Here the sun sheds no light (Arabella)

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A city floating in the center of a lake, Ravok is a place of dark beauty, romance and culture. Behind it all though is the presence of Rhysol, God of Evil and Betrayal. The city is controlled by The Black Sun, a religious organization devoted to Rhysol. [Lore]

Re: Here the sun sheds no light (Arabella)

Postby Gillar on August 7th, 2009, 2:29 am

Lazerin continued to walk but slowly came to a stop when he noticed resistance from Arabella. With the girl standing a few feet behind him, he turned and faced her. His mass formed a heavy shadow over her as he peered down and smiled. It was a smile not of happiness or amusement but more one of satisfaction. They were still some distance from exiting the market and those people nearby quickly moved away.

"Excellent. This is what I was hoping for." His voice was soft, almost seductive yet within it lie a trace of venom.

He clenched the chains in one fist and licked his lips. As he did, a strange black mist rose from his hand and a thick, black, viscous liquid began to flow from his hand down the length of the chain. It moved quickly and in but a few seconds engulfed Arabella's manacles and pierced her skin with excruciating cold and a mild jolt of electricity. He then jerked on the chains and pulled her to him while lifting her off her feet; the icy, electrified manacles biting into her skin.

"I wonder how much it will take to unleash the beast. Hopefully not much. No, I am sure you won't disappoint me. At least you better hope not. Now, if you wish to continue this here in the market, I am ever so happy to oblige but know this, test me here in front of all these people and I will consume you quicker than a starving tiger devours a slab of raw meat." Lazerin brought Arabella within less than an inch from him so that their faces were almost touching. Even in the void of his white eyes, she could see the familiar hunger of a predator; the joy pouring from one who enjoys toying with his prey.

Lazerin cocked his head to the side and gave a questioning look as if waiting for some sort of answer be it verbal or not.
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Re: Here the sun sheds no light (Arabella)

Postby Arabella Sintos on August 7th, 2009, 3:30 am

There was a great deal of risk in defying a man who had only just bought her, especially since he instilled such fear in others with just his presence, but Arabella just had to try. She remained still even as he moved until he slowed his pace, realizing that Arabella was resisting him already. She felt her entire body tremble and fight what she was doing, her amber eyes looking up defiantly as he turned to face her. She suddenly felt cold as his shadow fell over her, since he was so much larger and his very presence terrified her. Perhaps she had carried this too far, perhaps she should stop her defiance and just go along with him, she had no one left to pray to since the Flickering Man had stolen that away from her. Nysel would hear none of her prayers, would not know the fate of his little dreamer and that killed her inside. Before Ravok, she had always had her dreams, now they too where stolen...

The look on Lazerin's face was not of displeasure nor amusment, instead he seemed satisfed with his slave. Had she been right in believing he wanted a challenge in his new slave? She recalled him mentioning about her being a man-eater because of his boredom with other slaves. She tensed, not moving from where she stood, the stress of the situation causing her to lose control of her shifting somewhat, fur sprouted on her bare skin though she didn't fully shift into her tiger form, she held back because she was afraid he'd kill her should she shift. His words caused her to shiver visibly, the shifting halting as she stook a small step backwards should the chain allow it. He had wanted her to defy him?

She tensed even further as he clenched the chains, waiting for him to jerk her forward or whip her with the end of it, but he did neither. Instead he somehow sent an odd black liquid from his hand down the length of her chains. She wasn't used to magic, though it had been used on her times before, but wasn't like anything she had been subjected to before or at least that she could remember. She clenched her teeth as the black liquid pierced her skin with frigid bitter cold and a jolt of electricity that caused her to yowl in pain, she wasn't given much of a chance to retaliate before she was jerked forward unexpectantly. She growled in fuzzy pain as he lifted her off her feet to look up at her new master.

Unleash the beast? He wanted to see her completely lose it and shift? Strange as it was, this made her want to restrain herself just to deny him the pleasure and for the time being, she would try and do just that. She didn't plan on disappointing, though maybe if she had been a dull slave, he would have ignored her more, but no, he had paid good money for her and she doubted he'd let a Kelvic alone after that. She wanted to look around and see if anyone was really watching, but she couldn't tear her gaze from Lazerin, his white eyes every bit the predator that she could be at times. He was toying with her, anyone could see that, trying to get a reaction out of her and yet he had given her a choice...continue to defy him in the slave market with all those people or allow it to continue when he was in the privacy of his own home.

