[Verified by Kraken] Dhanviyr

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Postby Dhanviyr on November 10th, 2012, 5:24 am


Basic Information

Name: Dhanviyr Adenandra
Race: Symenestra
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Birthday: 14th Day of the Yellow Watchstone | 496 AV

Physical Appearance

Dhanviyr has pale, graying skin, like a sun-yearning plant left for too long in the shade. His face has a thin spider-webbing of veins that concentrate at his temples with a bluish-black hue. His cheeks have a slightly emaciated look, the cheekbones high and hollowing out above his jaw. His features are prominent, with glittering black eyes set deep into his head, just underneath a high forehead. His nose is somewhat dull with nostrils that naturally flare out. His lips are thin but jut out awkwardly from his face, as if the gods had unevenly distributed his flesh. His chin is strong, the hard cleft finishing off the curve of his jaw. Dhanviyr's hair is of a fair, argentate luster.

Fully erect, Dhanviyr stands at 6'3" with 150 pounds of lithe muscles and delicate skeletal structure. He is thin and gangly, as though there is too much height to his lean frame. He frequently stands with his shoulders hunched forward in a disgruntled manner, making him appear a hair above 6'0". His sallow skin highlights his tracery of veins.

His neck and shoulders are corded with tight muscle from years of hoisting himself up and supporting his body weight on his back and shoulders. His biceps and chest are small but like most Symenestra, he has sufficient ability to navigate the silken ropes and sheer wall-faces that are commonplace in Kalinor. His stomach is taut and though his abdominal muscles aren't highly developed, his core is strong and he is decently flexible. His legs are thin and, like his arms, appear unnaturally long compared to his torso. His nails on both his hands and feet are talon-like and a shiny gossamer black. While the nails on his feet are filed down and close to the skin, those on his hands are nearly an inch long and slightly curved.

He wears a light-weight silk tunic that has exaggerated slits at the sides to facilitate easy motion and climbing. His pants are similar to close-fit leggings. On his feet, he wears simple sandals, easily removed, so as to prevent being hindered with the use of heavy-duty shoes in changing terrain. His cloak is made from the same material as his tunic and is superficial at best. He frequently leaves it at home, favouring the comfort of limited garments.

Character Concept

Dhanviyr is a quiet, non-confrontational Symenestra. Being the second-born, he has always lived in his brother's shadow and prefers it to be so. He is neither particularly ambitious nor religious, though his moral code is strong. He believes surrogacy is a cruel practice and a terrible price to pay for the continuation of the race. He wonders that further research has not been conducted in attempting to save Symenestra mothers rather than allow the women of other races to be slaughtered. Having been raised without a mother himself, he longs to know what it would have been like, had his father's wife or physical mother survived the ordeal.

He is mistrustful of other races, having grown up in Kalinor and leaving little exposure to the likes of creatures such as the humans, Dhanis or Eypharians. He is not a reader and only has preliminary education but is a highly logical thinker. He is a strategist. At some point, he wants to apprentice as a weapon-maker and improve his own skills as an archer.

Character History

Dhanviyr was raised by his father, a simple weaver in Kalinor, and Viday, his elder brother by five years. His father's wife passed away during Viday's birth, despite his attempts to save her by having the Symenestra medics perform surgery. His own mother was a Benshira woman, selected for her skills in the art. Dhanviyr knows little about her save for the small stories Viday has whispered from his childhood memories. She was of fair hair and bright eyes. She could paint landscapes as bright as the rising sun, Viday told him, and father loved her in his own way. But as they became intimate in emotion, she was wrenched away with your birth. Dhanviyr knows words and small phrases in Bisher, his birth mother's tongue, gleaned from the journal entries he found of his father's short time with her. Viday remembers a warm father and was the favoured son, but Dhanviyr was raised with an indifferent parent, neither cold nor especially kind.

Having never been particularly social, Dhanviyr grew up skirting through the ropes of Kalinor to occupy himself. In his teen years, he started creating makeshift bows and arrows from springy, still-green wood and stray bits of silk his father used to weave. He based it off of a basic shortbow and a quiver of arrows that had always been in his house, once belonging to his mother (his father's wife). His arrows were whatever elongated objects he could cock and shoot with. He always disliked too much direct contact and thus learned to shoot long-range, practicing by hanging by his legs from the ropes in the abandoned sections of Kalinor and hunting small animals.


01.) Garments
◦ Clothing Set
▫ Silken Shirt
▫ Silken Pants
▫ Silken Undergarments
▫ Silken Cloak
▫ Exoskeleton Armour Shirt
▫ Simple Sandals

02.) Goods
◦ Silken Knapsack
▫ Comb bone
▫ Brush bone
▫ Soap
▫ Fruit Rations 7 day supply
▫ Eating Knife
▫ Flint, Steel
▫ Heirloom: Shortbow 30 Gold Mizas


Image Dhanviyr's home hangs like a tear-drop from an earthy ceiling. It stands relatively unadorned and the colour of the walls are the warm, mineral colour of the stalactite structure it's hollowed out from. Rather than having windows, small, silken tapestries spun with deep jewel and blood hues are hung from the walls. Beneath the largest of the tapestries is a hearth where a fire happily roars whenever Dhanviyr collects wood. On nights like those, the room looks cozy, the light dancing off the glittering walls and making it appear more expansive than it is.

In one corner of the room, there is a hollow niche in the wall where a bunk neatly slides into place. The sheets are plain and of the silky material that Symenestra prefer to wrap themselves in, making for cool, ventilated nights in the summer and warm, insulated nights in the winter. Dhanviyr prefers to sleep in the protective cocoon the wall offers rather than have his bunk placed in the heart of the room as it keeps him warmer on nights when wood is scarce.

On the opposing side of the room, there is a small, spindly table with four legs and an array of fruit. There are no plates or utensils anywhere to be seen. The table itself is rectangular as he prefers to place his food lengthwise and drink when he has returned from hunting. It has an equally rickety chair placed at the head of the table. A few feet away and against the wall stands a chest where Dhanviyr stores his worldly possessions. Most of the time, it is empty as he stores his basic items in his knapsack (that hangs from a peg beside his bunk) and keeps his food rations on the table.

(The Adenandra flower that his family name is derived from.)


Purchase Cost Total
Quiver 20 GM 80 GM
Arrow, Flight (40) 6 GM 74 GM
Toolkit, Bower's 20 GM 54 GM
Schnappes, Glass 6 CM 53 GM 9 SM 4 CM

Skills | Lores | Magicks | Gnosis | Languages

Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Climbing 20 SP 20 Novice
Acrobatics 10 RP 5 SP 15 Novice
Weapon: Shortbow 15 SP 15 Novice
Stealth 5 SP 5 Novice
Fletching 5 SP 5 Novice

Fluent Language | Symenos
Basic Language | Common
Poor Language | Shiber

Helpful Lores:
◦ Lore of Symenestra Culture
◦ Lore of Religion: Viratas

Thread List
Keen Minds Alike Kalinor, Kalea 15th Day of the Red Watchstone, 512 AV
Last edited by Dhanviyr on November 12th, 2012, 6:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
User avatar
Posts: 6
Words: 3959
Joined roleplay: November 8th, 2012, 4:25 am
Location: Kalinor, Kalea
Race: Symenestra
Character sheet

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