Kavala wandered out of her suite, yawning. The Konti was still half asleep. But they needed to get breakfast underway if anyone was going to get work done. And so far it looked like she was going to have to be the one doing it. The Within appeared abandoned and no one had even put on a kettle of water to boil for tea. Kavala sighed, not really mad, just wishing someone – anyone – had started a kettle.
The Konti used the hand pump and grabbed the water pot off the hearth and filled it with ice cold well water. She then hung it on the hook above the hearth and piled in some wood. She’d have to get the oven portion of the hearth up to temperature anyhow if she was going to do any bread baking or make anything for breakfast. Kavala didn’t feel like frying up pork or scrambling eggs, or even making some of the cakes that people sometimes liked drizzled with maple syrup. She felt like something plain and simple.
And so she struck her flint to the tinder, blew the fire into being, added a few scraps of small twigs and then added to that some scrap bloody bandages they used to start fire. She got the fire built up enough to add sticks of wood and then stepped back and stretched.
The Konti yawned.
She slipped into the pantry and came out with a large bowl of pecans from their stash. Kavala inverted them on her cutting board, pulled out her tamo daggers and checked the blades for sharpness. Mmmmm. Sharp. The Konti then dual wielded the daggers, stretched, worked through one Kata exercise called The Morning Sun as she stretched up and stabbed forward, paying mind to her footwork. Kavala then laughed and used the daggers for a swift frontal assault on the pecans, neatly cutting them in halves with rapid chopping motions meant to mimic an enemies body.
Dead, the pecans laid there, bleeding not at all. The Konti inverted the tamos, sheathed them into themselves, and re-sheathed the club-like weapon onto her forearm. Still laughing, she took a second trip to the pantry to gather more ingredients.
Cinnamon sugared Pecans were a great breakfast food and would go good alongside the muffins she planned on making. That took a half a cup of sugar, three heaping teaspoons of cinnamon, half a teaspoon of salt and one egg white. Kavala carried a bowl with her, measured out the sugar and cinnamon directly in the pantry, and then sprinkled the mixture with salt. She then took the egg and the bowl back into the kitchen proper where the halved pecans were.
Pulling a new bowl from the cupboard, Kavala broke the egg on its rim, neatly separated out the yoke and then poured the white into the mixture, and then reusing the small bowl to hold the yolk until she needed it. Taking a small spoon she mixed up the egg white into the spices and then dumped the pecans into that. She tossed the pecans, coating them with the mixture, and then dumped them all out onto a baking tray and checked her oven.
It was definitely hot enough to roast nuts.
She slid the tray into the oven, closed its door firmly, and then went about mixing muffins. Muffins weren’t hard and the ones she was thinking of had an apple surprise in the middle. Kavala pulled apples from the pantry, carefully peeled them with a knife, then sliced them into bite sized pieces. She placed them the dirty bowl she’d used for the pecans, and took it into the pantry and added cinnamon and sugar to the bite sized morsels. Tossing the apples and adding a tiny bit of lemon to keep them from browning, Kavala set it aside. The lemon she’d use up on the tea, slicing its good half to add into cups once she got the tea going.
She dug through her kitchen stash of parchments, looking for a recipe, and finally pulled one out for the cinnamon muffins. The recipe was delicious and she was confident it would come out, even though she’d only made them once or twice.
• 1-3/4 cups flour
• 1-1/2 teaspoons baking powder
• 1/2 teaspoon salt
• 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
• 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
• 3/4 cups sugar
• 1/3 cup lard
• 1 egg, lightly beaten
• 3/4 cup milk
• filling of some sort – apples, jam etc
• 1/4 cup butter, melted
• 1/3 cup sugar
• 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
The directions were easy enough to follow. Though Kavala tripled the recipe because there were a lot of people to feed in The Sanctuary. In a large bowl she was supposed to combine flour, baking powder, salt, nutmeg and cinnamon. Then set it aside. Kavala did so, mixing them carefully and then leaving them alone. The recipe also said in a small bowl, combine sugar, lard, egg and milk. She did so utilizing the leftover egg yolk by sneaking it in as an extra egg. She then took the dry ingredients and stirred them gently into the wet ones until the whole mixture looked like batter.
Then Kavala took her muffin pans, greased them with more rendered fat, and then spooned the cups half full. She then put a heaping spoonful of the apple mixture on top in the center, and then filled the cups the rest of the way up with batter. Even before they were cooked, they smelled delicious. Kavala was hungry.
She then added the muffins to the oven and let them begin to cook, taking out the roasted nuts and placing them on the cutting board to cool. She watched the muffins closely as they baked, waiting for the characteristic puff that indicated they were done. While she waited, she melted butter on the hearth and then added it to the cinnamon and sugar that remained. When the muffins were done, she pulled them out of the oven, placed them on the cutting board alongside the nuts, and then brushed them with the cinnamon and sugar melted mixture.
It took her a total of two batches. She got thirty muffins out of the recipe and managed to use all her apple mixture. Then she went ahead and checked the water.. it was boiling, and she poured it into the tea kettle and placed it on a large serving tray. She added half a dozen cups, and then laid out a plate which she stacked the fresh baked muffins on. Finally, she added a small bowl of the cinnamon and sugar pecans to the mix, checking the presentation and adding napkins and some sliced apples to match. Lemon, spoons, and a small bowl of sugar were added.
Kavala then concentrated, tapped the web lightly, and sought out Vanator and everyone else in the Sanctuary. She pushed her essence along the webs making up the Sanctuary and sought out life forces tied to it. Not everyone was woven into the web, but the web touched everywhere in The Sanctuary… so she could tell life forces crossing it. No one was moving, but her brother’s strong tie to the web glowed out up by the clinic porch. Most everyone else was still sleeping. She came slowly out of the web, blinked, and knew here to go.
Satisfied, Kavala hefted the tray, which was hellishly heavy, and carried it up through the kitchen, out the commons and into the tunnel. She traveled upwards, opening the door at the top with a hip, and carrying the tray out into the sunlight of the bright early morning. Vanator and Leo were already sitting on the newly formed Veranda that was overlooking the arena. Kavala moved the tray to a nearby table and sat it down.
“Eat. I just made fresh apple cinnamon muffins and tea. The tea is just good old fashioned black… to wake us up. There’s also some cinnamon sugar pecans here. I don’t know about you guys but I have a long day ahead. " The Konti said cheerfully pouring herself a cup of tea and grabbing a muffin and a few slices of apples.
“Leo. Glad to see your up too. Help yourself.” She added, grinning at Vanator because she knew out on the Grass he never got breakfast like this. The Drykas simply lived to portable for that kind of life.