The problem with doing it in the slave market was he would show everyone as well as her just who was the master but going to his home...he would have more things to use on her she was sure. Making her decision obvious even as he held her off her feet, she growled and tried to kick at him with clawed feet, trying to get him to let her go. She had made her decision, she'd duke it out then and there in the market if she had to. She couldn't say she wasn't afraid cause she was, but she was backed into a corner so to speak and she'd fight until she couldn't move any longer...which might not take that much considering the circumstances.
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Re: Here the sun sheds no light (Arabella)

Postby Gillar on August 7th, 2009, 6:24 am

Although Lazerin had expected some amount of resistance, he was pleasantly surprised at just how much of it Arabella displayed. Her attempts at kicking him succeeded in slashing open his robes and slicing into the flesh of his belly. Lazerin remained calm in his stance as he smiled widely, wiped his wound with his free hand and brought it to his lips. Anyone still nearby had scattered and a cries of fear flowed through market.

"That's more like it. But I warned you..." With that, Lazerin jerked hard on Arabella's chains an then released, sending her flying through the air toward on of the large, thick, slave poles sticking up out of the ground. While she was still in the air, he held out his hand with his palm open. From each of his five fingers flowed a trail of black, viscous liquid that pooled in his palm. In but an instant, a ball of black, popping, ooze was flung at Arabella; as big around as her head. Icy cold and charged with bolts of electricity, its accuracy was precise and its effects much like that of the first display of magic Lazerin had used though amplified.

Few had defied him in over the course of his rather length life. Those who did usually did not last long. Ever since his rebirth as a Druvin, Lazerin had become a rather extreme sadist. He enjoyed watching, causing and indulging in the pain of others. This is what eventually brought him to the upper echelon of the Ebonstryfe. His appetite for slaves was never satiated and he had been known to literally liquefy, in public, those who chose not to obey him. He had other plans however for Arabella but regardless, he would not allow open defiance to go unpunished. Even if she did maintain consciousness and composure after his initial disciplining, there was nowhere to run. Although she wasn't aware of it at the time, Lazerin had eyes throughout the city. Nobody went anywhere or did anything without him knowing it; thus was the benefit of being second in command of the elite police force that was the Ebonstryfe.

Before Arabella's flight through the air came to a short end, Lazerin had already begin steadily walking in her direction; his eyes flickering with black flame.
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Re: Here the sun sheds no light (Arabella)

Postby Arabella Sintos on August 7th, 2009, 12:31 pm

Resistance was often times futile when it came to new masters and normally Arabella just went with the flow, not wishing to show that she indeed had a fiery spirit about her, but something about this white eyed man made her want to fight for her life, fight for her freedom then and there, even if it was foolish of her. She wasn't exactly sure he knew what he was dealing with in terms of a slave, though some part of her figured he liked the challenge, especially after the earlier smile he had given. He didn't want her to disappoint and so far she didn't feel she had. She clawed at him with her back legs desperately, not sure if he'd be able to twist his form away so he could avoid her sharp back claws and her powerful legs. The tear of fabric and the scent of drawn blood caused a momentary feeling of satisfaction for the Kelvic, it was the first time in a while that she had been able to really inflict pain rather then receive it, though it was tinged with the bitter wait of retaliation.

Screams of fear filled the market as anyone who had still stuck around to watch ran, though Arabella couldn't be certain whether it was because of her or the white-eyed man she had wounded. She had a feeling it was because of him though, they hadn't had reason to fear Arabella before...why now? She watched her new master as she caused him to bleed, her claws tinged with some of his blood, she expected anger and yet he remained clam and actually smiled at her. The smile directed towards her as he brought his bloody hand up to his lips caused chills to run down her spine, everything about this man screamed 'wrong' in her mind, he terrified the poor Kelvic.

Stringy blonde hair fell in front of her face as she looked up at him, not being given much of a chance to try and strike out again. He had warned her of course and yet she had chosen to stir something up in front of the people of the market. He would punish her just to show everyone in the market what happened to those who defied him, but would he kill her after just buying her? Not when it seemed that he liked her defiance, wanted it even. No, he would make it hurt because death would have surely been a pleasure next to what he could do. Death was a release, not a punishment...

