[Verified by Torchlight] Avocet Oleander

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Avocet Oleander

Postby Avocet Oleander on November 14th, 2012, 1:50 pm


Name: Avocet Oleander
Race: Symenestra
Age: 20 (born 88 Summer, 492 AL)
Gender: Male

    Avocet's pale skin, dark hair, and ruby-red eyes are not atypical for one of his race, and neither is his slender build or graceful posture. He stands at 5 feet, 10 inches and weighs 140 pounds, mostly average among his community. What makes him unique is his desire to seem so, dressing in colorful and often mismatched silks, swaying and gesturing to catch an eye, and tripping over lines of spontaneous poetry that are most often more trouble than they're worth.

    Avocet was born and he had some experiences. 20 years passed. (TBA)

      Ranekissra silk tunic, blood orange with emerald patterning
      Ranekissra silk leggings, maroon red
      Silken coat, dark sapphire blue
      Exoskelton armor
      Pewter flask
      Silken knapsack
      Bone comb
      Eating knife
      Flint & Steel
      Pencils, Charcoal
      Paper, Canvas and Wadj
      Brushes, Sabeline
      Paints, Various
      Bowls and Bottles
      One week's worth of fruit (mostly berries)
      A small writing journal bought by his father for his 20th birthday.
      A small hanging home in the residential district of Kalinor.
      30 mizas
      +100 mizas, Start
      -25 mizas, Artist's Toolkit
      -45 mizas, Fall Living Expenses

      Symenos (fluent)
      Common (conversation)
      Drawing 20 (SP)
      Storytelling 15 (SP)
      Painting 15 (SP)
      Acrobatics 10 (RB)
      The Environs of Kalinor
      Charcoal Drawing Techniques

User avatar
Avocet Oleander
Beauty. Freedom. Truth. Love.
Posts: 8
Words: 3720
Joined roleplay: November 14th, 2012, 12:44 am
Race: Symenestra
Character sheet
Storyteller secrets

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