Fighting Amongst Ourselves (Solo)

Assassins and more assassins don't make for happy traveling companions.

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While Sylira is by far the most civilized region of Mizahar, countless surprises and encounters await the traveler in its rural wilderness. Called the Wildlands, Syliran's wilderness is comprised of gradual rolling hills in the south that become deep wilderness in the north. Ruins abound throughout the wildlands, and only the well-marked roads are safe.

Fighting Amongst Ourselves (Solo)

Postby Aello on November 5th, 2012, 3:28 pm

Timestamp: Fall 9, 512 AV
Location: Somewhere between Ravok and Syliras

Some of them sat, and the rest stood. Their muscles tensed. Coiled, ready to spring. Aello could see them bristling as their skin jumped, their neon blue and green veins pulsing angrily beneath beds of pale skin, and tanned hides. Some of those in their forehead rippled unpleasantly, as they pushed against the skin, threatening to pop as some flesh grew all the more stark white, while others turned a deep red. It was all the aurist seemed to see now, despite the clear blue sky, devoid of the puffy white clouds, and the thin wispy ones. The fire that roared between them, the small wooden teepee that surrounded growing black, the kindling furling and turning to ash as the fire spit sparks. Tiny fireflies which danced about the tangle of bodies as the orange flame spewed spirals of thick grey smoke skyward. She could scarce hear it crackling as her fists tightened, and each hand naturally fell to a place just above where her daggers rested, ready to retrieve within an instant.

"Why should you get the last piece?" one of the other assassins roared. One who wore a simple brown tunic with matching breeches and cloak with a hood.

"Because I'm the one who petching caught the thing for you!" Aello screamed, her muddied irises blazing. Pupils two dark smoldering coals, ready to burn her opponent.

"But you're the smallest, you don't need as much as we do!" the man responded.

"But without me you'd be starving you useless petcher! And you'd be freezing your petching arse off, considering you the fact that you can't even make a damned fire to cook any dead animals you found anyway!" Aello retorted.

"You're useless, filthy wench, you can't petching fetch enough to fill all our bellies!"

"I shoudn't petching have to you old goat! You're a big, scary, grown man aren't you?" she asked as her eyes glimmered dangerously.


"Then you should be damned well able to do this yourself!" Aello screamed.

"I'm not a hunter! I can do other things!"

"Like what? Throw your big scary sword and kill me where I stand you overgrown oaf!" the aurist bellowed.

"No! I can kill you without fighting like a girl! I don't kill from afar!"

"Which is why you are petching useless! You can't hunt, and even if we fought the man's way, you'd still die. I've seen you swing your blade, and lets just say you fall short," Aello exclaimed as she leaned in a little, stuck out her butt and winked before righting herself.

"Why you little..." the man began as he raised a single finger from his fist and pointed it directly at her face.

"A buh-buh," Aello mumbled.

"I ought to cut off your head right now," the man hollered as red pigmentation flooded his rounded cheeks.

"I'd like to see you try," Aello taunted as a cruel sneer replaced her smile. Her eyes flashing dangerously as the man fell silent, choking on his words before his fists fell to the wire hilt of his blade. She watched as his fingers furled. Plump sausages falling into wire as they closed all the way and pulled. Sending a metallic ring into the air. The metallic sheen of the weapon sparkled in the light.

"You asked for it wench!" the assassin bellowed as he took a half step forward, dipped his sword as he moved, and then swept it back up at her. Aello easily took a step back, closer to the fire, and avoided the swing as her hands dove past the folds. The fabric billowing around her as her fingers found the wire hilts of her own weapons. They brushed lightly a moment. The metal stirring before the limbs walked down and retrieved. Palms soon pressing into the wire hilts and wrenching her own blades into the open. A bloodied, cursed thing in her right hand, and a clearer silver in the left.

"So I did," Aello taunted as he swung at her again, and she moved to the side, a step out of the fire.

Damn, this one is a fool, she thought to herself. But all the better for me.