She yelped as she was sent flying through the air, her half shifted body further shifted, her body covered completely with white and black striped fur, she looked quite odd at this point but she had a reason for the partial shifting. She hoped that with her fur covering her body, it would help soften the blow some, though no matter how she did it, it would still hurt a great deal. Before she felt the pain of striking one of the slave poles, she felt another pain as she watched more black liquid seep from Lazerin's fingers towards her. She couldn't really catch her breath as she flew through the air, so it felt as though she was gasping for breath as the frigid cold struck her along with the bolts of electricity. She yowled in pain as she felt the effects of the magic, gods how it hurt!

She came to a rather early conclusion .... She hated magic!

Arabella felt quite light-headed as she watched Lazerin make his way towards her, closing her eyes moments before she collided with something hard and solid. While it hurt, as she had expected it to, she was glad that she had been right in her furred body absorbing some of the blow from whatever she had struck. She opened her eyes for a moment to see her master coming over to her, black flames flickering in his white eyes, such a frightening sight to see, she wanted to run, but she could not. She shifted fully back to her frail human self, groaning as she fell forward, she retained consciousness but only barely. Ara was hardly in any condition to offer her master any more resistance, her claws gone for now along with her sharp teeth, she was just human for now. She didn't even look up at him as he approached, her amber eyes down on the ground, the ground was a lot less frightening after all.
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Re: Here the sun sheds no light (Arabella)

Postby Gillar on August 9th, 2009, 3:58 am

Lazerin came to stand over Arabella, his eyes still burning and his fists clenching. He took a sidelong glance at the remains of the scattered crowd and smiled. Spreading chaos amongst the masses from time to time was a satisfying feeling and he could feel that a greater power shown down on him that day. With little more delay, he snatched a hold of Arabella's chains and not-so-gently pulled her to her feet. Taking her lowered gaze as a sign that there wouldn't be any more of a public display for the time being, Lazerin turn and began walking with Arabella in tow.

"I was going to allow you a chance to clean yourself up and maybe even have something of a meal. After that little display however, I do believe you have changed my mind." Lazerin's voice was not angry. His tone was more like that of a strict parent toward a child.

Lazerin led the way through the narrow streets and alleys of the strange city Arabella found herself in. There numerous bridges, some short, others much longer that spanned a series of canals; canals that oftentimes offered direct access to the lower levels of buildings straight from the water. Small, elaborately carved boats were steered down the canals by men wielding long poles and in some cases oars when the canals were deeper. To Arabella, it started to feel as if the entire city was floating in the center of a huge body of water due to all of the bridges and canals. The buildings that they passed ranged from simple stone facades to more elaborate ones with intricate carvings, pillars and balconies. The streets ranged from dirty and almost slum-like to paved with intricately etched stone with streets lined in statues and fountains. It was obvious that the further they traveled away from the slave market and deeper into the city, the cleaner and nicer things appeared. The sounds of people and music filled the air and the weather, even though it was Summer, felt mild and very pleasant.

The people they passed were dressed in all manner of clothing styles. Closer tot eh slave market, they were dressed in more common looking clothes; mostly browns and grays. The further into the city they went, the styles became more colorful and exotic with black, purples and blues with reds and whites as well. Some people even wore odd-looking masks decorated with feathers and jewels. One of the things that stuck out most to Arabella however was that almost everyone was human or looked very much so save for the obvious slaves who were usually collared and leashed.

What appeared to be city guards, dressed in lightweight armor and dressed in white with symbols of a black sun, made there way through the streets, usually in pairs while on patrol. If not for her current situation, the inner city would almost appear beautiful with a darker romance to it. On the outskirts of what looked like a vast central plaza, Lazerin took a final turn and came to a tall, three-story building that looked like a small palace. A large set of stone steps led up to a carved archway with a large dome overhead. On either side of the archway stood a statue of a large black hound in a threatening pose.

"Welcome to your new home."
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Re: Here the sun sheds no light (Arabella)

Postby Arabella Sintos on August 9th, 2009, 5:20 am

The pain from the magic cast on her still rung in her ears as she leaned forward on the ground, her fur gone along with her strength to really put up much more of a fight. She had shown that she had a fierce spirit that couldn't be broken so easily even if Lazerin was a frightening man. Ara cast her eyes downwards even as he came to stand there before her, his shadow looming over her omniously, she shivered in his presence but she did not look up even then. She was aching from fighting against him and seeing the pure white eyes looking down at her only furthered the deep unsettling reality she had woken up to. Her body tensed as she felt her chain being picked up, readying herself for the shooting pain that inevitably came as she was pulled up onto her feet. Arabella stumbled somewhat but caught herself, no more defiance, she had lost that little war. Not that the Kelvic had expected to win against him, she had known it wasn't possible...

