A day in the life

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The fortified mountain city of the Isur. [Lore]

A day in the life

Postby Zantos Forgehand Pitrius on November 17th, 2012, 8:18 pm

"My name is Zantos Forgehand."

he watches as she walks like a cat with her paws on something cold. He turns around and points to his bed.

"If you'd like to warm up..."

He turns in time to see her fall and shakes his head. He walks over and leans over reaching under her arms to help her up. He straightens himself and lifts her without any help from her before carrying her to the bed. He kicks the covers aside and sits her down on the bed itself.

"Just relax a moment... Just wait until you feel like youc an walk properly..."

He goes back to his papers and starts reading.
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Zantos Forgehand Pitrius
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A day in the life

Postby Rinstii on November 17th, 2012, 9:43 pm

*Rinstii let's out a stifled meow out of habit as she is picked up and carried. Not quite used to being in a humanoid form for awhile now. Her vision still spinned, the feeling of dizziness making her stomach uneasy for a moment.*

"Sorry.. I am..not used to being in a humanoid form. Been stuck in the form of a cat for awhile. I could not change merely because of that collar. It would have crushed my neck in two should I have tried.." *She smiles wearily, keeping her ice blue eyes closed hoping the dizziness would subside soon. Her entire body felt very exhausted, almost to the point of collapse. Taking in a fairly deep breath, she exhales it slowly. Thankful she can breathe better now.*

"Thank you, for your kindness. I will always be indebted to you."
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A day in the life

Postby Zantos Forgehand Pitrius on November 18th, 2012, 4:21 pm

Zantos pulls out some fresh paper and looks at his commissions again as he lays them down.

"It's alright. No need to apologize really. I just don't see how someone thought it was a good idea to put such a small metal collar on you. If you'd grown yes it'd have crushed your throat, if you'd changed it would have crushed your throat. No matter what it would have killed you at some point."

He starts to write out his flier using his emblem of a fist in the foreground of a fire to show it's his shop.

"If you really feel indebted to me after you feel stronger and able to properly walk without falling over you can help me post these fliers around the city. I need to promote my forge a little more if I hope to make any gold..."
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Zantos Forgehand Pitrius
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A day in the life

Postby Rinstii on November 18th, 2012, 4:34 pm

*Rinstii watches the Isurian quietly as he handled papers of sorts. Despite how tired she felt, a sense of curiosity kept tugging at her.*

"Mistress put the collar on me so I would stay nearby and be recognized as hers instead of being seen as a stray cat.. It used to not be as tight. I was alittle smaller then I am now.. Mistress only took the collar off me for um....occasions." *She looked down, pulling her knees briefly to her chest at the memory.* "Then Mistress would put the collar back on. If I ever wanted to shift into a humanoid form....I'd have to beg at her for hours. But she was kind too. Always keeping me safe from her guests when things got ugly." *She spoke fondly, but almost a whisper. She looks back up and watches him writing on the papers, not really knowing how to read or write herself. Listening to him speaking, she nods softly and answers, keeping a cheerful tone in her tired and hoarse voice.*

"Of course. I would be happy to help. Where do you desire these papers to be put up?"
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A day in the life

Postby Zantos Forgehand Pitrius on November 19th, 2012, 4:15 pm

He finishes the fliers and lays them to the side as he looks at the unfinished post for the lantern. He thinks through how he wants everything to be done and how the person wanting it asked to have it low so she could reach it. He stands up and picks up the bar as he glances back at his guest.

"If you need anything I'll be right outside I have to finish this commission before tomorrow."

He walks to his forge and puts his left hand in the fire to stir up the flames. He pumps the ventilation with his foot to get the flames hotter so that they are they right temperature to make the metal flexible. He tosses it in and leans back simply pumping the ventilation system waiting for the right time to start bending the metal
May your Armor be as strong as your Resolve
Zantos Forgehand Pitrius
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A day in the life

Postby Rinstii on November 19th, 2012, 8:08 pm

*Rinstii nods quietly and takes the papers into her left hand, to use her right hand to steady herself. Standing up, her vision immediately began to spin to the left. She stumbles back onto the bed and grumbles alittle. She sighs alittle as she knew her body was still too weak to be up and going anywhere right that moment. But then again, she did wish to put up the fliers to aid the Isurian.*

