[Garth's Rest] Drinking and Talking? (Ximal, Falix)

Banir drinks with one of his few friends, and perhaps a new one?

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[Garth's Rest] Drinking and Talking? (Ximal, Falix)

Postby Banir Ironwood on October 30th, 2012, 8:41 am

Evening 23nd Fall 512 AV

Sitting within the expertly carved bar of Garth's Rest, Banir sat at a table meant for the smaller races. Adorned in his usual attire his long dirty green jacket, thick cold iron armour, hooded head, and scarfed face. His large body filling the seat nicely as he sat within the wooden seat, the table before him. On the table was a drink, something from what he could tell was called Nectar's Delight. The female Jamoura who had served him the drink was very likable, loud at times but nice enough. His armour felt lighter than normal, he felt good after his healing session. Though Banir enjoyed privacy, he liked a friendly face around. So upon the table sat a small clay figure, his best and perhaps oldest friend Falix. She was a great friend, she took care of him and helped him with almost everything he did. To him she was perhaps the most valuable thing he had in his life. Though as close as they where he didn't wish to show her what hid behind his face. Always requesting she look away every time he took a sip from his drink.

The seats where many but the costumers few, a perfect time for Banir to have a drink. Due to the shame marked plain as day across his hidden face, he greatly disliked to show his face. And as he took a sip from his drink he made sure no one looked his way. Revealing his damaged face as the tasty smooth drink flowed down his throat. It still hurt like hell to drink, talk, and eat. But it was better, by far better and he was more than a little grateful to the healer who had helped him. But he didn't need his mind on that right now, he got angry enough as it was. He just needed to relax and enjoy the time with his friend, his eyes where a calm white. Rimmed with bits of red, on occasion a happy yellow would blossom just on the edges then disappear again. Hiding his face behind his scarf once more, he would need to finish his mask. That mask would be far more useful, tougher, stronger, won't reveal his face in a fight.

He gave a gentle groan as he rolled his shoulders and the heavy metal a top them. Though the healer had done quite a bit of great work on him he could still feel some pain still in his body. Looking at his drink with his ever changing eyes, he looked to his smaller companion once again. The little girl of clay, so small, a little delicate, and his own second little brain. She was practically a part of him, she always seemed to help him find the best path in life. And she never asked for anything in return, well besides some clay once in a while. With a sigh he looked at his drink, he should really get some more friends to drink with.
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[Garth's Rest] Drinking and Talking? (Ximal, Falix)

Postby Falix on October 31st, 2012, 7:43 am

Sitting on the edge of the table, Falix swung her legs over the edge, leaning back on her tiny hands. the Jamoura woman that had served Banir his drink had seemed a little suprised at the small clay girl just sitting there, but said nothing. To Falix it was a look she often got when travelling. It seemed that where Banir went, Pycons didn't travel. She was looking down at her lap while Banir took a sip of his drink, he didn't even need to ask anymore she just looked away when he lifted his cup.

Curiosity burned deep within her to see why Banir so vehemently his his face, but she didn't want to hurt his feelings, and she didn't want to make him angry with her. Or worse, stop speaking with her for a while. She had been at Banir's temporary home while he had gone to get healed, she had stayed at his request but she did not enjoy being away from him. The two had practically become one, an extention of the other. Banir was her friend, her protector and her companion. While she was his voice, his second mind, his council and at times even his conscious.

Since Banir had come back he had seemed more relaxed, less tense. She could tell that he was still very much in pain, but it was better than it was before. There were many a time when she wished that she could do something to aliviate his agony, but it was beyond anything she could ever hope to achive.

After that Banir had set his cup back down from taking his drink, she stood up on the table and stretched a little like a normal living being might after sitting still for so long. With practiced ease, she used the lowered arm and climbed up onto his shoulder and sat down once more. she sat like she had on the table, her legs hanging over Banir's shoulder and her hands gripping gently at the dirty green material to keep her balance.

She looked at his eyes, able to catch small glimpses of his ever changing eyes. She could see the lonelness in them. They travelled much and Banir's maladies often scared other people away. Either by his gruff voice or just his sheer size. She had travelled long enough with Banir to know when he was having pain of the heart. Falix gave a soft smile and leaned over his shoulder and gave his arm a hug. it was the only part of him that she could get her arms around. it was her way of telling him it would be okay, and that she was still there, his ever present friend.
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[Garth's Rest] Drinking and Talking? (Ximal, Falix)

Postby Ximal on October 31st, 2012, 2:54 pm

Work. Work was the only thing he had much energy for. Still his work could be considered training. Hauling himself to the tavern Xi held his impressive stature. Holding his head up high and walking somewhat proudly knowing he'd done a good day's work and a good job. Rocking his shoulders back he pushed open the door to graths with his foot. He was tired a little hungry and he needed a drink. But his bedroom was just upstairs so why not unwind a bit first ?