Her steps were small and weary but they continued behind Lazerin as he led the way towards his home, her new 'home' as it were. She inwardly winced as he spoke, she was already beginning to hate the sound of his voice. Of course he would mention what he was withdrawing her to make a dent in her spirit and it did to some small degree, but it wouldn't break her. She bit her lip, smothering the deep growl eminating from her throat. She wanted to rip his throat out, leave him choking on his own blood as she ran, but that wasn't an option at the moment. She did what she could to ignore him for the remainder of her walk, instead her mind wandering to the Flickering Man, apparently he was a God that blocked any of her prayers to Nysel, something that very highly discouraged the girl.

She wanted so badly to ask what city she was in, since she couldn't read should there be any signs. She didn't even bother to memorize where she was going, her mind was flickering back and forth from consciousness due to being so weak and exhausted. Any time she would slow, the steady pace of her new master would get her going again. She had time to study Lazerin from behind, Arabella had a great many masters in her life and all had been different. She had to say though, Lazerin was the most frightening, though the entire circumstances of this particular master and the way she had been sold were not normal by any stretch of the imagination. Never had a God spoke directly to her as Flickering Man had and that in and of itself was beyond frightening.

Despite not paying attention to where she was going, she did take in the scenery she passed, awed at the dark beauty of the city around her. Yet, it didn't surprise her, considering all she had seen since waking from her drugged sleep. She took notice of the people as well, though she didn't make eye contact with any of them. Arabella saw other slaves of course, leashed or chained, but what seemed strange was that it looked as though there were only humans in the city. Perhaps that's why she was such a 'rare' find and such, because she was a Kelvic. She wasn't sure though, maybe she was just being paranoid and wasn't looking hard enough.

Her amber eyes caught sight of what she believed to be city guards, walking in pairs as though on patrol. She didn't get too much of a chance to really study them since she had to pay attention to her master in front of her or she'd knock into him and perhaps anger him. He was a man Ara had no interest in upsetting at this point, not when she was so tired. She only came to a halt when Lazerin did, looking up at the beatiful mini-palace set before her. Surely this had to be a mistake, this couldn't be his home...could it be? Then against, he had paid 5000 gold mizas for a slave, he was a man with money to spend so why not? "What city am I in?" She finally asked, eyes still downwards, her tone laced with exhaustion and a need to rest.
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Re: Here the sun sheds no light (Arabella)

Postby Gillar on August 9th, 2009, 8:18 am

Lazerin turned and raised an eyebrow at Arabella. Normally the slaves he purchased knew exactly where they were and what they were there for. This one however was proving to be more interesting by the moment even though he had only owned for but a short time. Never before had he put down so much to purchase any one slave. In fact, he had never spent that much even on a dozen slaves. His thoughts were that they never lasted long so why pay very much. When he had heard of a Kelvic up for auction, he was interested; something that was not normally a good thing for those drawing that interest. Of course he had to call in a few favors to come up with that amount of mizas in one sitting but the Ebonstryfe was not exactly a poor organization.

Her question surprised him somewhat and he paused for a moment before speaking. Being Druvin, he was more than a little unpredictable; a fact that Arabella would eventually discover. When Lazerin finally spoke, his voice was not nearly as hard as before and it had lost a bit of its venom.

"You are in Ravok. Home of the Temple of the Black Sun and dominion of Lord Rhysol, the Defiler, God of Gods and Father of Chaos."

He allowed her little time to process his answer as he led her up the stairs and to a set of double doors adorned with gold knockers. He lifted his free hand and clanged once one of the great gold loops against the door. In but a few seconds, the door opened and a young woman greeted Lazerin and Arabella. She could not have been more than 15 years of age, human and dressed only in a thin silk loincloth and an elaborate collection of gold chains that circled around her neck and breasts. Long brown hair hung in a tight braid over one shoulder and her deep brown eyes looked down when she addressed Lazerin.

"Master, it's so good to see you home." The girl's tone was very subservient and respectful.

Lazerin stepped inside with Arabella and looked down at the young girl who had greeted them. He held out his hand to the girl and she immediately took it in both of her own and lavished it with sensual kisses; rubbing her face all over it before he dismissed her.

