Sama'el was not quick to return to his body. Solicah had already done so much, and the young Ankal wanted to pull his weight. While adding some finishing touches to their weave of tethers, he engaged his gnosis and flew high above, tying this vision into their temporary web. But between his Inavalti and his facility with the Web, he saw the Zith coming. Looking down, he saw Solicah already reclaiming his body, and Sama'el dropped to earth like a stooping kestrel. At the same time, he tugged on that gossamer strand that linked him to Hodei, who was flying hereabouts. She could not take a Zith down without Kelwyn's own luck, but she might distract them at just the right moment. Though he was rushing, he could not help but notice the look Solicah gave his body before picking the inert form up and moving it over toward Bigarren. It was disorienting to climb back into his body while it was being moved, but he did begin to stumble and fumble along, clenching his fists over and over again to get feeling back in them. He needed his bow. He needed arrows. He had to knock them out of the air before they killed anyone. "Thanks," he mumbled, his tongue thick in his mouth. His eyes sought out Mealla, then, to be sure she was safe. She was, and she was loosing arrows at the Zith who were far too close for comfort. And then he looked to Ronan too. |