almost comical.

The walls were rough stone, perfect for scurrying up. So Maeva did so, before throwing herself off it and flapping her wings manically to gain some height. Her wings created a tiny noise, almost like a faint tapping, one that Timos fortunately didn’t hear.

He did, however, feel Maeva when she landed delicately on the back of his shoulder, and sunk her small but dagger-like teeth into the soft flesh at the side of his neck. He cursed in pain, and bought a large hand upwards to swat at whatever-the-hell had just bitten him. But she’d already moved to his other shoulder, and again she bit into him, creating a duplicate of the small bite marks she’s just left.

This time he spun around, arms flailing, angered by the mysterious creature slowly killing him. They danced around together, him swirling with his arms in the air, with Maeva diving at him, landing upon his skin for a fraction of a second, biting him, and fluttering off. The smell of his blood filled Maeva’s nostrils, and his movements started to get slower as the life drained out of him. The combination of the bites, the thinning of his blood caused by Maeva’s saliva, and the fact he was spinning around desperately trying to save himself from his tiny attacker, soon meant that Timos’ body fell to the floor.

He gave a sickening groan, and slowly died. And Maeva fed. A fully grown human male provided more than her bat-sized fill - the rest of him bled out onto the floor of his tiny room.

She flitted through the door she had previously opened ajar for herself - and flew back towards her own home.
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FlashBack solo: She'll drive you batty

Postby Accolade on October 29th, 2012, 6:43 pm

Maeva Genois

Skill XP Earned
Persuasion + 1 XP
Seduction + 1 XP

Lore Earned
How to lure a drunker
The smell of blood
Having a heavy meal

Notes :
Hey there, interesting thread, be sure to update your CS with your thread list.

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