"That will be all, Milyn." He spoke to her as if speaking to a child. The girl, Milyn, nodded appreciatively, shut the double doors and hurried off through an open doorway toward some other part of the home.

The entryway where they stood was quite large with three open doorways leading off elsewhere. There was a large domed roof with stained-glass depicting the image of a black sun standing out prominently over other smaller symbols that appeared as though they may be religious in origin. Tapestries hung from the walls with exotic patterns woven into them. The floor was marble with a large, thick black rug dominating the center.

Lazerin once more displayed a bit of skill with magic as he sent more black tendrils of icy darkness down the length of Arabella's chains. This time there was little pain beyond the sensation of bitter cold. The manacles froze instantly and then cracked; crumbling away and releasing Arabella from her bonds.

"I lead, you follow. You will be allowed to ask me three questions. Ask any more than that, or try to run, and your punishment becomes even more severe." He began walking through the doorway to the right of the slightly rounded chamber which took them down a short hallway which curved slightly and came to a very large, heavy door with a thick metal lock sealing it shut.
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Re: Here the sun sheds no light (Arabella)

Postby Arabella Sintos on August 9th, 2009, 8:46 pm

The circumstances of her arrival in the slave market were less then ordinary. She had been drugged and couldn't even remember where she had been taken from, which frightened her. Had her last master chosen to sell her? Had she been kidnapped from her last master or perhaps traded? Gods! She couldn't remember, all she remembered was just the icy cold darkness and then waking up to the slave market. Trying to think back further only made her head hurt so she tried to ignore her burning need to know just how she had been resold and why. There was a chance of course that she'd be punished for asking her question, but she had to know where she was, she didn't know much about the other cities that dotted Mizahar other then the ones she had been in before. This city didn't seem familiar at all to her. Her new master seemed surprised at her question, which meant he didn't know how she had come to be there either, though that wasn't too much of a surprise to her. Ara waited semi-patiently for him to answer, should he choose to do so of course.

Arabella watched Lazerin carefully, intent on bracing herself should he raise his hand to her, all masters were unpredictable her until she started getting used to them. She didn't know his triggers, what behavior set him off, especially since he seemed satisfied when she had fought against him earlier, so he confused her so far as to what he expected from her. She continued to look downwards, afraid to look in those white eyes again. Ravok...that was the answer. She was in a dark city, beautiful but dark, a city in the hands of the God Rhysol. "Flickering Man." She said under her breath, so it had been Rhysol she had encountered before she had been sold. "Rhysol has white eyes too, doesn't he?" She wanted to make sure, better to know which God she was dealing with rather then finding another God was thrown into the already confusing mix. She didn't know much about the Black Sun, though it definitely didn't sound very good.

She followed him up the stairs where he knocked on the door, she wasn't too surprised when a young girl opened up the door, dressed in sparse clothing. She was a slave like Arabella, she could see that easily enough by the way she looked at Lazerin. Arabella might as well not been there, the girl's attention only on the man she addressed as master. Ara had a feeling that the slave girl would see Arabella as an intruder, some slaves were possessive of their positions and their masters. She watched in slight disgust at the slave's affection towards Lazerin, rest assured she would never willingly do such a thing. She had too much pride for that!

The place where Ara now stood was very beautiful, something she had been expecting since she had seen the outside of the little palace. She tried not to show too much interest in the place, if she had her way, she wouldn't be there too long. Ara's body tensed as she felt the icy cold of magic on her chains once again, but there wasn't much pain involved. The manacles that clung to her wrists froze, the icy cold biting against her tender flesh. Afer a moment, they cracked and fell to the ground with a heavy clang, freeing the girl's hands. Her first instinct was to run, but she was in his domain, running wasn't exactly a possibility at the moment. He gave his order with a tone that hardly expected defiance, offering her the opportunity to ask three questions of them.

She stood motionless for a moment, before her feet began to move after Lazerin, her body was too weak to really handle severe punishment and she wanted to escape alive after all. What questions would she ask and did he mean three questions in the entirety that she was there? Asking that would be a waste of a good question of course, so she kept silent, deep in thought for the time being. She was scared, such a reaction was natural though, especially for a slave thrust into an unknown situation. "What is expected of me while I am here?" First question out of her mouth before she even thought about it.
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Re: Here the sun sheds no light (Arabella)

Postby Gillar on August 11th, 2009, 4:09 am

Lazerin thought he heard Arabella mutter something about flickering but brushed it aside as he was too intent pondering exactly what he wanted to do to get the most out of his new toy. Her question about Rhysol just before they reached Lazerin's home and entered did however bring him some amount of pause. He immediately wondered how a slave would know anything of Rhysol's appearance. Seething rage began to boil to the surface yet he was able to restrain it and focus on more productive thoughts at the moment.

