Timestamp: 18th of Fall
While the others ate and chatted quietly under the starlight, Ronan made his excuses and walked a little way away from the camp. He had vowed to himself to become stronger. He had relied too much on other people, and as an apprentice to the Watch he really had a long way to go in terms of his skills.
There was a deeper, more spiritual reason too. He glanced at his hand, and the stone that lay embedded there. The mark of Semele, Goddess of the Earth. She had spoken through the velispar, and warned of dark times. Times when warriors would be needed. The storm, and all its wild untamed wrath. That had been a taste, and he refused to think on anything darker than that.
He found a quiet spot. A prying bird came close, before bursting up into the sky and leaving, gliding briefly in full view of the moonlight. He watched it, before his thoughts turned inwards. He sat down, settling with his lower back against a firm rise in the ground.
He was going to practise his reimancy. Thus far, he hadn't even used it practically. He'd made a little sand here and there. A parlour trick, if anything. But he had to steel himself. His earth reimancy could be used as a weapon, simply, but also as a defence. It complimented his dagger skills well.
Ronan found himself smiling just a little. He hadn't considered himself a warrior until today - though he had been in fights before. He remembered his foray into the bandit camps. It felt so long ago now. Sam, with his scimitar, and Ronan fighting man-to-man with his brother's dagger.
It was the day of Darus' death soon, he thought suddenly, before pushing the intrusiveness of it away.
It was time to practise his reimancy, and improve his skills. He needed to see what else he could do. After all, sand wasn't going to be particularly useful in the heart of battle.