"I wasn't trying to kill him, look listen to us for a tick." He argued as the lead officer ordered the trouble makers to be placed in cells tell they could be questions. "God dammit man! Listen to me!" He roared as both he and Ricky were pulled from the scene. "These men are slavers! We followed them to their base. They have children! Do you hear me! Zeltivan children!" He dug in his heels and wrenched his right arm free from the startled guard. There was no way he was going to allow those bastards to get away, not when they were so close. And were was Ricky? Why wasn't the man backing him up? He careened his head and for a second caught sight of a the lifeless disheveled Odis upon the ground and Ricky's bleak empty expression before Sebastian was grabbed again and forced to the ground. "Wait a moment." The tired officer ordered with a raise of his hand. "Let the man speak." "Hey sir?" Another wave guard piped up. A fairly young man by the sound of his voice. "That ship's captain we were just talking to is taking off." Sebastian spit out a mouthful of dirt as the guard pulled him back up to his knees. He couldn't see what ship the boy was talking about but, he had a good guess. "The slaver's ship is the Belia, they've got three kids on board, three more stashed somewhere in the city. That man can show us where." He nodded to the guy passed out next to him. "We got two kids out, Danny and Lina. Sent them for reinforcements." "We already checked the ship." The slow nasal quality of the officer's statement made it sound almost like a whine. "From head to toe." "Then you didn't look hard enough." Sebastian growled furious by this man's lack of initiative. "What are you? Wave Guard or dock surfs pissing in the wind? Go do your god dam job and keep this city safe by catching those mother petching bastards!" His roar made the officer, a mild plan looking man, take a step back with wide eyes. "He right." Spoke the women. "It doesn't matter whether we've checked the ship a hundred times. A claim like this can't be ignored." She had long wiry black hair tinged with white that was pulled back in a tight bun. Her face was strong, serious and careworn around the eyes which made her look much older then she actually was. Everything about her was sharp and to the point in a no-nonsense sort of way and her uniform was well taken care of if perhaps one size to large. The torchlight and fogy shadows distorted her figure in an unsettling way but Sebastian didn't care. At this moment she was the most beautiful women he'd ever seen. "Captain with your permission I'd like to take these three for questioning and holding, while the rest of you round up enough men to stop that ship." The officer straightened at this, and a bit of light sparked back into his eyes as if he'd just been wakened from a half sleep. "Out of the question Elza. I'm not leaving you alone with these felons." "Fine then leave Jobb and the rest of you get going." She complied nodding to the man holding Sebastian and hefting with some effort the unconscious man. Ricky was allowed to collect the body of his noble friend before they were lead away towards the Wave Guard head quarters. The five pasted a group of grim faced sailors following two children and Lina waved as they hurried by. Rick and the pirate were put in two different holding cells and Sebastian soon followed after Elza expertly tended his wound. They would find out the next day that Belia had escaped into the open ocean likely never to be seen in Zeltiva again. Their alibi was supported by Danny and Lina as well as the captured pirate and the remaining three children where soon discovered hidden away within the cellar of another abandoned building. No one could explain the strange events that had lead Ricky, Sebastian, and Odis to their timely discovery, or why such screams hadn't attracted the Wave Guard. An astute fellow who was part of the investigation said it must have been a ghost, likely that of the small girl they found dead and decayed in a cage down a side tunnel. Ricky and Sebastian were released once their story had been confirmed, both congratulated on their bravery and dedication as well as firmly told in the future such discovery should be taken to the Guard immediately. A few days later after the kids had been returned home Sebastian visited the orphanage to check up on Lina. She gifted him with a small, strange cube she'd found within the slaver tunnels claiming it would bring him luck. |