Just what am i seeing ? ( solo)

Xi makes an attempt at trying to get down what he sees within his head

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Built high in the massive branches of Taldera's bloodwood forest, The Spires is a city crafted by the peaceful and scholarly Jamoura. Considered a haven for scholars and sages Mizahar-wide, The Spires is a mecca of philosophy and science that draws people from far and wide with its promise of deeper thinking and higher reasoning.

Just what am i seeing ? ( solo)

Postby Ximal on October 26th, 2012, 5:47 pm

7th Fall 512AV OOCBefore the start of this thread Xi bought a few things:
Backpack = 2GM, Quill X 4 = 2SM, Ink 3 vials = 6GM, 10 sheets of parchment = 2GM, 5 Blank Books = 15GM, Total = 25GM 2SM

Sat in the corner of his room in the tavern Xi's mind had begun to wander again in the free, open expanse of his mind. Though even there was one evil even in teh stillness of his mind. Though right now Xi felt some what at peace...He needed to try and learn how to get his thoughts down and right now he was trying to calm his mind...If he could go at this with a clear plane of thought he would be able to write out what had been plaguing him. Even though he could read he's never given writing a go... He'd never had the chance. With constantly running for his live being concerned with every thing around him he'd never had the chance to just take a few minutes to learn how to write. With a clear head he, rose and headed for the small desk this room offered him. Sitting himself in the rather uncomfortable chair he leant over then desk slightly. The foreign objects he'd picked up were strange but they were essential for writing.

Picking up the quill, Xi started to write out the alphabet , he knew what the words looked like and how they were supposed to be but he t just couldn't write them down. On a loose piece of parchment he'd bought it to try and practice on.


Alright i can write, it's just a simple matter of memory isn't it ? I mean i've seen those shapes before, and i can read them. Xi began to think about what he'd wanted to write about just flowing through the things most predominant on his mind. And then his hand began scribbling down on the page, occasionally dipping back into the ink pot every time the quill ran low.

I start writing now about the nightmare that has been plaguing me. It call's itself liro. It is the beast that prowls the corners of my mind awaiting any chance it can find to pull itself into a solid form and take control of my body. The actions i preform during these episodes are not my actions. They are the actions of a beast and a spirit of ill omen. He is always with me and always haunting me. This spirit has cost me much but i haven't found a way to control him yet. No matter what i try and no matter how hard i try to fight him off, he eventually takes over. This is the longest i have gone without him taking over. Ninety-nine days. He brings himself to control every action i take, and as such i always choose the path of least danger should he emerge. Due to the folly i find of him being a twisted spirit. He is also thoroughly insane. Driving his impulses wild, he is nothing more than a beast without remorse or form. Still at his core there is something more there or so in would like to believe. When ever i'm in trouble he seems to make odd gestures which give me some indication of help,. Having said this these gestures are few and far between. And i am dubious of any intent that he may have behind them.

Xi leaned back in his chair before twisting his hand around holding his wrist. This was foreign to him and so very alien that his wrist had begun to cramp. He could feel the tendons straining the constant motions of his hand was not something he'd adjusted too. Still he flexed his fingers as he rolled his hand. Picking the quill back up from the ink pot he continued. But this time he wasn't planning on writing about just liro.

During my time here i have met and spoken with some very determined people all of which act for different reasons.

Firstly is the dhani doctor...I call her kalia. She is a good friend and is often the one to heal me when ever i manage to hurt myself doing something. Although she is a kind figure, she does often have somewhat of a sharp tongue...Her words often bite deep because they are honest.

Next is the small blonde thief. Though she really isn't much of a thief any more. She is a little trouble maker with a very hot head. Recently i saw her and she is looking much healthier than usual. Her time in the spires seems to have fleshed out her considerably thin frame, and even though she hates me, i can tell she looks happier here.

Lastly on the second of fall i met another strange man, One who stood over even me, but it was an akalak. Bright red and strikingly tall. He was a strong man but even strong men often fight dirty. Though eh has two sides and like me that can mean that one is prone to acting in the opposite manner to the other.