"I will put up these fliers for you.. Just as soon as this dizziness goes away.." *She listened as he steps outside. Well out of her hearing range. A simple smile crossing her lips as she missed the hearing of her cat form already. Finding a little humor Rinstii giggled at it. Then curls up slowly onto the bed and keeping her eyes closed as her vision was still spinning. And almost as soon as her head had laid against the bed itself, she was soon unconscious. Sleep had quickly taken hold of her exhausted body. The black and white strands of her hair fell lightly over the middle of her back, parts of her chest and even alittle over her side. Alittle of her ribs showed through there her long hair did not cover over. Since leaving the place of her late Mistress, she had been reluctant to even eat. But had nonetheless carried a week's worth of food. From her old home and into the apartment. Having been stuck in the cat form, she had carried everything back and forth. Manageable bits at a time. That had been exhausting itself. Rinstii didn't know how long she laid there fast asleep. She did feel a slight stinging in her hands and feet as they held scrapes and scratches from such vigorous work. And if she had been in cat form right now, her little ears might have been swiveling every now and then to stay alert when she took a light sleep.*

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A day in the life

Postby Zantos Forgehand Pitrius on November 21st, 2012, 4:35 am

Zantos watches as the metal starts to glow and pumps the air a few more times before reaching in and pulling it out planting the butt in the earth and using his hand on the glowing end to bend it to the desired angle. He sits it back in the fire as he hears footsteps behind him. "Zantos?" He turns around and sees a Isurian behind him with a black arm just like Zantos'. He looks up and smiles kindly.

"How can I help you?"

The man draws his hand back and without out warning slaps Zantos so hard he looses his balance and falls against the wall of his house hard enough to shake the table against the wall. "I was told down at the tavern you like to brawl..." Zantos rubs his jaw and sighs as he gets these callers from time to time, mostly when drunk like this one.

"Sir I'm in the middle of my work... Leave..." He turns his back to the man. "I'll beat you some other time..."

The man delivers a solid blow to the lower back of Zantos knocking him into his forge. As Zantos falls he places his arm in the forge letting the heat bathe his arm. "There is a bet among my friends I can beat you down without breaking a sweat. Now get up I'm ready to collect my gold." Zantos twists around and looks up using the forge as support keeping his arm buried deep in the flames.

"All this over a few gold? What have I done to deserve such a reputation?"

The man shakes his head. "You are simply a target we could easily find, besides..." Zantos swings with all his force with the arm form the forge adding the heat to the already strong force of his punch. The man yells in surprise and steps back holding his face as Zantos picks up his hammer from beside his anvil and hits the man in ribs. As the man falls Zantos uppercuts him knocking him back as he kicks him out of the forging area. leaving him to recover in the alley knowing he did no serious damage except to the mans pride.
May your Armor be as strong as your Resolve
Zantos Forgehand Pitrius
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A day in the life

Postby Rinstii on November 21st, 2012, 4:51 am

*Rinstii was slowly on the verge of going into a deeper sleep until a loud thud against the side of the apartment sounded. The sound itself startled her, as she bolts up to all fours. Shaking away a little bit of dizziness that follows. She groans softly and closes her eyes as the dizziness eases some. While her icy blue eyes are closed she listened. Hearing yelling and something of a possible scuffle, she couldn't distinguish the sounds of outside. Opening her eyes and gets off the bed, still clutching the papers without realizing it. Then stumbles forward, as she headed for the door in a rush as she called quietly before reaching the door.*

"Z-Zantos..?" *She opens the door then tries louder to call him as it seemed best at that moment.* "Zantos?? What was-" *She doesn't finish the sentence as she makes a sharp startled noise as someone is hurled into the alley, missing her by mere inches.*

"Aaaaah!" *She clings to the door as best she can, her body shaking as she looked wildly in the direction from which the person had been hurled from as she called for the Isurian that had removed her collar.*

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A day in the life

Postby Zantos Forgehand Pitrius on January 14th, 2013, 6:08 am

It seems my friend has backed out of the thread. Due to family issues I've been gone for a while. I, however, am back and ready to continue so this thread is open to anyone to join.
May your Armor be as strong as your Resolve
Zantos Forgehand Pitrius
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