Timestamp: Fall 9, 512 AV Location: Somewhere between Ravok and Syliras Some of them sat, and the rest stood. Their muscles tensed. Coiled, ready to spring. Aello could see them bristling as their skin jumped, their neon blue and green veins pulsing angrily beneath beds of pale skin, and tanned hides. Some of those in their forehead rippled unpleasantly, as they pushed against the skin, threatening to pop as some flesh grew all the more stark white, while others turned a deep red. It was all the aurist seemed to see now, despite the clear blue sky, devoid of the puffy white clouds, and the thin wispy ones. The fire that roared between them, the small wooden teepee that surrounded growing black, the kindling furling and turning to ash as the fire spit sparks. Tiny fireflies which danced about the tangle of bodies as the orange flame spewed spirals of thick grey smoke skyward. She could scarce hear it crackling as her fists tightened, and each hand naturally fell to a place just above where her daggers rested, ready to retrieve within an instant. "Why should you get the last piece?" one of the other assassins roared. One who wore a simple brown tunic with matching breeches and cloak with a hood. "Because I'm the one who petching caught the thing for you!" Aello screamed, her muddied irises blazing. Pupils two dark smoldering coals, ready to burn her opponent. "But you're the smallest, you don't need as much as we do!" the man responded. "But without me you'd be starving you useless petcher! And you'd be freezing your petching arse off, considering you the fact that you can't even make a damned fire to cook any dead animals you found anyway!" Aello retorted. "You're useless, filthy wench, you can't petching fetch enough to fill all our bellies!" "I shoudn't petching have to you old goat! You're a big, scary, grown man aren't you?" she asked as her eyes glimmered dangerously. "Yes..." "Then you should be damned well able to do this yourself!" Aello screamed. "I'm not a hunter! I can do other things!" "Like what? Throw your big scary sword and kill me where I stand you overgrown oaf!" the aurist bellowed. "No! I can kill you without fighting like a girl! I don't kill from afar!" "Which is why you are petching useless! You can't hunt, and even if we fought the man's way, you'd still die. I've seen you swing your blade, and lets just say you fall short," Aello exclaimed as she leaned in a little, stuck out her butt and winked before righting herself. "Why you little..." the man began as he raised a single finger from his fist and pointed it directly at her face. "A buh-buh," Aello mumbled. "I ought to cut off your head right now," the man hollered as red pigmentation flooded his rounded cheeks. "I'd like to see you try," Aello taunted as a cruel sneer replaced her smile. Her eyes flashing dangerously as the man fell silent, choking on his words before his fists fell to the wire hilt of his blade. She watched as his fingers furled. Plump sausages falling into wire as they closed all the way and pulled. Sending a metallic ring into the air. The metallic sheen of the weapon sparkled in the light. "You asked for it wench!" the assassin bellowed as he took a half step forward, dipped his sword as he moved, and then swept it back up at her. Aello easily took a step back, closer to the fire, and avoided the swing as her hands dove past the folds. The fabric billowing around her as her fingers found the wire hilts of her own weapons. They brushed lightly a moment. The metal stirring before the limbs walked down and retrieved. Palms soon pressing into the wire hilts and wrenching her own blades into the open. A bloodied, cursed thing in her right hand, and a clearer silver in the left. "So I did," Aello taunted as he swung at her again, and she moved to the side, a step out of the fire. Damn, this one is a fool, she thought to herself. But all the better for me. OOCPermission to interact with Rhysol's assassins granted by V. |