OOCPermission to interact with Rhysol's assassins granted by V.
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Fighting Amongst Ourselves (Solo)

Postby Aello on November 5th, 2012, 11:14 pm

As the sword swept past her, Aello moved into the opening provided by its wake. The cool air kissed her as the assassin reeled in his weapon, leaving the majority of his body wide open for her attack. Inwards, the girl glided, her heels lifting gracefully over the terrain as her right hand extended, punching towards the larger man's chest. He dodged it as easily as she had his own offensive strikes, but the huntress was not dismayed. She had expected she'd miss, thus, she followed up by gliding past her cursed blade as she pulled it towards her side, while she pulled her left arm back, before swinging it upwards. Twisting the blade up and under the man's arm in an attempt to weaken that which held his own weapon. This time, instead of merely dodging her strike, the assassin brought his blade up before cutting it downward at a startlingly rapid pace. Giving her no time to respond, the two blades crashed into each other. A sharp, metallic ring sounded as the girl's pure dagger vibrated. Jostling her hand, making it difficult for her to maintain her grip as her hand went flying backwards. Past its starting place.

The assassin sneered as her hand reddened, as she grit her teeth and doubled her level of concentration. Each of their blades were returning to their starts as the girl took a half step back, and the other closer. Assailing. His blade rising, far over his head as he stumbled along, and then brought it down, towards her left shoulder. With eyes growing wide, Aello forcefully rocked to the side. Her hands coming out, so that they rested over her head as her body tumbled. The left hitting the ground first, at which point, she pushed up against it with all of her might. As she did so, she kicked up against the ground, urging each leg to extend and rock above her as her right hand made impact with the ground, and she pushed lightly against it. Propelling her the rest of the way. Her legs awkwardly swung over, completing the cartwheel; the infamous dodge which kept her just out of the other blade's reach. When her feet touched down again, she smiled wickedly as she forced herself up, and the assassin growled in frustration. He must of thought he had her.

How very wrong he was.

The girl watched his eyes flash dangerously, mirroring her own as she lazily twirled her blades between her fingers. "Is that all you have got?" Aello taunted, as she glided forward, as each of her hands fell towards the space just in front of her chest, arms cocked and ready to strike. When she had neared enough to lash out at her opponent, Aello pushed her right hand out ahead, as though to jam her fist into his chest. But, at the last second, she side stepped around him, towards the far side of the fire. As she did so, she extended each hand and spun, so that the blades twirled alongside her chestnut colored mane. The folds of her simple dress. But even this attempt at an attack failed, for she could hear the sound of metal bells ringing in her ears. Feel the impact of their two weapons as she spun away to face him once more. Her pupils dilating as the sun's rays hit them directly. The edges of her irises seemingly in flux. Rippling softly as her fists tightened around the hilt of each of her two daggers. The wire digging in, leaving soft indentations that would fade only with time.

"Is that all you've got?" the assassin sneered as he raised his sword from a low, and let it rest on a diagonal, directly in front of his chest. Aello grit her teeth, and near growled. A sound emanating from the back of her throat. She was going to have to pick it up, to try harder, to finish the petcher.
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Fighting Amongst Ourselves (Solo)

Postby Aello on November 7th, 2012, 12:30 am

"You wish," Aello snarled as she ran towards her opponent. Both arms bent at the elbow and held out to her side. The daggers resting against their length, the tips ending by their middles as she pumped each of her appendages to add to her level of speed. Whilst in full charge, she'd have little time to pull back, for her body was in full swing. Even so, she hoped to use her latest tactic to her advantage, and as such, when within striking distance, allowed her arms to swing all the way up as though she were starting and underhanded punch towards the man's chin. As this happened, the blades twisted, rising away from her skin, so that they were pointed directly at the rival assassin. Each arm held firmly, hard, taut. Her muscles rippled unpleasantly beneath a thin layer of skin as the daggers finished twisting, and the man's sweat lined flesh inched closer and closer. She had thought she had him until those final moments, at which point, he brought his blade under both, knocking them away. Her arms swept back, as though she were a bird trying to slow its descent, each sailed out to the side where they whirled a bit, before she drew them in to meet with the man's next strike. Again, a metallic ring sounded leaving both fighters to merely grit their teeth in frustration.

