Greetings Flayndar players, Given a recent PM from a player lurking our region, I feel the need to put this message out to OOC threads. If you could please forward all thread and moderation requests towards me I’d be happy to assist you to the best of my ability. Cayenne and Rage are still very much around in the world, but have their respective duties, responsibilities, and lives to work around. It’s just bad timing that we’re all busy. Being the least busy, from what I can tell, I’ll do what I can to pick up whatever slack there is. Therefore, please refer to my office for all requests, etc. as I will not get a notification from your posting elsewhere. Long live Falyndar, and –of course- welcome to the jungle… For sake of argument, here’s the link to my office as well: The Argument Keep it classy, kiddos. -Schism |