by Raien Ironarm Pitrius on January 20th, 2014, 8:43 pm
5th of Winter, 513 AV
As Raien encroached upon the greatly adorned walls memories flooded his mind. He found himself instantly comparing both the trek up and the gates themselves to the similar mortar fashioned walls of his youth. Izurdin’s Shield was a sight in it's own right. However this gate was built just as much for practicality as aesthetics unlike the shield which was obviously based upon the former. Whether this new found bewilderment came truly came from greater craftsmanship, a hard thing to do when one is speaking of the Isur. Or just from the fact that it was indeed new found, Raien didn't know, and for all intensive purposes he didn't much care. He was far to eager to get into the city to worry frivolously over the gate itself.
"Traveler I said what brings you to Lhavit?" It seemed as if while gawking shamelessly, Raien had missed whatever the guard had said previously. A shot of surprise was coupled with the sound of the guards still somewhat kind voice. He just got to the gates and he was already making himself look bad.
In a way it only quickly led to slight anger, he came here to visit the city. And if he wanted to stare at a gate who was this petching guard to stop him, not to mention the fact that he just hated when people repeated themselves. Of course just as quickly as his temper had boiled it settled, the realization dawning on him that the petching guard was in fact just that the guard. Once again he had let his own cynical attitude cloud his day and make presumptuous judgments against others. Petch, he really needed to stop doing that.
Raien a creature of habit and possibly somewhat bad memory, was quick to forget why he was actually mad and start thinking on ways to fix the anger itself. Thus leading to the guard being once more forced to repeat himself yet again, this time his voice was slightly more irritated. No doubt wondering whether this man who was refraining from answering him, and seemingly staring off into space was deaf, or if he just suffered from plain out daftness. Not that anyone like that could get up this mountain, knowing that Raien was in all likeliness perfectly sain no doubt frustrating him further.
"I've repeated myself twice already, I'd appreciate an answer." Irritation was without mistake evident in both his voice and demeanor. However this guard had been posted on the gate many a time, and while probably not his favorite task he had most likely met a few men like Raien before.
Just as the first time Raien heard the guard's repetitious words he was startled. However this time unlike the last, instead of being filled with anger Raien was filled with plain out embarrassment and worry. He had done it once more. How could he be so forgetful. Now he was worrying slightly,not that he was thrown into a frenzy or anything similar he was just feeling slightly dilapidated his previous wonder filled mood deflated.
"I'm sorry, it's just that I was slightly overwhelmed by well... everything." Raien tried to speak in a rather formal tone. However his embarrassment showed itself in his words, and in his posture.
Raien quickly added another line of dialogue mostly because he was afraid of the guard feeling somewhat insulted by his behavior.
"And for um- making you repeat yourself. I wasn't trying to be rude." Raien was feeling really stupid now, his words were kinda just falling out of his mouth and he wished to be rid of this situation as soon as possible. Luckily for him the guard seemed to have similar feelings and allowed him through.
Walking into the city, Raien slid his hands over his face muttering to himself, feeling slightly less embarrassed than before and just a little whimsical.
"Oh Yahal help me."