[The Stained Pelt] Archery 101 (Rykanis)

A prospective ranger is born!

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

[The Stained Pelt] Archery 101 (Rykanis)

Postby Gianne Basete on November 5th, 2012, 10:55 pm

40th Day of Fall, 512 AV
Early Afternoon
The Stained Pelt

It had been a whole season since Gianne had been back here. She'd found it by accident over the summer while out for a ride on Gill. It looked just the same as before, barely noticeable against the natural backdrop growing around and on top of it. The Stained Pelt, for her, was the most useful store in the area. Her main weapon was the shortbow currently tied to the side of her saddle. The only reason she was really here though was to restock her supply of arrows. The 17 she had in her quiver weren't even half enough to fill it snugly. So here she was to buy a another set.

She opened the well oiled door, leaving Gill tethered to a tree outside, and ducked under the equipment hanging in the entryway. Quite a hazard for people who had never been here before. Karlak was behind the counter sorting through some coins and looked up at the sudden breeze that blew through the room. It took a moment but his curious gaze slowly turned into one of recognition. Most of the customers here were regulars, so it was easy to remember what faces he actually saw pass through the store, even if only once. "Welcome back," he rumbled, quickly storing the money away for later. It would be rude to not give his undivided attention to a customer.

"Hello again," she said with a smile, looking around for any changes since her first visit as she approached the bar. "What can I get for you today?" There was no hesitation on her part. She knew exactly what she needed. Gianne slipped the quiver strapped to her back over her shoulder and laid it on the counter with a rattle. "I need a full set or arrows to match these, if you can provide them." Karlak plucked an arrow from the others and held it up for examination, turning it in his large fingers with an air of expertise. They were shortbow arrows of course, with sharp iron hunting points and crimson feathers on the nock end.

They would punch through flesh like a knife through hot butter. "I have something for you," he said with a nod then went to retrieve the purchase. Of course he knew where everything was so it only took a moment before he was back behind the counter, 20 arrows in hand. They were almost identical to hers. The only difference was that the fletching was more vivid than those of her arrows, merely because they had never been used. Hers were faded slightly from handling. "Excellent! Those are perfect." Gianne beamed and fished a gold miza out of the folds of her clothing, placing it in Karlak's outstretched hand.

He then handed over the projectiles, which she slipped into the quiver. Now there was definitely no room for more. She could even take 3 out and it would still be snug. She was bound to lose some eventually though so all of them would stay. "Anything else?" Gianne thought a moment, her eyes wandering to a composite shortbow hanging on the wall. She couldn't help but sigh. It would be a senseless purchase, that one. Her bow was still in perfectly good shape, even if it was a little worn. "Oh, I don't know. Lemme' think on it a moment?" He nodded and swept a hand to indicate the room. "Take your time." She moved over to the wall, peering up at the unstrung limbs displayed there.
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Gianne Basete
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[The Stained Pelt] Archery 101 (Rykanis)

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on November 30th, 2012, 4:43 pm

Rykanis had been considering learning to use a bow, and to own and wield one for some time... Ever since he had met that odd human, who had given him a bit of an intro into using a longbow... Though honestly, he was not exactly sure were to start...

But his information gathering skills were not for nothing. It had not taken him long of asking around a few hunters, to learn of a place outside of Riverfall, were bows were made and sold...

He was however still a bit surprised when he entered the odd place... For one, the ceiling was so low. When he first walked in, he got a hair full of dirt, and dust was soon raining down on him.

Bending his knees a bit, and unable to stand straight, he tried his best to brush out the dust and dirt from his hair and shoulders, to little avail, as more was falling.

Once he got used to the low ceiling, the next bit turned out to be a bit of an obstacle course, as he had to dive and dodge almost, to get through the things hanging from the ceiling. Perhaps a bit worse for wear, he made it up to the front of the shop, and gave a smile over at the human, and a nod to the Akalak.

How the petch did he stand living in here with such a short ceiling? Rykanis let out a cough, to try and clear out some of the dirt he had inhaled, and looked around, not exactly sure what he needed, or was looking for... Bows and... Stuff?
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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Rykanis Dakshata
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[The Stained Pelt] Archery 101 (Rykanis)

Postby Gianne Basete on December 24th, 2012, 6:12 pm

Gianne looked over her shoulder at the sound of dirt pattering down from the ceiling. A handsome Akalak had just come in, obviously caught off guard by all the doodads in the doorway. She couldn't help but smile broadly. The look of surprise on his face was perfect. He'd obviously never been here before, both from his battle with the ceiling and the curiosity in his eyes. That was the shop owner's job to handle that, so she turned back to browsing. She pulled a quiver away from the wall to examine its shiny back surface. It was larger than hers; harder and better looking. Lots of intricate tooling around the top and bottom rims. Probably for longbow arrows.

Her own was just a plain brown, no tooling, and lined inside with lower quality fur to keep rattling to a minimum. Surely costed more than hers did as well. Serrif might like it, though. Maybe she would buy it later as a present. Placing it back where it belonged, she moved further along the wall, closer to the door. Gloves and finger tabs galore were displayed here, as well as different kinds of arrowheads. So much to choose from. Being tight on coins can be a real torture sometimes. Thoughts of finances always put a damper on her mood.
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