[Verified by Phoenix] Volens, the Wanderer

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Volens, the Wanderer

Postby Volens on November 9th, 2012, 3:04 am

Name: Volens
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 133 pounds
Born: 28th day of Fall, 495
Appearance: Messy, short brown hair. Light brown eyes. Long, jagged scars on his palms and forearms, but otherwise unremarkable.

History and Concept:
Volens is a quiet wanderer prone to listlessness, and boredom. He doesn’t stay in any one place long enough to wear out his welcome, which sometimes happens rapidly due to his Riemancy. He doesn’t like using his magic, but due to its addictive nature, he sometimes has a hard time controlling himself. His far ranging travels has also forced upon him the hard reality of the world, and he has picked up bladesmanship as well.
At an early age Volens suffered from wanderlust and a fierce hunger for knowledge. When he was 12 a wandering Reimancer traveled through his village. Volens was immediately taken in by the power of the magic. Volens ran away from home to travel with the mage, named Clay. While the mage was amused at Volens, and tolerated his presence- he refused to teach Volens Reimancy. Volens’ interest in magic never abated. When Volens turned 15, Clay finally began to teach the Art. The first year was spent learning mind calming and relaxation techniques, and strengthening the body.
At the young age of 16, Volens knelt before Clay, the moon peaking over the horizon. Clay drew a short, jagged knife, and made deep, long, jagged cuts- starting at the tip of the index fingers, and down the palm in swooping patters, and continuing up the forearm. In the pale moonlight, Clay began to extrude a pale gaseous substance. The res slowly drifted into Volens’ eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and the open bleeding wounds. The gas began to burn, quickly grow in intensity, until Volens black out from the pain. After what seemed like hours of agonizing and mind numbing pain Volens regained consciousness. The moon was setting, and his teacher was illuminated by a small fire.
The following months were spent training, and went very well. Volens slowly learned how to control and produce res. But, this perfect life rarely lasts for mages, in a land where they are hated. The last thing Volens saw of his teacher was a man, terrified, half turned to stone, half on fire, but with eyes of determined love.

Personality: quiet, and cautious,though a neurotic need to gather knowledge will sometimes over power his usual nature.

Morality: Hates killing, and generally does follows the local laws of his current residence.

Languages:Fluent: Common,Good: Kontinese,Sparse: Nari.

Mount: Type: Gilding
Name: Compar
15 HH
Color: Dun, with Luminous mane
Personality: Volens' only friend in a world that claimed his master. Compar is a friendly mount, and intelligent enough to take Volens to the best Inns with the finest ales.

Has Tent/ Mount housing.

skills Skill Point proficiency
Reimancy 15 (RB)+10(SP)= 25 novice
Longsword 15(SP) novice
Dagger 5(SP) novice
Unarmed 5(SP) novice
Horse Riding 5(SP)novice
Wilderness Survival 10(SP) novice
Running 2(XP)Novice
Meditation 2 (XP)Novice

Reimancy Type Skill level Acquisition
Earth 25 SP

Lore Name Acqusition Description
Knows a Good Ale SP Knows a good ale, from a bad one
Knows how to make a Proper FireSP Can make, and start a proper, bone warming fire
Finding Refuge Between The Pages Of Books XP
Indulging in a Lifelong Passion Early in Life XP
Knowing What You Burn For XP
The Odd Turns of Fate XP
A First Introduction to Reimancy XP
Seeing Your Chance and Taking It XP
Leaving and Not Looking Back XP
Clay: Reluctant Teacher XP
Gladly Enduring Abuse XP
Meditation: Clear Your Mind XP
Meditation: A Thought-Free Routine XP
Be The Master of Your Body and Mind XP
Living Under Studious Discipline XP
Taught the Pain of Overgiving XP
Knowing the Risks of Using Magic XP
Reimancy: It Starts In Single Grains of Sand XP
The Building Blocks of Earth XP
Reimancy: Shaping Shards of Rock XP
Clay: His Name Should've Been The Hint XP
Clay: Not Given Enough Credit XP
Clay: Thoughtful To A Fault XP
Clay: A Generous Sacrifice XP
Clay: A Mystery In Death XP
It's Easy To Blame Mages XP
The Casualties To Reckless Prejudice XP

Item NamePriceAcquistition
2 Wool Pants 5 SM 1 SP, 1 On Creation
1 Leather Pants8 SM On Creation
1 White Cotten ShirtN/A SP
2 White Cotten Shirts2 SMOn Creation
3 leather belts 4 sm 1 SP, 2 Creation
1 Pair of Brown Leather Gloves N/A Starting Pack
1 Wool Cloak N/A Starting Pack

Total Cost 2.4 gm
Item NamePriceAcquistition
Longsword 15 gm On Creation
Sap- Pommel Dagger 1 gm On Creation

Total Cost 16 gm
Item NamePriceAcquistition
1 large saddle bagN/A SP
1 full set of tackN/A SP
1 large 4- man tentN/ASP
1 large tarpN/A SP
100ft of ropeN/ASP
1 flint and steelN/ASP
1 lanternN/ASP
2 torchesN/A SP
1 set of toiletries, missing the combN/A SP
1 eating knifeN/ASP
1 Cooking Set 10 gm on Creation

Total Cost 10 gm
Magic and Artifacts
Books, Baubles, and Food
Item NamePriceAcquistition
1 Clay's Grimoire in Unknown Language(heirloom from ClayN/A SP
1 week of Rations N/A SP
1 water skinN/ASP

Item Expense IncomeAvailible in Credit
Starting Funds100 GM
Clothes2 GM 4 SM
Long Sword15GM
Dagger1 GM
Cooking Set10 GM
Stay at Safe Haven Hostel 6 SM
Horse Stables Fee4 SM
Seasons Stay at the Hostel12 GM
58 GM 6 SM

Posts: 87
Words: 25586
Joined roleplay: November 8th, 2012, 5:16 pm
Location: Nyka
Race: Human
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