"I have my father's eyes." Was all that he said before leading Arabella up the stairs.

As they walked down the short hall to the locked door, he smiled inwardly at the her first question. He offered such a thing to all of his slaves yet most had been too broken to ask. Usually they would ask; if they asked, whether they would be able to eat soon or what could they do to please him. Those that asked normally didn't make it to third question before all hope was lost once the door was opened.

Lazerin chuckled softly at the phrasing of her question; "..while she was here." His response was given in that silky smooth voice, "What is expected of you NOW that you are here, comes with what talents you display and how much they interest me. If I am interested, you get to live. If I am pleased, you get to live better. If I am happy...well, that has never happened." He left the alternative to those choices to her imagination.

The hallway that they had walked down to get to the locked door gave little insight as to exactly how big the interior of Lazerin's home was or what else may be found throughout or even on the other side of the locked door. The hallway was decorated in a similar manner with a long black carpet down the center of the floor and paintings of exotic animals and scenery. There were no other doors; only a few windows along wall that faced the front of the building.

He reached into the collar of his robe and pulled out a large, black iron key linked to a small chain that hung around his neck. Pulling the chain from over his head, Lazerin placed it in the lock but did not turn it.

"That was one. You have two more."
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Re: Here the sun sheds no light (Arabella)

Postby Arabella Sintos on September 1st, 2009, 7:50 am

It was rather overwhelming knowing that she had indeed been in the presence of a God that wished to cut her off from the God she had chosen to serve, it was overwhelming and disconcerting. Knowing that the little dreamer that had so been devoted to Nysel was cut off from him and his guidance, no prayer would reach his ears, only this god who seemed so cruel. He had to be a cruel god considering to whom he had given her to, this Lazerin seemed so harsh, unlike her other masters. Escape seemed almost impossible yet that would hardly stop the girl from attempting to escape anyway, she wasn't afraid of being captured again and again, she was used to it by now. Her heart beat rapidly still even as she moved behind him, she was unable to see the rage that seemed to boil beneath the surface yet she knew something was up considering he had tensed up quite suddenly.

Her question regarding Rhysol's appearance was unanswered for the most part, Lazerin's answer could mean many different things and she hardly wished to use up her questions on finding out just what he meant by 'his father's eyes'. If Lazerin expected the Kelvic to want to please him, he was thinking wrong because that was the furthest thing from Arabella's mind. She was hardly broken regardless of her time spent in slavery, if anything, slavery renewed her need for freedom and in a way renewed her strength as well. She didn't try and reword her first question, she had meant it exactly as she had said it, though it seemed to amuse him how she had said it. What exactly where her talents, she hoped to the gods he didn't expect her to share a bed with him in any sort of way because she'd rather die then do such a thing. "I'm not sure you'll be interested in my talents, whatever they happen to be." She didn't care to make him happy, especially if it was unattainable and to make him pleased...didn't matter much to her either.

What sort of cell would she be placed in? A small cage where she couldn't stand or perhaps a large cage where she could pace. She could be set in chains, magic chains that would chain to fit her in human and kelvic form. All these possibilities popped into her mind as she looked up at the black key pulled from her master's robe. She waited for him to turn the key but he didn't just yet. Instead he reminded her of her questions. "What was it that interested you in buying me in the first place?" She near squeaked as she realized she had used her second question so easily...

She wanted to somehow escape, wanted to run and never stop running but it wasn't possible, not yet anyway. She glared up at her master, his white eyes so damn unnerving to her, reminding her of Rhysol. Despite the probablity of it not going through, the little grey dreamer closed her eyes and began to offer a little prayer, hoping it somehow passed Rhysol and graced Nysel's ears, letting him know that she still prayed to him and only him. She'd never worship this harsh god that had laid claim to her and he couldn't make her! "I don't belong to you." She whispered, her eyes down as well as her face, she spoke to the God Rhysol, defiant and unbroken. "You don't own me and you never will Rhysol."
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