From there, the heated battle took a turn to the field of simplicity, where the sword wielding man would hack at one limb, leaving the girl to raise her blades to meet his. Make contact, before they retracted, and pulled the same set of moves over and over again. Aello occasionally dashing into the openings the assassin left in his retractions to swipe at his sides, only to find that he had blocked her just as easily. Each in the pair beginning to grow frustrated with the lack of ground being gained, the huntress decided to move onto attempts that were slightly more drastic. As the assassin brought his blade down from up high, Aello stepped forward, into the brunt of the attack. As she did so, she raised each of her arms, bringing each dagger forward. She held them up high, directly over each of her shoulders a moment, before sweeping them in until her hands rammed into each other. The wire "T" of the hilts clicking together as the metal of the assassin's blade fell into their grove. As it did so, her hands sank, and she twisted each of her fists upwards and to the outer side, rotating the blades so that they formed a triangle. Locking her opponent's blade between them.

Aello smiled wickedly as the assassin tried to pull his blade back, and her arms held tight. She could feel the blade rocking against her own. The hilts jostling her hands as his eyes grew wider with what she felt was a mixture of rage and horror. Surprise. Her eyes sparkled dangerously as she began to step backwards, drawing the man with him, lest he wish to lose his grip on his weapon. Reluctantly, it seemed, the man followed the girl back a few paces until she tripped over a rock. Her hands held tight, keeping the sword locked as experienced momentary weightlessness. As she drove her right leg upwards as the man neared, his back arching as her daggers dragged on the sword; and the sword on him. She twisted her right foot, putting the limb on a diagonal as she jammed it into the man's chest. Just below his belly button. A second later, her back slammed into the hard earth and she cried out in pain, as sharp lightning like bolts coursed through her flesh. Radiating out of the center of her spine. Her lithe form rocked back as the blades clicked against each other, her leg bending at the knee to take his weight coming against her own.

As her body kept on rolling, Aello pushed up against the man's chest with her leg, and pulled on her blades, helping to drag the sword farther. Soon enough, her opponent had rolled just past her, and his sword's point had imbedded itself in the parched soil a mere inch to the right of her head, another mere few above her shoulder. The girl's heart hammered in her chest and her ears rang then. Her chest rising and falling rapidly as she fought to draw in more of the crisp autumnal air. Petch, that was close, the huntress thought as she pulled her hands apart, releasing the man's greater blade as she lifted her legs into the air. She rolled lightly, just onto the crook of her neck, rounding into her chest. She held each leg taut for a fraction of a second, before sweeping them back down as quickly as she could. Slamming her leather soles into the dirt, propelling her body into a standing position. As swiftly as she could, she turned, lifting both blades from her sides and sweeping them around, just in case her opponent had gotten up quickly enough and threatened her with a strike.

But he hadn't gotten up. He was still groaning. Rocking softly on the ground. Turning himself over to face her as Aello stood over his far larger form, taking in ragged breaths. Her fists tightened around the hilts of her daggers as she swept her leg out and kicked the man's sword away. Several feet past him, into the distance, where it would hopefully remain of little to no use to him. "Do you yield?" she asked, as he held a hand over his eyes, so as to block out the rays of the sun. He said nothing, furrowed his brow. "Do you yield?" Aello inquired, her voice far harsher than before.
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Fighting Amongst Ourselves (Solo)

Postby Aello on November 7th, 2012, 4:10 am

"The likes of man never yield," the assassin sneered as he rolled towards the fire and sprang to his feet. Bending each of his arms at the elbow as his hands balled into fists. He held each out before him as Aello followed him with her eyes.

"At least you admit you're no man," Aello retorted as she watched the assassin's veins pulsing ominously. Rippling against his flesh as salty beads of varying transparence trickled down his skin. Buffed to a sheen. He growled at her, parting his lips, which curled back against the bridge of his nose. Exposing rows of white teeth, tinted a sickly yellow. She took note of the saliva that trickled off their edges as he ran towards her. Bringing each arm back, tucking them under his shoulders, so that each elbow was pushed past the line his hips to his neck made. As he came within striking distance, he lashed out with the left first, before following with the right, forcing Aello to bring her blades up and under his limbs. The flats ramming into him, knocking him away as she glided around his bulkier form. Her arms retracting before she lashed out at his sides, causing him to backtrack a few steps before he closed the distance that rested between them once more. Raising his leg, and swinging it around, so that it rammed into her hip. A sharp shooting pain stung her the moment of impact, as a thud sounded, and the huntress stumbled.

