Bravin has no surname, as his monk father renounced his family and had none to give him.
Race: human (Nykan) Gender: male Birthday: Spring, Day 46, 489 AV Age: 23
Physical Description
Bravin is of average height for a Nykan, standing around six feet tall. His black hair is cut short and uniform, drawing attention to his pale, handsome face. His piercing blue eyes, wary and suspicious, seem always to be searching for danger. He has a serious face, and when he smiles it is more of an arrogant smirk. His light skin ripples with lean muscle, though all but his head is usually hidden by a thick brown robe embroidered with the blade of Uphis.
[WIP: Being developed through roleplay.] To summarize Bravin in five words: arrogant, confident, violent*.
*Though he does not lose control of himself; he always fights with a purpose in mind.
Character History
There was once a particularly fine summer in Nyka, slightly warmer and more comfortable than most summers, but not so hot as to make people lethargic with the heat. One day in this perfect weather, a handsome and altogether foolish young monk of Uphis spotted a beautiful young girl wearing perhaps less clothes than was wise for one as pretty as her.
When the monk, named Staanos, introduced himself to the girl, she was quite taken with his good looks and the authority with which he spoke. He learned her name was Vera, and she agreed to meet him on the Lover's Bridge at midnight. And meet they did, several times in fact, over the course of that summer. When the fall rains came and the weather was too poor to spend much time outside, the couple saw less of each other. Staanos was able to turn his full attention to his monastic duties, and he rose quickly from the rank of Novice to the rank of Acolyte.
But soon, just before winter, Vera came to him and announced her pregnancy. Of course Staanos couldn't lend much support, as he was forbidden from owning anything, and most of his time was spent managing the Northern quarter. And when Vera, now almost a woman grown, delivered the child and named him Bravin, Staanos didn't so much as visit his newborn son. Vera was left to raise the child with the help of her mother and father, who kept the whole affair as quiet as possible.
Meanwhile, Staanos was driving off monsters who wandered from the Aperture, keeping his quarter safe from invading monks of the other three quarters, and winning the respect of the other monks of Uphis. In a few years he became one of the youngest to attain the rank of Prior. His old mentor, who had first sponsored him before his selection test, became too weak to fight, and retired, awarding Staanos with his prized sword, a blade blessed with unnatural keenness by Uphis himself.
As Bravin neared his tenth birthday, great adversity befell Staanos. The now-seasoned Prior had gone into the Aperture to hunt monsters and hadn't been seen in over a week. One day he suddenly crawled from the fissure, delirious and babbling. He was missing his right arm, and it was a miracle he had managed to climb out at all. But when he came to his senses a few days later, it was realized he had taken the sword blessed by Uphis and failed to bring it back. The monk retired in shame.
Suddenly Staanos had real need for Vera. Though he had not visited her in years, she graciously married him and took him in, and he finally met his son Bravin. After he had gotten over the initial shock of losing his arm and his blade, Staanos grew accustomed to obeying the law with the rest of the non-monastic Nykans. He soon took charge of his wife and son, and though he was not cruel, he was a strict father and husband, and at first Bravin disliked him.
Over the years, however, Staanos trained Bravin to fight and to meditate, secretly preparing him for the life of a monk, though Bravin didn't realize it. Vera worked as a serving wench at the Sharp Tongue Pub and made enough to support both her crippled husband and young son, for her pregnancy had not robbed her of her youthful figure and charm. As soon as he was old enough, Bravin was ordered by his father to begin work at the Bloody Hunter, selling equipment to travelers and woodsmen.
Of course Staanos eventually revealed to his son what he was training him to be, and as Bravin knew of the privileges enjoyed by the monks of Nyka, he had no objection. Staanos also told him he must one day recover the blessed blade from the Aperture, though the boy was beaten if he asked how his father had lost it.
As he came of age in the spring, Bravin quit his job at the Bloody Hunter and trained relentlessly for the upcoming fall selection test. He was determined to escape his dull life at home, become a more successful monk than his dishonored father, and perhaps even recover the lost blade, if it truly existed, and use it to silence any who would oppose him. [WIP: The rest of the story will be summarized here when it is played out in flashback.] A Note on the Sword: The sword is a longsword blessed by Uphis. It can cut through flesh and bone like butter and puncture armor with ease. It is more durable than other weaponry and is likely still lost in the Aperture, undamaged. That said, I'm not expecting to recover it easily. If and when my character goes after it, he will be better trained than he is now, and I'll try to get a storyteller to mod a thread for me so I don't recover the sword without a fair challenge. I'm not trying to give my character an over-powered weapon without working for it.
- monk robes (embroidered with the blade of Uphis)
- sandals
- longsword
- water canteen
Housing: A small room within the Sharp Blade Headquarters in Nyka. Heirloom: His father's blessed longsword, assuming he can find it some day. A Note on Possessions: I will complete my monk selection test in flashback as soon as possible. Until then, I won't use any of these possessions in roleplay. As for the heirloom, I've applied for permission at the Help Desk to obtain and use it.
Ledger: Omitted; a monk owns nothing.
Skills, Lores, Magics, Gnosis, Languages
Skill/Magic | EXP | Total | Proficiency | Description | Unarmed Combat | 11 SP, 15 RB | 26 | Competent | He knows basic stances, punches, kicks, grabs, blocks, etc. | Longsword | 11 SP | 11 | Novice | He knows the basic stance, grip, and a few attacks and parries. | Meditation | 10 SP | 10 | Novice | He can clear his mind as long as he isn't physically distracted. | Blind Fighting | 8 SP | 8 | Novice | He has to fight in the dark when he visits the Aperture. | Persuasion | 5 SP | 5 | Novice | He used to persuade customers to buy merchandise, though he was never very good with people. | Flux | 5 SP | 5 | Novice | He is learning to control his Djed flow through careful meditation and conditioning. |
Fluent Language: Common (native language) Basic Language: Fratava (from listening to traders) Poor Language: Tukant (from listening to traveling Akalak martial artists)
Lore of Religion (Uphis) Lore of Hunting and Survival Gear
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