While Supplies Last (Open)

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

Re: While Supplies Last (Open)

Postby Jarek Walten on August 23rd, 2009, 10:30 pm

As the woman handed the necessary funds over, the coins landed in Angelabeth palm with a soft jingle. A slow steady dust swell gently guided them towards where the mob of people, all eager for a piece of history now dwelled. Just beneath the faint glimmer of morning sun one could spot the beginning of the auction as the pieces slowly moved into piece. While the mob was sizeable no doubt very few actually held the wealth needed to bid on the items, still several members of the crowd seemed quite affluent.

When the unusual pair came to the mob, Jarek halted in his steps. His eyes peered slightly over the crowd towards the rather large platform ahead. A wind breeze gusted his rather rustic looking attire as he waited for the auction to begin. He turned to the woman next to him with a small smile,

"I suppose we just wait."

While Angelabeth may be right about Jarek being quite large, and able to move a stubborn oxen if needed, he was not very cultured in auctions. Not to mention he was far too polite to begin pushing and shoving people to get to the front. It seemed if the two wished to have any competitive advantage it would be up to the city dweller to come up with one. After all if they didn't win anything, they probably wouldn't be rewarded anything.

OOC:((Sorry this took so long, bit of a slow poster at the moment.)
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Re: While Supplies Last (Open)

Postby Gossamer on September 9th, 2009, 8:12 pm

While angelabeth might have had problems seeing what was for sale, Jarek with his farmer build and tall stature could see a wide variety of items. The tables were full of what could only be dubbed as extraordinary pieces of ceramics. And it appeared that though most of it was part of a complete set, a lot of it would be sold off piece by piece. The most unusual thing about the ceramics was that its firing cause the clay to be so fine that it was almost translucent. It wasn't quite like glass, but it was close enough. It shimmered with an opalescence that was strikingly unusual. The crowd whispered about it... about secrets dying with the family in fire under mysterious circumstances. But regardless, the pieces ran the guantlet from vases to plates, to cups, to artwork. They could buy the woman a plate, an urn, almost anything. There was an interesting butterfly shaped red platter that looked like it once was some sort of piece used to pass around snacks or display cookies on. There was a tall vase that looked perfect for cut flowers done all in the strange almost translucent black. About a dozen oil lamps with animals on them were also set out, as well as an unusual ceramic box that appeared to be for jewelry or something similar. Basically the two could decide on what they wanted to bid on, if anything, or keep the coins for themselves.

A quick glance in the money bag for either one of them would have let them know that there were approximately 100 GMs in the coin bag - though maybe they could simply tell by how the stone coins felt.

And as the auctioneer began, he started on some of the lesser pieces - tea cups and tea plates. He sold them as single sets - a cup and matching plate. The first one sold for ten gold mizas. As he worked through them, they all tended to be anywhere from two to fifteen. The dinner plates, when he occasionally threw one in, went for a singular gold miza. Black was more expensive than white, but the colors in between could actually reach higher than black, depending upon their rarity.
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