Xi sidled over to the bar, placed a few miza's on the counter and looked at grath before ordering the nectar's delight. Only a mug though he wasn't going to be here for that long. Whilst he awaited his drink, in the corner of the room something caught his eye. A familiar figure...Ah so that's who it is. As the mug of nectars delight came to meet the counter Xi whisked it away almost as fast as it had appeared. Taking a sip he just watched the figure until. He spotted the miniature person of clay...Not another of those. Still this oen seemed all together more...Docile. Xi walked over slowly before standing above and towering down over the two of them. A small smirk, crawled onto his face before he sat down opposite the figure.
"Well i didn't think I'd be seeing you again so soon...Banir. Xi took another sip of the mug of sweet deliciousness, before refocusing hsi eye's back on banir. And the pycon on his shoulder. "Hows the throat? Did you go and see that healer i mentioned ? Or are you still having difficulty speaking?" A bit of annoyance and curiosity flashed across Xi's face as he looked at the pycon, but that was only from the memories of master pikkel He'd smash that little bastard. So banir whose the pycon on your shoulder? Or does she want to introduce herself?

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[Garth's Rest] Drinking and Talking? (Ximal, Falix)

Postby Banir Ironwood on November 3rd, 2012, 4:06 am

Banir almost took another drink of the delightful tasting liquid in the mug before him. With Falix perched upon his shoulder as she often was, he was relaxed. Then he heard someone enter the bar, though he paid it no heed until he grew unsteady and felt the weight of sight upon him. This was becoming something that he wished he was more unfamiliar with. To sense and feel someone staring at you was creepy at best, and though it didn't frighten him or annoy him. It just was weird to have the feeling of someone looking at you. But he shook the thought as he saw someone sit across from him. Praying silently to any god he could think of to please let it not be some random stranger he looked down. Though he heard the voice and soon recognized it, lifting his white and red eyes upwards towards their face. It was Ximal! Well he honestly didn't expect to see him so damn soon. But at least it was someone he had experience with, sitting a little more upright he nodded to Ximal and began to speak. His voice still graveled and damaged but far better. "Hello Ximal I didn't expect, to see you so soon, either." He was almost able to say an entire sentence now without pausing from pain!

Silently and penitently listening to Ximal ask his many questions he started to wonder if all humans where like this. Talking and asking so many questions, Falix was very quite and it was nice. Maybe if humans where always smaller they'd be more quite too. He quickly abandoned this thought process and looked at Ximal once more, rather than staring through him in thought. Speaking once more to answer his questions. "As you can tell, I can speak far better, than before. Your healer was quite adapt, at what she does." He could feel warmth in his cheeks and his eyes flash a moment of curious orange mixed with an embarrassed lighter red. The healer acted a little weird, but he could not deny she was very good with what she did. His attention snapped as he returned it back to Ximal. Inquiring about his small clay friend.

Reaching over and placing his hand for Falix to walk upon. Should she walk upon it he'd simply move her and hold her closer to Ximal. Banir would never speak for Falix, as he counted her more as a person than anything else. Everyone thought of her as just a simple stature or a thing with life, but to him she was one of the few he would even think of as family. Given that she had been with him the longest, looked out for him, and helped him on every turn he had taken. Giving Ximal a warning glare from under his hood, though he'd prefer not to, he had to be suspicious of all. Banir could never know or tell if someone had the intention of harming Falix. And as always it was better safe than sorry.
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[Garth's Rest] Drinking and Talking? (Ximal, Falix)

Postby Falix on November 4th, 2012, 6:04 am

Sitting on banir's shoulder Falix watched the other man approach. taking note that this man and her protector somehow knew each other, but didn't quite seem to be a friends.

Taking stock of the situation, when banir offered his hand she gracefully stood on the middle of his palm.

In that position she knew that Banir could easily crush her without a single though, but she had complete faith that he would do no such thing.
She stood and looked at the other man, then looked down and brushed at her short skirt, much like a human might to brush crumbs from their clothing. She gave him a neutral look, though it wasn't unfriendly.

"Hello Xi, my name is Falix. I'm Banir's travelling companion." With that she gave a small bow, that revealed the small "feathered" wings on her shoulder blades, although the apperance of the feathers were just very detailed lines in the clay that made up her body.