The attack had driven Aello back whilst the assassin was free to return his leg to his side, and round on her once more. This time, he attempted an uppercut, bringing his arm low before raising it towards her chin. Lazily, Aello side stepped the strike, narrowly dodging it as she whipped her arms out to her sides, and then cut them in wide arcs, ending at her center. To block, the assassin stepped into the madness, and raised each of his arms, holing them against the centers of her own so that she may have progressed no further. Aello grit her teeth as her arms shook, her muscles straining against the barrier her opponent had created. Damn him, she thought as her thumbs slid about the hilt of each dagger. Resting against pools of her hand's sweat as she bent her leg at the knee, lifted it, and rammed it into the man's center. She retracted her blades as she watched his body furl in slight, his breath catching, before it was retrieved. As the huntress returned her foot to the ground, she realized her attack had done nothing to speed up the coming of her opponent's inevitable demise.

Refusing to grow disheartened, Aello strode forward, towards the fist the man had extended to hit her. She knocked his hand away with the flat of her blade, having been raised from a low. As he tried to punch her in the face with the remaining hand, she ducked, and pulled both weapons away before swinging her left leg out and around. Trailing dirt as it moved one hundred eighty degrees before stopping. The effort it took to trip the man wasted, for he had easily stepped over her limb. Extended his own leg, and snapped it forward, ramming it into her side. Sending the young aurist tumbling towards the fire. As she came to a stop, she could feel its heat upon her head, as a shadow overcame her. Knowing it could be no good thing, the girl quickly stifled a gasp, and rolled to the right, just as her opponent's foot came down on the ground with a hard thud. Displacing a thin cloud of dust as she kept on rolling until she had gone a safe distance, at which point she eased herself onto her feet once more, and turned to fight the enraged elder gentleman, who was busy spitting on the ground.

Aello's nose wrinkled as her gaze hardened and her fists tightened around the wire hilts of each blade. The lines etching in her skin as it grew pale, and then reddened with exertion. Another second they spent staring each other down, sizing each other up, before each ran at the other, their arms rising, trying to come to good ground. But all they did was find themselves in a tangle against one another. Each fighter growled as they shuffled their arms, each narrowly avoiding the tips of Aello's blades.

"Hey guys!" one of the other men called, causing them to look over, if somewhat reluctantly. "Looks like Jason 'ere is eating your share!" he laughed, while slapping his knee. Lips curling into a wide grin. Uneasily, shakily, each fighter pulled their limbs back. Aello sheathed her blades before turning back to the assassin.

They shared a look. A single, all knowing, blood thirsty look.

That was all it took for them to turn abruptly on their heels and run towards the sitting thief. Supping on their meat. Aello's arms pumped as her boots pushed up against the ground, propelling her forward, just at the heels of the other angered assassin.

Within a few ticks of the clock, they had rammed into the pig, one on each side, knocking him to the ground. Holding him there while each pulled their arms back and then snapped them forward. Punching the underling repeatedly until their blood lust had been satisfied by more than mere sight.

By the stench of it, coupling with fear.

Satisfied, Aello smiled wickedly as she backed off the body first, and slinked over to her things. Retrieved her bow, and set off, back into the depths of the forest that surrounded them.
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Fighting Amongst Ourselves (Solo)

Postby Chevalier on November 14th, 2012, 2:24 am


  • Cross Block
  • Double Blade Lock

Skill XP Earned
Dual Wielding 3
Acrobatics 2
Leadership 2
Intimidation 1
Brawling 3

Storyteller Notes

Secret :
I assume the techniques you were using in close combat were brawling style techniques, since your “unarmed combat” abilities are quite low. That said I believe I have everything graded appropriately. If you have any questions, let me know!
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