[Aedai's Scrapbook] Herba-list! And anything else

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[Aedai's Scrapbook] Herba-list! And anything else

Postby Aedai on May 23rd, 2010, 5:28 am

[Under Development]
Chart is taken from A Pinch Of
I take no credit in making it or the key. Only the things I have added to it. Also the locations added is mostly conjecture from myself anyone that sees a mistake or can add anything to help with the list such as locations in Mizahar please PM me.
Information added is credited to Herbs 2000



A key for the table below:

A/P: Indicates whether the plant is an annual or a perennial
Annual :
Annual herbs live for only one season. They go from seedling to a thriving plant that produces flowers and then seeds in a single growing year. The length of that year, or growing season, varies by plant.

Perennials :
Perennials are plants that grow over a number of years.They may go dormant if temperatures are cold during the winter but they will resume growing in the spring. Perennial growth styles depend largely on the climate.

Biennial :
Biennial are plants that grow for one season and in the following season it will produce flowers and then seeds.

Tender Perennial :
Tender perennial are perennial plants that ca't take the cold; they will grow for years if they are in a warm climate but only for a season if the winters are harsh.

Pinching: Take cuttings at a point just above a leaf pair on the stem.

Clipping: Cut at any point on the upper third of stems. Keep the shape of plants by cutting more but smaller sprigs all around the tops.

From the base: This method takes cuttings from the crown (where stems emerge from the ground) of the plant.

Herbs A/P/Bie/TP Regions/Islands Pinch Clip From Base Over Winter Notes
Basil A Grassy Plains: Syrilas, Falyndar Yes No No Take cutting, grow indoors Sensitive to Cold weather
Chervil A Forests : Syrila, Falyndar, Darva, Konti No No Yes Plant seeds in pots
Chives P Forests, Grassy plains: Syrila, Falyndar, Darva, Konti No No Yes Die back
Cilantro A Grass Plains: Syrila, Falyndar No NoYes Plant seeds in pots Consider harvesting seeds
Dill A Coastal Regions: Syrila, Falyndar, Darva, Konti No No Yes Try seeds in pots Short-lived, plant often
Lavender P Grassy plains: Syrila, Falyndar No Yes No Most locations Cut stems to old wood
Marjoram TP Grassy Plains, Forest: Syrila, Falyndar, Darva, Konti No Yes No Only in warm climates Sensitive to Winter
Mint P Grassy Plains: Syrila, Falyndar Yes Yes No Die back Invasive, grow in pots
Oregano P Mediterranean regions: Eyktol, Akvatar No Yes No Most locations
Parsley Bie Forests: Syrilas, Falyndar, Darva, Konti No No Yes Most locations 2 Year growth cycle
Rosemary P Mediterranean regions: Eyktol, AkvatarNo Yes No Most locations
Sage PMediterranean regions: Eyktol, Akvatar No Yes No Most locations
Summer Savory AMediterranean regions: Eyktol, Akvatar No Yes No Cut back after blooming
Tarragon PMediterranean Regions: Eyktol, Akvatar No YesNoDie back
Thyme P Grassy Plains, Forests: Syrilas, Falyndar, Darva, KontiNo Yes No Most locations
Winter Savory PMediterranean regions: Eyktol, Akvatar No Yes No Most locations
Last edited by Aedai on May 25th, 2010, 10:19 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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[Aedai's Scrapbook] Herba-list! And anything else

Postby Aedai on May 25th, 2010, 9:56 pm

Medicinal/Cooking Uses













Summer Savory:



Winter Savory:
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