Once standing straight again she hopped down off Banir's hand and back onto the table, landing with a light grace. From there she walked over to Banir's cup and peered inside, becoming curious about the strange drink. She wished that she could partake of it, to sate her curisoity but she knew that it wouldn't really do her any good.

Her curiosity abaited for the moment she turned once more to the new comer and gave him a good once over. The man had seemed edgy with her presnece and she was bound and determined to find out why, by her figureing she had never anything to him so he shouldn't be acting that way.
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[Garth's Rest] Drinking and Talking? (Ximal, Falix)

Postby Ximal on November 5th, 2012, 7:33 am

Xi smirked lightly. Noticing the definitive improvement in banir's voice. Sipping the sweetened liquid. Much better than the swill back in sunberth. Xi rolled his knuckles along the table and placed the mug back down on the top. Xi was hap[py to know that saha could do hat he said she could. She truly was the right one for him to pick to teach him. "Nor did i expect to see you so soon my friend. And yes i cna see that your voice is much better, a lot less pauses between speach. It's good to see that kalia is good at what she does. " Right now Xi's manner was a lot less formal than when they'd first met. Banir was possibly the small pycon's keeper. As it more or less trusted him completely. Xi took a light yawn. Before listening to the pycon introduce herself as falix. Xi smiles lightly it seemed that this pycon was not like a certain little bastard he'd met before, and as if to mirror that the flash of distaste faded.

"Well falix it's a pleasure to meet you. I apologize for any rudeness i may have shown. I had a run in with another pycon. One who was much less civil so i mad a snap judgement and assumed you were the same." Xi took another long slow swallow of that sweet liquor. Placing the cup back down. Then his face went from slightly cheery to stone cold and dead serious within a half a second. Banir, i'd calm your anger i can see it flaring in your eyes. That and warrior's intuition. Also i'd like to request a hand, tomorrow i'm doing a small raid on a slaver camp that's been spotted near the spires. It's only a small one compared to the large one that was sighed close by. I'd like to request a hand. I'm a good fighter but even i know i cant take a slaver camp alone..." Xi adjusted the monster of a bow on his chest and pulled his hood down slightly. Right now he felt a little uneasy, there was someone in this bar that was unsettling him but he didn't know who or what so for the moment. He'd let it pass and inquire about it tomorrow. Right now he was off work. Still he turned his attention back to banir. And this might have seemed like a odd question but Xi thought he might ask it anyway. "Banir may i ask why your bone density is so high ? As i remember hitting you with a very powerful strike and you didn't falter. That blow would have broken a normal humans collar bone. So how are you so sturdy?" In truth all Xi was doing was searching for why so he could attempt to learn up on it, and then apply it to himself through the use of his morphing later on.

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[Garth's Rest] Drinking and Talking? (Ximal, Falix)

Postby Banir Ironwood on November 5th, 2012, 10:43 pm

When Falix was free from his hand he brought it back to himself, keeping his hooded head low over his drink. Contemplating another drink as they conversed, deciding to go for it he moved fast as he could. Pulling down his scarf as he kept his face to the wall. Taking his cup and downing most of it, once done he removed the cup from his lips. And the moment it was free from his lips, his scarf was covering his damaged face. Looking back to the larger man across the table, like he hadn't even moved at all. Simply looking back at Ximal, listening as he finished his introduction and talk with Falix. As he felt the gaze upon him he looked up to match it. His gaze calming to a nicer white, the ever present red twirling around. Quickly he looked over at his acquaintance, he could tell he was in for a more serious discussion now. Reaching out and keeping Falix close to him, looking down at her once then back at Ximal as he listened. With her safe his rage subdued itself. He was still in control of his emotion, it was difficult, but not impossible to him. As Ximal finished his first half of his sentence he prepared a reply in his mind. His graveled voice broke free, he was able to enunciate his words a little louder.

"My rage is in my, control there is no need, to worry yourself. As for the slavers, I'll be more than happy, to help take them down. I'd never miss a chance, to knock some heads, with suck a skilled warrior. Not to mention pummeling, the shyke out of those, who deserve such. Is an opertunity I'd, not miss for the, life of me." His throat was becoming a little pained, he reached up and under his scarf. Gently rubbing his throat to help the pain subside, he only did it for a moment however. Needing to do it less often and for a shorter amount of time thanks to the healers efforts. As Ximal's next question came up he raised his head and looked to him once more. Why was he so dense? Though the truth was that he was half Isur and had inherited much of his fathers physical dexterity. He'd need an answer that was short, simple, and too the point. With a strong idea of what to say he merely looked up at Ximal and said. "I was born this way."

