by Solicah on November 26th, 2012, 7:37 pm
Painful pricks flowed throughout Solicah's body as he settled back in, knowing full well his body approached its limit for webbing for some time. His desire to show off may have drained him of unnecessary djed, but he returned him to contentiousness fastest, and so he was the first of the Drykas Webbers to hear the dread report of leathery wings. It struck him as a washed out annoyance at first, a singing in his ears, but as soon as the sound became clear enough, of the silent yet frantic rustling of the women near him became evident Solicah's eyes flung open. Pain resounded from inside them, main shot through his skull. Colors were muted, sounds were distant, and everything had splotched of black beating in heart beats within the air. It would only last a few minutes, Solicah knew he had to but remain still and breath calmly to reduce the piercing pain to a dull tightness. But, he hadn't time.
Solicah sat up, at some attempt of stealth, but it was a botch. Pain shot through his hands and arm, causing a clumsy ascent as the world around him tilted and shifted in a disorienting manner. He closed his eyes tight against the pain, and pressed his teeth together against the aches, hissing on an inhale quite loudly. A moment later he stood on screaming legs, and found his strider faithfully by his side. She was afraid, Solicah could feel it. He touched her neck, and it tossed in agitation then turned to keep a side eye on the predators racing toward them. Sound still had little direction but with Aureunna's awareness Solicah roughly discerned their direction and distance. Not as far as he would have hoped.
Aureunna wanted him to mount, for them to run, and most of Solicah felt the same. But, even with his eyes clamped shut against the pain he could see the tethers he had just fashioned, still gleaming and glowing with freshly exerted djed. Both Sama'el and Ronan lay calm, with no signs of stress. They hadn't returned yet, were they still speaking? Were they returning slowly? Finishing their tether with Maella. There was no way for Solicah to know for sure from this side, they hovered too far beyond the veil, inside of the laylines themselves. Solicah could not bare leaving them there defenseless. It was a fear all Webbers had. That one day they would step away and fire or cold or some creature could claim them while away, and without warning the djed would dissipate and forever you would be lost away from loved ones.
Solicah opened his eyes, squinting against the white lifeless light from above, and searched for the other two. He spotted Sama'el first, but with the sound of Zith growing closer he felt a choice was upon him. He stumbled toward Sama'el and push him down, a bit roughly, making sure he was concealed by the sparse grasses. Then, he located Ronan and moved behind him, wrapping his arms under Ronan's and hoisted him awkwardly up, letting out a strained exhale at his still weak body, warning him against exertion. Another force fueled him as he beckoned Aureunna over though, a force that pushed him beyond the pain, adrenaline. Solicah had never faced Zith before, and he felt certain he would die. He had never anticipated, after all of his training, his upbringing, that this would fill with him so much fear. Death was just losing your body, so what was he afraid of? The pain? Of torture, no, he could leave that all behind on whim. There was something deeper that killed the young Drykas man with terror.
Tairell pressed against Solicah, bumping him on the shoulder and giving a loud nip at the air near Solicah's face. This had not been the first time Tairell had faced Zith with Ronan, in fact Zith blood as signed their fateful meeting long before. But, what truly frightened Tairell was knowing that Ronan was beyond reach, that it had no way of knowing if its warning and panic could reach him, wherever he had gone.
It wasn't Tairell that Solicah struggled Ronan's limp body onto, but Aureunna. She stood, shifting and making uneasy noises, hurried. She hated whatever Solicah was doing, and feared exactly what he had in mind. Solicah understood Aureunna, and had faith he could keep her calm while pushing what must feel like a corpse onto her, he couldn't know that Tairell would behave the same, so he pushed at Tairell, still flicking ears and stomping behind him, and strapped Ronan onto Aureunna the best possible from his tangle, his still burning fingers fumbling awkwardly with the loops and buckles.
Aureunna was set up to hold an unconscious rider, and though it would slow her down, she could get them away fastest. And, as Solicah stared into Aureunna's eyes he realized his true motivation. What more did he love here then Aureunna and the calm Drykas that came to his Pavilion so long before? Not even himself.
He pushed Aureunna's neck, then hindquarters, urging to her run. After a stubborn moment, her fire gleaming harshly toward him. A side Solicah rarely got to see in her, he retaliated with a bit of his own fire. He glared her in the eyes and slapped her hindquarters. With a bit of a jump she trotted off a moment, then stopped, beginning to circle the small troupe, refusing to flee without Solicah, making full well to watch the bow women and her deadly arrows.
Solicah gritted his teeth as another wave of pain shot through him, and he moved to Sama'el's side, lending a glance to Mealla, a simple almost disregarding expression of comradery before struggling with Sama'el's body. Unlike Ronan Solicah had no reason to put Sama'el's life before his, but asa Drykas, as a Moondirge his life would be spent protecting others. They were one, Drykas. Their life, their death, their rebirth. There was never knowing who had saved your life in the past, and who had died for you, so there could be no such thing as favors, or debt to a fellow Drykas. He saved Sama'el out of pure obligation, without thought, or love as he did Ronan. He just simply did.
He had not gotten the man far before he stirred within Solicah's strained arms. With a breath of relief Solicah deposited Sama'el against his strider, remaining close to help him stand as he regained control of his body. Though, his full attention turned toward the torrent of midnight hue approaching.