Dipping the quill back into the pot of ink Xi began to sink into thought. He knew about the things that could happened and probably would, but that didn't mean he could write about them. Then there was his secret weapon but that he would refuse to write about if he ever wrote anything down he would burn it soon after.he would never teach anyone that skill. Flux as something that in the wrong or even the right hands, had a potential for severe abuse.


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Just what am i seeing ? ( solo)

Postby Ximal on October 27th, 2012, 12:31 am

Starring down at the parchment he dragged his fingers out slowly doing a rough and very jagged outline sketch of the terror which tormented his every moment. Ths sketch was rough and raggedy but something akin to a monster, meshed together out of the pieces of animals. More beast than man but with his face at it's core...His face slightly twisted by the fangs that now occupied his mouth and the horns that sprouted from his forehead sweeping back and around into something of a horned headdress. Xi looked down at the apparition of pure malice that stared back at him.

"Drawing me ? I'm SO flattered." A cold chill ran down Xi's neck...As Xi turned around in his chair. and saw what he had just drawn starring back at him. Xi could feel the cold nawing pain of realization sweep in. Just what was liro? His mind playing tricks on him? Or something much more sinister? Xi rose from his chair before spinnignto face the man-beast. This was almost as if staring at the darker him. The the darker side of him that he didn't want anyone to see. The true depraived irratic, and malice driven.

"No...Your not real...You cant be!"

"yet here i am in the flesh..." This wasn't possible had liro finally show his true self , was he real and just projecting himself and his voice within Xi''s head. Suddenly Xi felt a falling sensation, ha perpetual falling sensation before. CRASH! Xi impacted the floor and snapped out of his nightmare, to see an empty room. Xi could feel his heart thumping out of his chest and his body had broken out ion a cold sweat..He could feel every ounce of his body reverberating with sheer terror...What is liro was more than the little voice in his head, and the thing that tried to over power him.If it was another being that meant he was nothing more than a human weapon, a tool for the use of another being. His hands clenched. and he took a slow breath. Nightmares...Chilling realizations. All these images are, is me trying to make sense of a puzzle that i cant solve. Why have i done to deserve this. Gods, TELL ME!
Gods have no reason as to why i'm here. I'm here because i wish to be, because you need me. You need to be told when to do something because at your heart thats all youve ever known how to do...Follow orders."

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Just what am i seeing ? ( solo)

Postby Ximal on October 28th, 2012, 12:25 am

Shaking his head he clamoured back up on to the chair. Now he was feeling dizzy. Something within him had started to make his head spin. Though the dream had scared the living shyke out of him he refocused on the page infront of him. Before thinking about what his mind had wanted to tell him. A weapon. Xi picked up the quill back in the pot before drawing out the ideas for weapons in his head,, of course he had no skill in any crafting nature but he wanted to at least try to draw out the concept of his. He began at the base of the weapon sketching out the thin oval of the handle, splitting it with a swirling S hallmark and then trying to decorate it with the puff of clouds. sliding his quill back in and out of the ink vial he begun work on the handle the slight curvature of it arcing around. The handle then latticed with some cord in a crossing pattern. Coming up the the guard he sketched that very differently. Shooting an edge out he drew it up and into a smaller segment attached to the main core. The central column of the weapon was one solid piece of metal.

Xi leant back from his drawing and he'd drawn a weapon which was...Blunt? Why a completely blunt weapon surely the best weapons were bladed? Then Xi looked down at his hands..and made a relization. His body the weapon he relied on the most was blunt, and he';d killed a lot of men with his hands alone. Not all weapons had to have a sharp edge. Standing up he corked the ink wiped off the quill and rolled up the parchment. Not bad for his fist time practising this. He stuffed all of his new gear into the new backpack he had bought. Now he was finally starting to feel like he had another outlet for his thoughts.

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Just what am i seeing ? ( solo)

Postby Reaper on November 3rd, 2012, 7:47 pm

The Fruits Of The Harvest

Ximal :
Skill XP Rewarded
Meditation 1
Calligraphy 3
Writing 2
Drawing 3

Now I Know My ABCs
Liro’s Face
Liro: I Need You and You Need Me
Blunt Weapons Can Be the Best Weapons


Your spelling and grammar have gotten much better, Ximal. I can see your progress. :)

Keep up the good work! Questions? Comments? Something important that I missed? Please do not hesitate to PM me and we will discuss it. :)
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