Though he was starting to have a couple of questions of his own. Thinking for a few minutes he looked across at Ximal again. "Do you know how, many are coming with us, on this raid? More importantly what, are the defenses like? Is there any plan, besides run in and attack?" He said as he thought over possible strategies, it'd be easiest with a group of people. Surround the camp and close in, that would allow for them to capture, subdue, or kill with the least amount of problems. His attention broke quickly and he looked at Falix, he thought he had heard something but it could have just as easily been someone moving around behind him.
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[Garth's Rest] Drinking and Talking? (Ximal, Falix)

Postby Falix on December 6th, 2012, 11:46 am

Falix remianed quiet as she listened to the two men exchange words. 'An attack?' she thought to herself. She wondered what this was about. Watching the two men for a few more minutes, she looked up at about the same time that Banir did. For some reason their closeness had caused her to be almost keen to what Banir was aware of, although not to a psychic degree it was still substantial. She looked back at Banir but couldn't pick out anything out of the ordinary for a place like this.

She looked at the other man at the table that had seemed wary of her at first. giving him a good once over she could tell that he was powerful, and strong. She knew she would be going along on this little adventure with them since Banir rarely left her behind.

Banir was asking the questions that had been running through her own mind so she decided to just remain quiet and listen to the mans answers. She too was curious of what they were about to face. For although she had no skills with weapons, she was Banir's guide, and she was the only one who stood a chance of stopping him if he went into a rage. She was likely the only one that could talk sense into the blind anger.

Something caught her attention though and she turned away from the men for a moment, tilting her head to the side a little, the wings on Falix's clay shoulder blades spread out a little. she edged closer to the table, as trying to see something behind Banir. Finally standing at the edge of the table she peered at what had caught her interest, her small delicate hands gripping onto the dirty green material of Banir's coat so she didn't fall from the table.

Her curiosity sated on what she had seen, which mind you was the glint of a knife, that she had mistaken for a sword, she returned to a more protected place By Banir and waited to hear the answers to both her and Banir's questions hoping that in her insatiable curiosity she had not missed them.
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[Garth's Rest] Drinking and Talking? (Ximal, Falix)

Postby Ximal on December 8th, 2012, 7:10 am

Finishing off his mug Xi leaned on the table propping himself up with one elbow as he listened to what banir had to say. How many were going with, how many were there, what was the numbers and more. Xi just sighed and sort of slumped on to the table and listened, he was out of energy, he's been doing the same thing for two weeks straight now and that was with little sleep.
"There are about forty people in the slaver camp. And it'll just be us two raiding it. And i'm thinking the plan is we draw people out a few at a time and pick em off. I mean a group of five isn't much of an issue is it ?" Xoi lent over the table, he wasn't drunk but he was tired. and it could be seen on his face. He had djed but not actual will to move. Though banir's answers to his questions really weren't the sort of answers that he was after Still at least he'de gotten a reply. Xi sighed and kept his low positioning on the table and looked into the empty mug. No way to relax either...He really wasn't having fun. An dthen there was that sound.

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[Garth's Rest] Drinking and Talking? (Ximal, Falix)

Postby Banir Ironwood on December 8th, 2012, 9:33 am

Steadily he nodded and watched Falix walk about the table. She may be his conscious, but he'd not let harm come to the small delicate clay girl. And if he and Ximal would raid a slaver camp forty strong with only two men. He'd much so rather keep her safe. His attention quickly turning to Ximal as he slumped down in his seat. The man wasn't drunk after just one cup was he? It wasn't too unusual to see, but defiantly weird. However his suspicions where quickly cast off as he noticed how tired the larger man was. Letting a sigh out Banir reached out with his left hand and gave him a pat on the side of the arm. He'd seen a few humans do it, and guessed it was a sign of comfort or something. Beyond what he could carve, hit, forge, or break. He wasn't much use, he could at least say he had at least a few friends in this world. And though Ximal was still very much so new to him. He hoped that he could rely on him in the future though. The man had good instincts and was a damn good fighter. Besides, a comrade in arms wasn't something to be taken lightly. At least not in his eyes.

With a long and careful breath he prepared his words before speaking. "I am ready and willing, to fight these slavers. And in groups of five, it will be easy considering, slavers aren't warriors, more merchants with, weapons and meager skills." He gave pause before moving on and then giving another breath. "Though if we manage, to draw five at a, time. They may become, suspicious of the growing, disappearances. This will have to be done, very quickly in order for it, to have any real effect. Last thing we'd want is, to be pushed into a, corner with more swords pointed, at us than we can handle." He hadn't disagreed with the plan, mostly speaking aloud for himself to understand all the better. The plan Ximal had concocted would have been far better than anything he had. The odds weren't the best. But that just makes it all the more fun.
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